Sent you a mail. Method 2 with fault ini, seems to be a firefox problem, it works in chrome. But it still have the rpm problem where it goes past 10000rpm and fails. Method 3, sent you the engine file. Can be a wrong value in the file, which I just cant find.
@ThomasJohansen It's strange. I've deactivated the Tool again, to find and fix the Problem. Seems to be caused by a different php Version on the Server. As said, when i tested it here, everything worked properly, but i always test on my own PC (localhost) and not on the Server and there seem to be Differences between the php Versions or php.ini Settings.
The Engine Generator Tool is online again. The Problem with Method 3 (uploaded Engine.ini) should be fixed. But i couldn't reproduce the Problem with Method 2, that generates an Error.ini file which says to contact me. @ThomasJohansen In the Mail i forgot to mention, that you should clear your Browser Cache. Depending on the Browser Settings, it can be that old Sites are loaded from the Cache. No, only 1 Time php
Just tried generating them here at work, in firefox. Both works... method2 with my torque/rpm manual input and then using that engine to method3. Will try at home tonight, clearing browser cache first of course.
it works now at home too. But still the torque/rpm problem, sent you a video on mail, so you have some investigation material, once you have build up the courage to dig deep into the php scripts.
Thank you for the Video, which shows the Problem. When i tested, i raised the Power with adding a Turbo, by + 30% max. You double it and then the Problem appears. As a temporary Solution, i did add a Limiter to the max Turbo Power Dropdown now, that allows max + 30%. I have to check, if the Problem appears with the Spreadsheet generated Engine too.
Thx for clarifying. I dont know much about turbos or how much is normal. Have looked everywhere for info on how much torque a given turbo engine have without turbo, but that info is impossible to find. Even dusted of my old german porsche book to see if there was any information about it. But I finally found a torque/rpm graph for a P935 L1 rebuild to 2.8L from 1981, it had almost 700hp. So now I know I have to deduct max 30% from that to get my torque values, depending on where I want/think the turbo starts and ends.
That is a Problem in the Internet, to find trustable Info. On a Site of a Turbo Manufacturer, i found the Info that a Turbo can raise the Power between 30 and 50 Percent, depending on it's Construction. On other Sites, you can find the Info, that e.g. 2 Turbos can double the Power, but no Statement about the Lifespan of such an charged Engine.
Seems as if my Online Tools Site is offline. Hopefully it's only caused by Maintenance Work from bplaced.
@redapg Hey Chris! Are the tools online now? I have a 404 error when I'm trying to open the old link Thanks!
Hello Nick, yes they are online. It really seems as if bplaced is doing some Maintenance Work at the Servers, even if there is nothing mentioned about it on their Sites. And if you mean the http Link, yes that is the working one. https doesn't work, because that isn't included in the "free" Webspace Service. This is the correct Link to the main Tools Site:
Maybe the below Link gives some help?
I don't use this Google Shi t, but maybe this: How do I unblock HTTP on Chrome? To unblock a site on Chrome, assuming you have administrator privileges: Open the Chrome app. Select More on the right (the three vertical dots). Click on Settings. Go to Privacy and Security. Select Site Settings. Unblock your desired website.