Hi Max, I don't use these programs. So I turn off Catalyst Control Center and it's the same. I use that one for rFactor(1) and it works so good. That why I need it! How can I know if any programs intercept DirectX. By the way, do you ride a Yamaha Fazer? I've got one. Thank you
Plugin interface has changed in latest build adding same new interfaces but I as far as I know, old interfaces are unchanged so TrackMap should work, at least it works on my PC. Anyway, I will do same tests and I will re-check Plugin interfaces so see if samething that I didn't notice has changed. Cheers.
Usually softwares that intercept DirectX call are used to overclock graphics cards or to get video output. I don't know a good method to understand if you have that sw running on your PC. Simply I should check for installed Programs and check if the are related to video card. About "fazer".... Yes I drove one until 2 months ago when I had a frontal crash with a car . Bike destroyed , me NO Max.
Hello, Woaw Max what a crash! Happy you're still alive; You must be the flying Rider then. About my little problem, I closed the max of running process, but always with 1 fps. Here my windows task manager : Maybe my computer is too small, but I play in small configuration and I'm around 120 fps. Intel Core Duo E8600 @ 3.33 GHz ATI Readon HD 4800 2152 MB (with last driver) DirectX 9.0c ( Thank you, Stef
I've seen your processes list, and I don't see any process that intercept directx calls. I'm sorry but at the moment I haven't a working solution. I don't think problem is related to your PC power. Max.
I'm working on it. I9m able to show Map and an incomplete Grid . I hope to release a beta version in august. Max.
Oh that would be amazing. Would finally have a reason to use my spare 19" monitor. Edit : Actually come to think of it. Is there any other apps that i can display on a 2nd monitor in rF2? Or something useful?
I know this has been answered elsewhere, but for the life of me I can't find it in search. I am using newest beta at Texas World Speed track. In an offline session the map of the track shows up just fine onscreen. I seem to remember in multiplayer session a couple nights ago that I could see the track map onscreen as well, but as of last night, I get a "No Map" in place of the track map. Any ideas what could have changed or how to fix? Thanks!
@ fazerbox - (Taken from your v 0.9 thread due to no response) Firstly this plugin is gold, absolutely makes the rF2 experience so much better. Cheers & well done! Of course here comes the but/request part... The 1st request to me is essential and the last two are nice to haves. 1. Could we have an option to have multiple layout configurations for the same race session. For example if you are racing an F2 or a C6 they require vastly different layout configurations so I thought it would be nice to be able to store both layout configurations for the same test day and load each layout depending which vehicle is selected. Obviously the option to store more than two per session would be great as each car with its mirror placements require subtle changes. My way around this at the moment is to have multiple trackmapconf.txt files. 2. Any chance the ModeMap = [ OFF | FIX | ROTATION ] option can be listed in the trackmap in-game settings menu? 3. Any chance the tyre pressure monitoring can be added? Cheers again mm
Is there a way to turn off the plugin but not delete it? i want the flexibility to decide if i want the plugin to be operating or not on a particular session, run or lap. thanks
I'm having difficulty saving the overlay setup. After I have finished configuring the overlay objects position, I go back to the main trackmap menu and select "Layout to all sessions". The option "Save Trackmap [Not OK]" I have tried pressing return also. Soon as I Exit the game and load up again, the setup is back to the default layout. I have also tried running rF2 as administrator with no luck. Any suggestions please.
1. Can i hide this little window (pic). I have nothing found in the trackmapconf.txt 2. Anyone here with MSI Afterburner ? I have problems with MSI Afterburner..when afterburner run in the background and i start rF2 --> rF2 crashes ! I dont know its an rF2 problem or an track map problem. When i close afterburner, rF2 starts !
Sv: Released TrackMap 0.94beta for rFactor2. I'm running afterburner in the background and have no problems... Have you tried to remove trackmap to see if it works? Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
You probably have the OSD daemon running. You can't turn it off without deselecting the OSD option beside each and every parameter. If you see the OSD icon in the systray then it's active. This happened in rF1 as well. There was a workaround (the OSD dialog has an option for custom D3D) but it didn't work for me.