UnitedRacingDesing presents...

Discussion in 'Vehicles' started by UnitedRacingDesign, Dec 5, 2012.

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  1. UnitedRacingDesign

    UnitedRacingDesign Registered

    Nov 24, 2010
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    Davy it wasnt meant for you, it was a question and i just pointed out the opinion i have if somebody would start something. You know what i mean?
    Sorry didnt go directly into youre way it was just that whit a question like that the point goes somewhere else on other people.
    Youve seen it didnt go directly to you.
  2. UnitedRacingDesign

    UnitedRacingDesign Registered

    Nov 24, 2010
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    Sofar I still have some projects for some companys going on but if this goes good I wont accept any other work, who ever offers me something. Even now what im working on this is what I devote most of my time and I mean really alot of time. I want to do more modding than I could in past and offer more but its not posibile anymore whit the amount of work needed.

    I loved rfactor but it missed some stuff inside and rf2 is going to offer what we need.
  3. Miro

    Miro Registered

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I wish you the best Ales, but you have to deliver mate. ;)
    Bayro made me chuckle lol.

    Greetings from Villach. ;)
  4. F1lover

    F1lover Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Good to hear.. good luck and I wish you success.
  5. Davy TASB

    Davy TASB Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    No probs Ales.
    All the best for your venture.
  6. Slothman

    Slothman Registered

    Sep 24, 2011
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    Great concept, but requiring the support of a community that has already shown its total lack of understanding of the most basic concept of respect I think will be the down fall (and by community I mean the WHOLE sim racing community, not just rFactor).

    I have no issues with paying for content and the market can decide price etc etc.

    I do think you will have a struggle with controlling the "circulation" of content. I applaud your effort and reasoning, and as much as I PRAY you will be successful I have my doubts.

    For example with the modular system of the new rF2 (at least it appears to be heading thay way) using your model with modified physics is an easy matter. Is this tolerated??

    Do you have any thoughts on releasing "league" editions. ie one of purchase for circulation or use within a league? (to be frank, this would have less of a chance as all it takes is on person to buy, modify and circulate to league anyway).

    It appears you have considered these difficulties so I watch with interest to the progress.

    However, just changing the thought process a little bit.

    I am not saying ISI will do this BUT there is potential there, using the matchmaker system, that checking for purchased content IS possible.

    We have manifest files, MOD ID numbers, unique usernames, logon to Mathmaker on startup.....its not too much of a stretch to see this a possibility. I am not saying this is even on ISI plans but the structure is already in place for a 3rd party group with the knowledge and knowhow to setup with ISI to provide the service. Something to think about :)
  7. Jim Beam

    Jim Beam Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    with all the mods in rFactor you could count on 1 hand the mods that were worth paying for...so if your quality isnt as good as say CTDP i think itll be ripped very quickly by someone that thinks they can do it better...id suggest you dont give up your day job for this
  8. Slothman

    Slothman Registered

    Sep 24, 2011
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    And that is the other factor to consider.

    Market supply and demand would generally provide a price (even if that price was 50c).

    Combined with the aspect of no control of circulation, it does become an excercise in honesty and reliance on the community to "do the right thing". Considering those factors relying on the current "donation through paypal" system is just as effective.

    Watching with interest to see how it is handled :)
  9. CdnRacer

    CdnRacer Banned

    Feb 4, 2011
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  10. UnitedRacingDesign

    UnitedRacingDesign Registered

    Nov 24, 2010
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    @Slothman yeahh youre right.
    What does rf2 offer is to lock the files sofar to how I know. Complete mas files so you wont be able just to update all the files and only thing you could add to this are skins.

    @Jim Beam well I know how the quality mods must look like. Im not the best modder around, we will do our best and from my point of view and many that have seen my quality stuff it can match whit the best ones but exactly what you mentioned brings up what ive pointed out few post out.

    Lets take CTDP which is great team and I had a chance to work whit them years back. You decide to make a f1 mod from the current season and if youre going to do it, right now community wants all the race upgrades, skins right? As a hobby working in free time that toke them years to be done allready in rfactor but rf2 is a step forward which can take longer and usually other teams not like CTDP which are profesional will drop those projects for what ever reason or when some do finish them the models are just old enough and not in the standarts needed anymore.

    Now lets take you as a community and we make a wishlist of cars every 2 months and you chose what you want and need. We are talking here about a single car but we make a poll, vote a car out and voila you have it scratch build and on sell after few weeks.
    Whit right support more people could join us to offer you that service which would give you more content you want on youre choise.

    But its interesting to see actually that if a modder decides to make payware and if the game developer sells the DLC, at the end both are the same but game delevoper will give you where they can earn money and cars they will chose but a modder can offer you youre choise but you wont support it.
  11. UnitedRacingDesign

    UnitedRacingDesign Registered

    Nov 24, 2010
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    Im sure we offer a good deal and quality here.
    A car as a price of 5 euros and every 3rd car in the series is free.
    As example you but both curent T5 series cars you will get the 3rd one for free which means that actually if you calculate and divide 10 euros whit 3 you payed 3.33... euros per car.
    Its not alot and cheap bottle of wine costs that much, even a pack of cigaretes is more than that in europe and in most of countrys around world.

