Version 6 released Here's version 6 of the pedal overlay plugin. Changes: * Only shows the overlay whilst on-track (i.e. not whilst at the monitor screen). * Adds FFB.log output The FFB.log contains the following data for each real-time session: 2013-07-18 13:43:13 Min=-1.000000 Max=1.000000 Avg=-0.015085
G'Day TechAde, Any chance you can elaborate on the values being collected in the log file (Min=-1.000000 Max=1.000000 Avg=-0.015085 )? Cheers mm
They're the minimum, maximum and average of the values being passed into the ForceFeedback function by rF2. Basically 1.0 = full right, 0.0 = no force, -1.0 = full left. The average is calculated by keeping a running total and then dividing it by the number of calls to the FFB function (called at 400Hz). To be honest the values aren't really that useful but it was asked for so I added it!
Cheers pal. So that I am clear if I am seeing -1 or 1 does that correlate to a red value shown on screen and 100% FFB strength has been hit and clipping has been engaged?
rF2 Pedal Overlay Plugin version 7 released Hi all, Attached is version 7 of the pedal overlay plugin. WARNING: Please don't bother with this version if you run with UAC enabled, please use version 8 posted below. This version adds a detailed log file that will output every FFB value that is sent to the wheel during a session (a session being from when you hit 'Race' to when you exit back to the monitor screen). This can be turned on and off in the ini file with: DetailedLog=True|False When enabled the plugin will write to FFB_Details.csv which can then be opened as spreadsheet and graphed as in the attached FFB_Details.png. Thanks to Pax for the inspiration to do this: Have fun!
On my system with UAC completely disabled it writes in the the root rF2 folder (C:\rF2), I don't know if that'll be different if you're running with UAC enabled.
I have UAC running in W7 so it's not going to write outside my user folder. Can you make the path configurable from the ini file?
I'd rather not as that could open up problems with permissions, I'd rather just leave it to rF2 to decide where the file should go. Is that going to cause a problem? Where does it write the file if you have UAC enabled? (Yes, I'm lazy!)
I hadn't been able to find it, which is why I asked the initial question. I would have prefered to see it in the My Documents\rFactor2\UserData\Player or Log folder. If it tries to write on any path outside user files such as C:\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor2\ etc., with UAC enabled, Windows will not allow a create, modify or replace without asking for manual permission input. I got 4 out of 5 rF2 crashes before I reverted to v6. The one time it did run with the v7 plugin with DetailedLog=True, I just couldn't find a .csv file after a track session.
I see, thanks. That does sound like a bit of an issue when running with UAC enabled, I'll take a peek.