Toban WIP

Discussion in 'Locations' started by vicent-sollana, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. vicent-sollana

    vicent-sollana Registered

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Toban Released 0.51 WIP

    Hi guys.

    I've started the conversion of the Toban circuit to RF2, that circuit that brings us so many joy :)
    At the moment I have the terrains with the new shaders as well as the roadmesh working with the realroad.

    Now I want to adapt as many objects of the mills as I can.

    The layouts included for the first version are:


    *Toban_Long_24 REV

    All contents' copyright are property of Image Space Incorporated.

    Tools used:

    3dmax 2010
    3dsimed 3.0d


    New Textures added from Huddson Kerr version of toban

    Build 118


    I Re-imported all track mesh and reworked on the textures, added new textures for the rumbles, redimensioned all the textures and try to adjust everything. Still have a lot to do, but I'm going to look for tutorials on youtube.

    Thanks to mario morais for the rumbles' textures.

    Thanks also mianiak,mario and feels3 for the tips.


    I think the track is at a good starting point, it's time to begin the tests. I still have a lot of things to do but for right now I thing I can use a little feedback about feeling on the road.

    Release Notes:

    RealRoad implemented
    Reflections (REFMAP)
    The track is very clean at the start, I'm thinking about adding skidmarks,cracks and other stuff.


    Track mesh needs more work on in.

    No trees in this version, will be added in upcoming updates.

    Wet reflections don't work propertly.


    The AI for the race doesn't work very well, every lap crashes at the turn 1 & 2, I have to re do the aiw for rfactor2 so in this version the aiw comes from rf1's version

    Thanks to mario morais for his tips and some textures, mianiak and feels3 for the tips and everyone who helped me whit posts in the modding thread.

    Consider that the circuit is unfinished, not by far, keep that in mind when you download it.


    Added more polys to road mesh

    Added Toban Long Reverse

    Fixed Bugs:

    Bumpy track now is more smooth.

    Fixed reflections in night lights

    Fixed Kerb/rmbl in turn 3.

    Toban Raceway Park V0.78 - Release notes: 30/12/12


    Toban Raceway Park V0.78 - Release notes:

    - It is not finished.
    - Racing at night not possible yet, I'm still looking for good configurations.
    - Wet track is possible.
    - AI still needs a lot of work.
    - Marshals will be included in upcoming updates.
    - There are 7 HD profiles, the last one is Toban_BloomV6
    - The trees are currently in 2D, there will be updates with more trees including 3D ones.

    Please uninstall the previous version in order avoid conflicts.

    Consider that the circuit is unfinished, not by far, keep that in mind when you download it.

    Toban Raceway Park 078---DropBox

    Toban Raceway Park 078----Mediafire

    Special thanks to.....Mario Morais, Jka, K Szcech, Feels3, Tuttle and ethone who helped me a lot. Sorry if I left anyone out, I really recieved a lot of help from a lot of people.

    Thanks for the testers who helped find bugs, ceSniper, Juanchio, Hoover, tjc, tosch.

    Thanks to tosch for making the profiles,thanks a lot.

    And also thanks to my girlfriend for her support and for not leaving me.:)

    Thanks to the ISI crowd for allowing people like me who enjoy doing this.

    And Happy new year to all of you,:)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2012
    3 people like this.
  2. 64r

    64r Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Looks great, a real fun and challenging track. I understand that this is WIP, my only suggestion (based on the video) is that the yellow and grey curbs look like they are just painted on the road. I'm not sure what sort of profile they should have, but an increase in the profile so that the kerbs are punishing to drive over would be cool.

    For the cones on the apex of the corners, do these move if they are hit?

    Like I said, great work and I can't wait to do some laps around here!
  3. vicent-sollana

    vicent-sollana Registered

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I would increase the profile of the kerbs,for the cones i try to make them so they have their own physics impact
  4. lordpantsington

    lordpantsington Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I would let ISI work on their own tracks. It was planned. Now, why would they bother, and we get stuck with a crappy conversion.
  5. vicent-sollana

    vicent-sollana Registered

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Thanks mate
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  6. Kknorpp001

    Kknorpp001 Banned

    May 5, 2012
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    ISI IS doing this track but not for a while so no need to worry. Vincent's efforts are both noble and useful and this track will be enjoyed by many and a LOT before ISI version is ready.
  7. sg333

    sg333 Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    ISI seem to have a lot of plans and little actually being done, so this would be welcome in the mean time.

