Hi fazerbox, Do you have any news regarding the problem with the nvidia optimus? I already tried everything I could remember and still cant detect the correct graphic card while with the plugin... what a shame, I would love to use this...
I'm surprised that you didn't knew by now. The problem is that form the moment I copy the plugin files to the rfactor folder, the game stops detecting the nvidia graphic card. When I open the config menu the only card that I can choose is the intel. I'm not with my laptop right now but I think the problem is in the *.dll file in the main folder, because as soon as I delete it, the nvidia card show's up in the menu. Hope I could help and that you can solve this issue, I'm a real fan of your work
I tried to change the color and width of the track map in the trackmapconf.txt file, but in game it's still the default thin/colored one. Is this a bug or am I missing something? Edit: Fixed this by moving the rF2 folder out of Program Files.
I have crashes of rf2, whre the windows event protocol says that ntdll.dll (in system folder) or d3d9.dll (in rfactor2/core folder) is causing the crash. see also here: http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/17359-RFactor-frequently-Crash As the d3d9.dll is part of the trackmap plugin, maybe this is the problem and should be sloved. System w7 (64bit) Edit: OK, just realized that I used older version of plugin, I'll try new one. Another question, there is a braketest box, which u can use to adjust brake preasure and brake bias, the describtion document of the plugin says: BrakeTest is usefull to test brakes during a braking from 250Km/h to 10 Km/h. Theese parameters can be changed modifing minSpeed e maxSpeed inside description file BrakeTest1.txt. but I can't find any brakeTest1.txt, should I create one? but how to edit the parameters? for axample like this? minspeed=10 maxspeed=200 ?? thanks for helping me.
Hmm. I have tried to no avail to install this. I so want it because I'm used to a track map ala GT series. I have 4 locations of my user data. In none of them can I find mas2.exe anywhere. Also the ctrl space doesn't trigger the menu. Please point me to what I'm doing wrong if you can. Much obliged for your help
@Popeye Track map gets intalled into your "plugin" folder and the root directory for rFactor2, not the "userdata" folder(s). It's the "alt" key along with the space bar that opens the menu, when in car. Hope this helps, Bryan
Thanks guys for your help. However I fail to understand what you mean by core. I installed to my f drive. Now on my f drive I have two core folders. However I also have two core folders on my OS drive which is c. Which should I be using as putting in all doesn't work. I still have yet to activate it. Computers are like air conditioning. Useless when you open windows. AArghhh Bring on rfactor on linux.
Believe me, windoze 8.1 ain't funny. Microshaft at its best again. But now I got it working. Thanks for the patience.
Anyone make trackmap work with third party d3d9 in rf2? I remember when using 3 of d3d9 dlls with rf1 changing some lines in trackmap config...now only works for me with enb and changing his config. Need it for be compatible with sweet fx, because i´m Amd usser and AA eat a lot of fps, when try severals d3d9: both wants go intime and rf2 crash and don´t start.
Open pdf search line Requirements A) DirectX End-User Runtimes from Microsoft http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35 (Select your locale version) B) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29 (Select your locale version)
I had win7 32 bit. TrackMap worked perfect. I switch to win7 64bit and game over. When I want to start Rfactor - nothing happens. Removing plugin - everithing is OK. I have C++ versions 64bit - 2005,2008,2010,2012 installed on my comp. I don't know where the problem is and which versions a correct to run plugin. Anyone with same problem and sollution ?
I install it in root Rfactor2 folder. Everithing is OK with installation. To Core and plugins folders and one file in root folder. Sent from my GT-I9300
View attachment 11253 View attachment 11254 Requirements (from their pdf manual) A)Directx End-User Runtimes from Microsoft B) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) See if helps you.