If a modder wants to to Toban let them, its not upto you to say otherwise and it's only your opinion that the time is wasted. Ever thought that Vincent is doing this track to learn RF2 Track Making and thus improve his skills for future tracks? no did'nt think so! why dont you just let him get on with it and praise him for his efforts yeah?!
I don't know where you get the impression ISI is actively working on a Toban conversion right now? Why shouldn't a modder hone his or her skill on a venue of their choosing? If Vincent is working on a different track now, that's fine with me, meanwhile we can throw the skippy around Toban short and have fun All the best, Uwe
Scott posted something 2 and a half years ago. http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/1382-It-s-been-a-while?p=19964&viewfull=1#post19964
Which one? The ISI one you didn't know about or Vincent's? No one is telling a modder where or how they can hone their skills. Vincent explained he was busy with other matters and people jumped-in complaining that he should keep working on Toban. He doesn't have unlimited time, so he can work on a track that will have an official ISI version at some point, or, he can work on something new. I have already expressed my opinion about what makes more sense.
Well that's all fair enough. "Let's have a vote" smacks of telling him what to do, though. Anyway, nobody jumped in (except asking when the next update might come) before you came in with "we all would rather ..." which is a bit presumptious. The others saying they'd like to have more updates before ISI gets around to it were in response to your own post. Nitpicking perhaps... but if you're going to give people some lip (like the sarcastic "The ISI one you didn't know about?") and then accuse people of 'jumping in' you might want to actually let them jump in before you do.
Why waste time nitpicking? Just tell us your opinion of whether you would like two versions of Toban or one of Toban plus another great track?
I'm happy with Toban as it is right now, add some night lighting, some better AIW (already reported) and maybe update the road texture in parts and I'd be a happy camper. "The ISI One" is most likely some time away. Cheers, Uwe
LOL. Do you read? You are making my point. We have a good Toban now and will have an excellent one in the future (it better be less than a year or two).
Or else rF2 will be sunk behind AC and other mod-friendly titles. ISI needs to get to the release stage soon...which I think we are...and stop frittering around with such slow updates. If rehashes of existing rF1 tracks can't be completed in less than a year or two from now when there has already been two years....I am sad just thinking about it!
Thirded. Toban was my favorite track from rFactor 1 (even including mods) so I'm really looking forward to the completion of this project.
Hey Vincent can you post your older version that had the long reverse? My computer died and I lost it :-(. If you have it I'd love to have that unless you are planning an update soon to re-add it. Or if anyone else that is reading this has the old version with long reverse would be much appreciated if you would share. Thanks!!!
This is the last version that I have the long version with the old conversion. Toban_Long_Reverse_057 Cheers.