The definitive AI Settings Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MarcG, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    It is highly advisable to *ONLY* adjust the In Game settings especially if you don't know what you're doing! Any changes you make could alter your game to a state where it becomes unstable or even broken, ISI or myself won't be able to help you if that becomes the case. So if you get Stuck or Lost then start fresh with a new player.JSON file (or install) and leave everything else well alone thereafter!

    If you're not afraid of the risks and/or have an idea of what you're doing, then please bear in mind that many of these settings should still be OK to fiddle & tweak with if you so desire, but as I'm not updating this first post (last update May 2014) there could be some deleted or amended settings, if so it's up to you to see what works and what does not.

    If anyone wants to go through this post/thread with a fine tooth comb and start a new thread based off this then be my guest and I'll have this thread locked.


    #Update 6th May 2014 - Tidy up

    Seen this asked for a few times so here goes, I'll start off with all PLR settings for now and it may evolve into RCD settings too. Any thoughts on individual settings and your own findings please post them.
    If I've missed anything or have anything wrong then please say so and I'll edit accordingly!

    Please dont forget that there are hundreds of variables associated with AI, not just in the PLR files but all the RCD/Talent files and especially the making of the AIW by the track author.
    That last one is a biggy, if the AIW is poorly created the AI will be bad at that track full stop and no amount of editing PLR settings will change that. For example in rF1 I had to redo some of the AIW myself to improve the AI at certain corners, I was no expert (and pretty much forgetton everything now!) but I had them racing better to my liking.

    I'll update this first post as we go along so that we get the best results possible and easy access for those wanting to have a tweak & fiddle with the AI.

    AIW Creation Tutorial by ISI:


    AI Database File="C:\Games\rFactor2\Installed\Locations\PalmBeach\1.43\PALMBEACHRC.AIW"
    This seems to be simply the last AIW used, no need to edit.

    AI Controls Driver="2" // Bitfield defining which drivers the AI controls (0=none, 1=driver1, 2=driver2, 3=driver1+driver2, etc.)
    need more information

    No AI Control="1" // AI never has control over car (except autopit)
    need more information

    Drive AI Physics="0" // Only works in Dev builds, single player when you toggle to AI "control"
    Can only presume this means that when you let the AI take over control of your car they use AI physics? need more information

    GPRIX AI Driver Strength="105" // 100 should approximate real life
    MULTI AI Driver Strength="95
    This is your in game Strength setting, no need to edit manually.

    AI Power Calibration="7" // Adjustments with AI strength (0=none, or add the following: 1=power, 2=gearing, 4=fuel)
    need more information, never needed to change this myself

    AI Fuel Mult="0.99000" // Additional fuel multiplier for AIs because of their driving style
    At a guess if you find the AI pit sooner/later for fuel at a given track then maybe changing this setting might help.

    AI Brake_Power Usage="0.98000" // Fraction of theoretical brake power that AI attempt to use (can be overrode in HDV)
    AI Brake_Grip Usage="0.97250" // Fraction of theoretical brake grip that AI attempt to use (can be overrode in HDV)
    AI Corner_Grip Usage="0.97000" // Fraction of theoretical cornering grip that AI attempt to use (can be overrode in HDV)
    AI Max Load="40000.00000" // Maximum total load to set up theoretical performance tables (can be overrode in HDV)
    AI Min Radius="20.00000" // Minimum radius turn to set up theoretical performance tables (can be overrode in HDV)

    As all these can be overrode in the HDV it's probably best to leave well alone.

    Auto Line Smooth="0" // 1 = fastest line, 2 = inside/outside, 3 = fastest and inside/outside
    See this post by MikeZ, explains it in great detail:

    Autocalibrate AI Mode="0" // When in a test day with 1 AI, AI will attempt to perfect his driving line, and save his knowledge for future use
    Fixed in Build 240 and working correctly, see release notes:
    Fixed directory issues when using playerfile variable ‘Autocalibrate AI Mode=”1″‘, so that the AI can calibrate and use that knowledge in future races. (this is not a magic bullet to improve AI racing lines, but a simple algorithm that sometimes works to improve the line an AI will take.) Calibration files are located in the data directory UserData\player\Settings\*component name*\*veh_file_name*\ for the standard single/multiplayer game and in the proper GameData\Vehicles\… directory in Mod mode.

    AI Calibrate Sample Size="5" // When AI calibration is set to 2, this is the number of trials the AI should run while testing each parameter. bigger # == larger file size of saved data
    MikeZ -
    Changelog (Build 342) notes:
    Introduced version 1.0 of new AI learning code. When Autocalibrate AI Mode=”2″ in the playerfile, AIs will run laps in practice trying to optimize their operating parameters on a per corner basis ( up to the new playerfile variable “AI Calibrate Sample Size” number of trials). They create a database (*.wis file…for “wisdom”, in the UserData\player\Settings\componentName\VehicleFile directory) with the results & use these results to adjust their parameters on the fly in a race. Because this is the first release, it’s not completely full-featured…for best results, during practice, disable fuel usage, tire wear, and mechanical failures, and try to keep out of their way (they will not currently ignore a result because the the AI was held up by another car). Results are stored between games, so you may run a race with fuel usage, tire wear, and mechanical failures once the databases are created.
    When Autocalibrate AI Mode=”3″, the AI will only read and use existing knowledge.

    Ghost AI="0" // If 1, AI car will ignore others and be uncollidable. disabled for standard builds
    Ghost car, option in game so no need to edit manually.

    Fixed AI Setups="0" // whether AI use the fixed setups, only applicable if "Fixed Setups" is also enabled (and can be used in single player to have the AIs use your favorite setup)
    Worked great in rF1, need confirmation that it works the same in RF2.

    AI Logic Override="0" // use bitfields to disable certain AI behaviors. 1= blocking line
    New from Build 218 and onwards, only one Bitfield it seems, need more experimenting with this.

    AI Limiter="0.25000" // Range: 0.0 (no limiting) - 1.0 (limiting used to make racing closer but also make more driver differences on flat-out tracks)
    Does as it says, makes racing closer between the entire field of cars or more spread out. To try it out set it to 0.0 and watch an AI race - time accelerate is handy, do NOT just 'Finish Session' as this could have variable results - then note/screenshot the finishing times, exit game and change it to 1.0 and repeat then compare finishing times. Longer tracks/more laps have a greater spread obviously!

    AI Mistakes="0.00000" // a range of (intentional) AI mistakes from 0.0 (none) to 1.0 (sometimes). Anything above 1.0 multiplies the frequency
    Varying results depending on who you talk too, personally I have found any setting above 0.0 results in the AI randomly driving off the track at various spots into the walls as they are intentional...that means they deliberatley do it themselves as apposed to a natural/Human mistake.
    Now at some tracks (depending on the AIW) the AI do make mistakes naturally when this is set to 0.0, sometimes always at the same one or two corners (T1 and the Rise/Bump at LRP spring to mind), other times because they've been run wide by Human/AI.
    Either way their natural or more Human like mistakes are actually very rare for my personal liking, they are "too clean" lap after lap, but i simply dont like editing this setting and have them flying off into the armco when going down a straight...just seems weird!
    When I get around to fiddling with that I'll report back, please add your own thoughts to this - Videos in this sense are immensly handy tools!