    As I mentioned above you need to consider that any DLC or expanson pack that is payable these days for any games its a mod and only diferente is that is done by game developer but this doesnt mean its better. It gives you new map, weapons, plane, track or cars but its a mod and just cause its sayed its DLC you accept it.
  12. Johannes Rojola

    Johannes Rojola Registered

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Well, we are talking about simulator platform. So the physics part is at least 50% of the experience, if not even more. How are you going to tackle the physics part and how customer can be sure that these are in line with the car models (high quality)?
  13. UnitedRacingDesign

    UnitedRacingDesign Registered

    Nov 24, 2010
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    We are allways trying our best here to satisfy the community and to do our best but we will listen to youre wishes and make is as good as posibile and ofcourse whit the fun fanctor which is most importand. I did alot play myself alot online and drove in leagues and for my opinion we need mor fun factor so people can sit into the car and be competitive right on start and dont allways need to sit on there pcs just to tweak the last bit of car settings out.
    We will listen to you wishes if something needs to be changed/adjusted to youre demands in grafical, physics, sounds...
  14. GTClub_wajdi

    GTClub_wajdi Registered

    Feb 28, 2012
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    High quality' graphics cars,realistic physics+great ffb+great engine sound......
    take my money!
  15. SimRacingBase

    SimRacingBase Registered

    Dec 5, 2012
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  16. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    + for this and especially if you get some top quality track builders on side as well.
    its only going to be a few $$$ and word of mouth will let you know weather to buy the mod or not.
    You will be able to do any car ?
    Also will you be having set prices over like a 3 yr term where mods will not increase or are they going to be subject to change whenever you want or will they go up with inflation ?
    Are you thinking of getting track builders as well ?
  17. UnitedRacingDesign

    UnitedRacingDesign Registered

    Nov 24, 2010
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    Anything can be done as a "fictional" base.
    Well I have no plans to increase the price, didnt thinked about it actually eather and rather than going higher id rather go lower if everything plans out as we want it but for sure not higher.

    We offere % for leagues, there is the system we are thinking about how it should work but those are even cheaper right now than buying 1 or 2 cars. I know that running leagues is costly so we have some diferent offers there and leagues can contact me over our site directly about that.

    For tracks, yes we would like to handle some ofcourse but first we have to make cars going well before going into that to but as Petros from Mak-corp mentioned, other modders can join and offer there cars or tracks to the shop.
  18. Gearjammer

    Gearjammer Registered

    Jun 11, 2012
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    As a person that likes to create my own skins for the cars I drive, will you also be supplying templates so we can paint the cars any way we wish, or are you going to require that you be the ones painting the liveries?
  19. Petros Mak

    Petros Mak Registered

    Jul 5, 2011
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    We are discussing with several track builders, but tracks take months to complete and track builders spend over 1000 hours building a track in most cases, we will be trying it out with one or two tracks when they are ready and the track modelers will have to determine if it pays out for them to do more.

    Prices are always subject to change in any place, you can never know. The aim however is to always provide a cheaper alternative. This allows players to acquire the types of cars they want in the quality they want within the games they mostly enjoy to play.

    In regards to physics. We have thought on some stuff for that, a possible thing is to have a subscription based service at a cheap price where the subscriber gets access to pre-release beta builds and helps us with feedback to develop the physics to how they should be. We will also listen to the buyers and see the feedback they give both in the forums and via their written reviews and we will strive to update things that are considered highly negative in the product. The aim is to ensure that we constantly provide the best we can.

    In regards to sharing and so on. One of the aims in the near future is to develop a steam like software which allows players to purchase the packages through the program, install them, and they are run through the program. This would allow the files to remain encrypted, un-seen by the player and impossible to share due to the software and files calling upon the user account defined for those files which must be logged in to the software. This is a little ways off as our programmers are working on it but its something that will be done in the future. Until then we have a few methods we are discussing on being able to track leaked files and which buyer leaked them and we will see what we'll do.

    This system has worked immensely well for the flight sim community albeit with various differences with how flight sim game mods are made and how they are sold, but we hope that the community will look at the brighter future in this system and be respectful enough to report places they fine to be posting such leaked files.

    All in all, whether people like this system or not, its just an idea to bring artists together and to help grow the community with more quality content. I think in the long run, that's the best thing for this community which is lacking a lot of quality content (non ripped) mods.

    We'll see how it goes. :)
  20. Petros Mak

    Petros Mak Registered

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Yes the templates will be provided for each car sold for free. We understand that gamers of this community want to make their own skins or have the templates available to have skins made. We will have the templates available for free and we will also have a skinning service where various good quality skinners from around the community will be providing their services to skin cars.
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