Stuffed if I can get it to run, but as I said before it's always the same crash problem, there's no fix SS
Yep agree with SmellySkidmark, as far as I know we have all the right installs which worked beautifully before. Would love to know what is different in your (John) setup. I also have GTX780Ti and Win7 64bit and AMD CPU
Try the 2 anti-flickering modes introduced in v.0.91 Press Alt-space for the menu; it is the 11th item from the top. I've never had to use them so I can't attest to how well they work. FlickeringMode = [0, 1, 2] 0 = No Antiflickering 1 = Antiflickering mode 1 2 = Antiflickering mode 2
I'm getting the flickering as of 660 too, and none of the 3 flickering modes fixed the problem for me. Ctrl+F does however. Using a GTX 770 on Windows 7 x64. HDR enabled, no sync.
Hi, I've got a problem on Malaysia track, the trackmap information "flashes".. Just on this track . I believe there is something to do to fix it ..?
Thanks people - was getting flickering at just one track - Sebring - but seeing as one my favourites it was really anoying. Bringing up the FPS fixed it! Chuffed. BTW, another GTX780 user running windows 7 ultimate, i7 with no other problems
Hello, not sure if it help, but I notice flickering on the Overlay Pedals plugin (used to check FFB saturation) with the Build660, so I think it's not a problem of this plugin, but a general problem introduced by B660
I am on win 8.1 and build 660. Everything working fine here. Once I managed to get it installed correctly, due to being a new user on win 8, everything has just kept working with micro$haft updates. Sorry I can't be of more help.
any chance of just releasing the track map and not all the other juds. as i as mentioned ny someone else, hit my FPS to around 20!!!
Ok I have updated to winblows 8.1 and the HUD is werking again. Now it's hard to get used to all that info again lol SS
Plugin working perfectly for me other than one tiny detail. I only want the track map... nothing else. However, despite turning everything off in the configuration, I'm still getting some purple text 2/3 up left hand side of screen. Seems to be PluginVersion | Path/to/%userdata%/CustomPluginOptions.ini followed by command line switches. Basically, console output of the plugin load state...(?) Any advice on getting shut of it? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk