Seems you've been training, elcoco By the way, the sound question must be related to video compression software, in my opinion byyyyyyyye
Does anyone have any ideas regarding why this track will not show in multiplayer? I have created vmod. If I select mod in mod manager and chose show details toban is included but when i select the vmod after selecting host from launcher toban does not show as a choice.
It does show in matchmaker when I launch host with vmod created by me, and yesterday I saw two more serves hosting Toban & F2 (same as I did); will launch my host now, just for you to test if you like to ; please tell if the Get Mod feature works for you (or if you even get into without that feature) byyyyyyyyye
You're welcome Maybe happened to you this "issue" that I had in my first time hosting rfactor2: after having created the vmod, I wasn't able to select it when configuring the host, why?, because I hadn't installed the new vmod in my own rfactor2 installation (this little story could help somebody, haha) byyyyyyyyyye
^ LOL funny story. In my case the mod was there but Toban was not part of it. All other tracks were there. Not the first time just doing something again or from scratch fixed something ;-)
Progress Update:-----04/11/12 Fixed strange light in walls and terrain mesh. Added new stuff to track. Added New Trees. Added Sponsor's from isi tracks.
Sweet... good stuff vicent... finally managed to get a few laps at Toban after getting back to home to my sim rig. Very good, only done a few laps as had other stuff to do in real life but I`ve taken to this track now in rf2 with your conversion when I never really got into it that much in rf... It`s looking better and better all the time.
Thank you guys for the coments,I hope in this week i'll have a new version for testing. Three more shoots,
looks great vicent top work, might download the beta of it later if time permits and report back if I do.
Looking great !! Already have done some laps on your latest version, and it is very nice, thanks for your work mate !!