    AI Aggression="0.74620"
    In game setting, no need to edit manually

    Monitor AI Postfix="" // what is displayed after AI driver names in monitor (multiplayer only)
    Guess this means the Labels above the cars, need more information



    AIAimSpeedsPerWP=(30.0, 54.0, 68.0, 82.0, 100.0, 120.0, 150.0, 185.0) // Speeds at which to look ahead X waypoints (spaced roughly 5 meters apart)
    AISlipReaction=(500.0, 30.0) // prediction factor for front wheel grip loss (higher numbers increase sensitivity), how quickly AI increase throttle after grip loss has occurred (higher numbers reduce "coasting")
    AICornerReductionBase=165.0 // (pointspeed/this number)= % deceleration we can expect through a point
    AIMinPassesPerTick=3 // Minimum passes per tick (can use more accurate spring/damper/torque values, but takes more CPU)
    AIRotationThreshold=0.15 // Rotation threshold (rads/sec) to temporarily increment passes per tick
    AIEvenSuspension=0.0 // Averages out spring and damper rates to improve stability (0.0 - 1.0)
    AISpringRate=1.0 // Spring rate adjustment for AI physics
    AIDamperSlow=0.5 // Contribution of average slow damper into simple AI damper
    AIDamperFast=0.5 // Contribution of average fast damper into simple AI damper
    AIDownforceZArm=0.050 // Hard-coded center-of-pressure offset from vehicle CG
    AIDownforceBias=0.0 // Bias between setup and hard-coded value (0.0-1.0)
    AITorqueStab=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) // Torque adjustment to keep AI stable
    AIFuelMult=-1.0 // PLR file override for AI fuel usage - only positive value will override, see PLR for default
    AIPerfUsage=(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0) // PLR file overrides for (brake power usage, brake grip usage, corner grip usage) used by AI to estimate performance - only positive values will override, see PLR for defaults
    AITableParams=(-1.0, -1.0) // PLR file overrides for (max load, min radius) used when computing performance estimate tables - only positive values will override, see PLR for defaults

    Above information gathered by Satangoss in the post below.
    As noted though any changes will cause mismatches online and may also cause other issues, never had the need to edit these personally and would like to think the mod team would get them as correct as possible upon release.


    Talent file - RCD

    StepDistance = 5.0
    StepSpeed1 = 20.3
    StepSpeed2 = 30.5
    StepSpeed3 = 40.0
    StepSpeed4 = 51.0
    StepSpeed5 = 61.0
    StepSpeed6 = 72.0
    StepSpeed7 = 92.0
    StepSpeed8 = 122.0
    DrivingLine = Megane_FAST
    CorneringCaution = 30.0
    StartSkill = 105
    Bob Jones
    Nationality = English
    DateofBirth = 27-2-1984
    Starts = 5
    Poles = 1
    Wins = 1
    DriversChampionships = 0
    Aggression = 88.6
    Reputation = 95.9
    Courtesy = 100.0
    Composure = 89.7
    Speed = 96.3
    QualifySpeed = 95.7
    WetSpeed = 92.0
    StartSkill = 97.0
    Crash = 5.5
    Recovery = 98.0
    CompletedLaps = 94.3
    MinRacingSkill = 93.5
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2015
    Jon likes this.
  2. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    We REALLY need to find out what this does.
  3. MikeZ

    MikeZ Registered

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Well, I just now went looking through this code; let's see if I can explain exactly what this "Auto Line Smooth" code does... but before I do here are a couple of thing to keep in mind:

    1) This parameter is really intended as a development tool. Yes, we enable it for our public gold release... but it's operation should be considered "unsupported" for reasons I will get to in the long explanation. It's purpose is to give the track designer a tool to possibly smooth out an un-optimal path....which he would then save and review. It is possible that applying this algorithm will actually make the AI drive the path slower/worse.

    2) It's buggy right now. This parameter works on some legacy code that hasn't yet been updated to deal with the expanded functionality we've built into rF2 these past few years. RIGHT NOW it can only smooth the FASTEST (when parameter = 1), LEFT (2), or both of those paths (3). Because rF2 let's you define any number of "fastest" paths, this is a bug. One that I'll be fixing in a future update...(build 233 and beyond)

    How does it work?
    When we load up our tracks and cars, we have EACH CAR run a "simulated" lap to gather our best guess information about what lap time he should expect and min and max speeds he should expect as he (either player or AI) travels around the track. If this parameter triggers the smoothing code, we then, for each path specified, make a list of all waypoints along with the expected speed OF THIS PARTICULAR CAR on that path. We order than list from slowest to fastest and then go through, waypoint by waypoint and adjust it's position by a couple of centimeters left and right laterally along the path to see if that raises or lowers the speed of THIS PARTICULAR CAR through this waypoint, the waypoint before, and the waypoint after the current waypoint. We move the path to the position that "optimizes" those 3 speeds and then we move on to the next slowest waypoint in our list... and on and on until each waypoint has been processed.

    Obviously, this is not a bulletproof algorithm (I'm sure you can already see plenty of issues with it). For one thing, if you are racing multiple car types in your race, it would "optimize" the path for each car after another....I could see the final result mutating beyond recognition, so be especially wary of using it for multi-class racing.

    That said, because of the bug I explained in #2.... in most cases (at least with ISI tracks, where we often use other "fastest" paths besides the default FASTEST path) setting this parameter will do....nothing....except extend track loading times.
  4. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Thanks Mike that's a great explanation, I'll link your post to the first post so everyone understands it clearly :)

    Whilst you're here, does Autocalibrate AI Mode="0" actually work as intended in RF2? I vaguely remember a thread about it when the first build was released but can't remember what was said (nor find the thread!)

    Thanks again.
  5. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Thanks for these details--very helpful.

    But am I reading your note correctly that this is a dev mode item, or does this algorithm run in the background when we are, e.g., practising on a track with 20 AI in normal mode?
  6. peterchen

    peterchen Registered

    Oct 25, 2011
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    Thank you VERY much Mike!
    Information like this are very appreciated!
    This counts for rF2 but not for rF1 right?
    Maybe the one or the other ISI stuff-member can add such things to the rF-Wiki!
  7. MikeZ

    MikeZ Registered

    Oct 11, 2010
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    The extra code only runs a car is "reset" on track load, restarts, between sessions...
    If you're *in* a practice session with 20 AI, no extra code is being run at that happened while you were loading the track.
  8. MikeZ

    MikeZ Registered

    Oct 11, 2010
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    This information (aside from the bugs that I mentioned emerged as a result from building extra rF2 functionality), is relevant to both rF1 & rF2.
  9. MikeZ

    MikeZ Registered

    Oct 11, 2010
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    I can guarantee that Autocalibrate AI Mode="0" works flawlessly! ;)

    Does Autocalibrate AI Mode="1" work though? I'm going to have to get back to you on that after some testing/investigation. It hasn't exactly been on my radar for a while. I will say that the basic idea is something I always planned to work on....though possibly not implemented exactly as it was in rF1.
  10. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    haha lol yeah meant 1 :p

    It sort of does and does'nt, some tracks the AI Finish by themsleves just fine, others they just run around and around forever never actually finishing (i remeber this happening in rF1).
    I have typed in 'Finish' so they generate the ini file but whether they are actually better or not I'm yet to tell acuratley enough, same goes with the tracks they finish themselves (both ISI and community tracks).
    Worth a proper examination I think and if I'm right in saying it depends a lot on the AIW of the track, also not knowing whether the AI take Real Road into consideration or not.
    I always do the Autocalibrate with Fuel & Tires Off so they dont ever wear/run out!
  11. domhnall

    domhnall Registered

    Dec 25, 2012
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    As a predominately offline player I'm delighted to see a thread like this. I think it could be very useful, so many thanks for setting it up.

    In general I think the AI in rf2 is pretty good, I've had some great offline races in the skippy in particular. I do have a few issues with the AI though;

    1. Slipstreaming and overtaking: I find AI inconstancy in this area a bit frustrating. Taking the Bahrain track as an example, If I run the skippy's here, I get great racing, a lot of blocking and passing. If I run the modern F2's here, I get a train of cars down the straights, the AI is 'afraid' to pull out from the slipstream to make a pass. I don;t understand why I get this difference in attitude across different mod, whether it's talent file related or something I don't know.

    I remember in GTR2, reducing the 'AI Max Load' value really helped with making the AI more aggressive and produced more overtaking. Not sure if this can have a similar effect in RF2. Might try to experiment with this.

    2. Fuel use: At some tracks the fuel estimate for the AI is off, resulting in them running out of fuel. This was easy to fix in RF1, but with the new modding system the relevant files are not so quickly accessed. Don't know if the 'AI Fuel Mult' parameter can help with this.

    3. Setups: Not sure how to provide specific setups to AI any more, does the RF1 method still work?? Quite important that you can give the AI sensible gearing and downforce levels for a specific track.
  12. Satangoss

    Satangoss Registered

    Jun 2, 2011
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    We can't forget a considerable part of AI driving is given by HDV car file.

    AIAimSpeedsPerWP=(30.0, 54.0, 68.0, 82.0, 100.0, 120.0, 150.0, 185.0) // Speeds at which to look ahead X waypoints (spaced roughly 5 meters apart)
    AISlipReaction=(500.0, 30.0) // prediction factor for front wheel grip loss (higher numbers increase sensitivity), how quickly AI increase throttle after grip loss has occurred (higher numbers reduce "coasting")
    AICornerReductionBase=165.0 // (pointspeed/this number)= % deceleration we can expect through a point
    AIMinPassesPerTick=3 // Minimum passes per tick (can use more accurate spring/damper/torque values, but takes more CPU)
    AIRotationThreshold=0.15 // Rotation threshold (rads/sec) to temporarily increment passes per tick
    AIEvenSuspension=0.0 // Averages out spring and damper rates to improve stability (0.0 - 1.0)
    AISpringRate=1.0 // Spring rate adjustment for AI physics
    AIDamperSlow=0.5 // Contribution of average slow damper into simple AI damper
    AIDamperFast=0.5 // Contribution of average fast damper into simple AI damper
    AIDownforceZArm=0.050 // Hard-coded center-of-pressure offset from vehicle CG
    AIDownforceBias=0.0 // Bias between setup and hard-coded value (0.0-1.0)
    AITorqueStab=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) // Torque adjustment to keep AI stable
    AIFuelMult=-1.0 // PLR file override for AI fuel usage - only positive value will override, see PLR for default
    AIPerfUsage=(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0) // PLR file overrides for (brake power usage, brake grip usage, corner grip usage) used by AI to estimate performance - only positive values will override, see PLR for defaults
    AITableParams=(-1.0, -1.0) // PLR file overrides for (max load, min radius) used when computing performance estimate tables - only positive values will override, see PLR for defaults

    The variables which appears in bold are decisive in terms of AI behavior. There some Mods with HDV properties so screwed that AI cars can't perform a single corner line correctly. There're others the AI become unstable and can't brake hard during overtakes, and AI quits the maneuver. Ai Torque Stab is also dramatic, GTR2 cars have AitorqueStab = 1,25 per axe by default and they're are like "glued" on track, so when I tried 1,15 per axe the offline races become much more believable.

    Thus, the stuff is more complex than it appears. It's always possible to calibrate all variables to obtain excellent offline races, but when you start to mess with HDV files, you'll have mismatches online.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2013
  13. GauchoRS

    GauchoRS Registered

    Nov 23, 2011
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    Last year I got an answer, that AI setup is stored to /userdata/player/settings with <`trackname_carname.svm`> and loaded again.
    See here:
    But with Build228 this is still ONLY happening with HISTORIC F1 cars.

    Seems to me, that during the reworking of other cars V.14x this `feature` was forgotten :confused:

    can we expect an implementation of this feature in the near future ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2013
  14. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Thanks for that mate added to the first post :)
    I personally have never touched the HDV (in rf1 or 2) for AI purposes and I'd advise against it unless you really know what you're doing. Not only would it cause mismatches but if you're only editing that file then when you recompile the MAS it could cause the mod to simply not load (had that before). So would therefore require a complete new mod to be built around those changes, if attempting anything then make backups or use a different install of RF2 away from your install used for Online racing.
  15. MikeZ

    MikeZ Registered

    Oct 11, 2010
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    short answer: no

    long answer: It works in in mod mode; the AI can create and then load the adjusted path. But that doesn't really do us much good.
    In the release build, the AI will create a calibration *ini file, but it's unable to load and apply that file. So, that's a bug. I'll work on fixing that.
  16. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Right ok thanks Mike, so essentially when you fix it then it'll work in Single Player (that's the way I read it!!), thanks for taking the time to check :)
  17. Satangoss

    Satangoss Registered

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Yes, since in RF1 is usual to have several installations in the same HD, I usually select one installation specifically to free edit . The HDV editing changes the AI behavior drastically, you can go from a undriveable car by computer to a perfect behavior.

    The common way is to pick up a Mod with good AI driving and "transplant" the HDV lines to the Mod you want to improve and see what happens. It's was simple in rF1 since all you have to do was to edit the file in Notepad, now (rF2) you'll have to recompile all and it's not practical.

  18. MikeZ

    MikeZ Registered

    Oct 11, 2010
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    This entry is obsolete. We no longer read in AIAimSpeedsPerWP parameters from the hdv file. Those values are now stored in the talent files (*.rcd), usually in the default entry for a particular car type, though, if need be could be done on a track by track basis if you wanted to.
  19. Bink

    Bink Registered

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Hi MikeZ..

    For a few months, I have been coding some methods that allow for entering aiw file data in max.. so as to allow for more specific data to be dictated, automatic line (or line template) generation, and to speed up the pipeline for aiw on longer tracks. So far the output tests work well in max and Dev Mode.

    Lately, I have been playing with the wp_pathinfo2 and wp_oriantation entries, and of course, have been able to use the 'wp offset' parameter of the pathinfo2 to generate the fast path. Not too sure about the 3rd and 4th entries (?).

    The wp_oriantation variables have been more of an on-going curiosity though. I have been able to (awkwardly) make them, or verify the ones generated by rF2. They look to be 0 --> +/- pi... pitch yaw and roll off of the path. In Dev Mode, they seem to allow for entry of the car's orientation with respect to the path (for instance, orientation of the car during 'opposite lock' slides).

    Might be my use of them, but if I assign rF2 generated wp_oriantation to a camera in max, it's a pretty bumpy ride.... in contrast to calculating the camera transforms with the fast path and wp_normal.

    If you are permitted to, could you tell us more about the wp_pathinfo2 and wp_oriantation variables? (usage, format etc..)

    Thanks in advance (and for posting the info above)..

    EDIT: Ok... figured it out, and posted the code to convert wp_oriantation into a camera matrix on post #67 in the above mentioned thread.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2013
  20. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Updated the first post with Talent file - RCD values, been playing around with these a bit just now and already found the problem of AI qualifying vs race speed which has been discussed before. From my experiments the 'QualifySpeed' needs to be as close as possible to the 'Speed' value above it, any values too far apart and you get drastic differences in AI from qualifying to race scenarios.

    Yes there are real life drivers that qualify good and race bad, but for me there is (currently) too big a difference in RF2 AI which makes Qualifying fun & tough but the Races far too easy.
    Also some RCD files dont have 'QualifySpeed' or 'WetSpeed' in as default, Meganes for starters, I had to copy out the F3.5 RCD and replace the Megane adjusting a long the way, that could also account for differences in qualifying and race speeds.

    The rest of the values speak for themselves and for the most part they appear to work as intended (hopefully MikeZ can confirm if any are broken or Not In Use).
    These two lines I have no idea about though, maybe something linked to the AIW?:
    StepDistance = 5.0
    StepSpeed1 = 20.3

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