    Appreciate your efforts :)
  8. JGraf

    JGraf Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    nothing wrong with conversions, keep um coming!
    the new mills track is nice, but i do miss that old worn out bumpyass track it use to be as well.
  9. tjc

    tjc Registered

    Jun 4, 2012
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  10. jimcarrel

    jimcarrel Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    What is it with posters who continually try to frustrate people from making tracks????????????????????????????????????????????
    Does one have to pass a test for a license to do so?
    Who wrote these tests?
    Who grades these tests and passes out the certificates?
    1 person likes this.
  11. Gearjammer

    Gearjammer Registered

    Jun 11, 2012
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    I guess there are those that think that modders can't do it like ISI can. I also guess they haven't used any of the better quality mods out there.
  12. Kknorpp001

    Kknorpp001 Banned

    May 5, 2012
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    Where I come from they are called -snip-
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2012
  13. vittorio

    vittorio Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Total agree. The Nordschleife 75 by motorfx is a perfect example. A lot of ppl love Nords, and alot ppl love the physics and FFB of rf2. Before the WIP release of Nordschleife 75 it was not possible to combine these two. And man, how much fun and great it is to drive on Nordschleife with rf2 you could only guess before the WIP release. If someone wants to do a perfect quality mod he will do (see feels3 an putnam park). Maybe the not so perfect WIP mod will evolve to a perfect mod, who knows?

    For me and others this is the first time to combine a loved track with a great technology rf2, and its the same with Toban.
  14. lordpantsington

    lordpantsington Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    There are plenty of other tracks to be made. If you want to make a track, then do it. The problem is people don't want to take the time to make it themselves. Just smash and grab. It was no wonder iRacing lumped modders together with hackers. It is projects such as this, and the support for it that give us all a bad reputation.
  15. vittorio

    vittorio Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Thats not the way how a community works (they dont get money for their work). See the Open Source community. Do you really think someone gets into Open Source by thinking: "Ok, what programm is missing, what problem needs to be solved? It doesnt interest me to work on this but i will start working hard now .." It is not working like this, you have an itch and you want to do something about it. You want a specific track, you work on that. (I'm not a modder, i'm only guessing. But i did work on Open Source projects and i dont think that there is much difference between that two)
  16. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Not everything is as it seems :)
  17. mianiak

    mianiak Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    This is a very touchy subject and it is something that can cause a lot of upset, but at the same time, it CAN benefit the community.
    The biggest issue with conversions is the amount of effort put in by the converter, there are some major differences between rf1 and rf2, the main being the obvious, real road (including the more detailed road mesh). Other differences like animated marshals and billboarding trees, chroma transparency in a majority of cases replaces the 2 faced chroma/alpha mesh. Then there are the forgotten changes that really make the difference,,, textures. Larger textures with more detail, more refined shaders with blending, the ability for rf2 to process high poly objects. Each building should be no less than 1k tri's, TSO and simple props should contain much more detail than in the past. These are some of the things that make the difference between a nice rf2 track and a quick conversion.

    BUT,,, at the same time a quick conversion is welcomed by the community because it gives them something different to play on, but,,, at the same time, these quick conversions upset modders who spend months to years scratch building tracks and in some cases can make them give up, what's the point of going to all the trouble to make something really nice when the community is easily satisfied with a simple rf1 conversion? :)

    If people think ISI is slow at making content, then that just goes to show how much effort gets put into rf2 tracks.

    So,,, this community needs to find a medium and has to stick together to support 2 things,,, 1, scratch built quality tracks. 2, well done quality conversions.

    On that note, Vicent hasn't finished his conversion yet so we shouldn't judge it until its done and we should respect his effort and encourage him to do it well. There are plenty of talented artists in these forums and all should speak up if they see something that isn't right and help others do it well too.

    Who knows, if someone can do a proper rf1 to rf2 conversion, ISI might even take interest in their work.
    1 person likes this.
  18. 1959nikos

    1959nikos Registered

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Well said, Vincent please carry on!
  19. Gearjammer

    Gearjammer Registered

    Jun 11, 2012
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    As to the conversions, I would like to make a point as well on them. It is one thing to tell someone that they did a poor job on their conversion, but modders especially should be interested in pointing out politely how the modder might be able to do something different to get a better result. As mianiak said, we need to encourage modders, even ones that just convert to do some research and do the job right :)
  20. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    im not a modder but maybe we need some1 like feels, isi or some1 just as good to do a conversion to see how simple or difficult it is to convert a track from rf1 to rf2. but the big problem is you have to find some1 who is willing to do this, they would probably have to give up on there own project to do so or some1 that has no projects going at the moment that has the skills and time.


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