Works fine, thx TechAde; at last one plugin wich doesn't need the infamous (IMO) d3d9****.dll (which is the cause for every other plugin not working with Nvidia Optimus Technology) Is it possible to have the bars' background transparent, or maybe gray, not so dark black?? byyyyyyyyyye
I'm on holiday at the mo so it's going to be a little while until I can rebuild the plugin for build 218, sorry guys.
Here's version 5 of the Pedal Overlay Plugin. This version requires build 218 or later of rF2. There are a couple of changes: * Plugin can now be enabled & disabled with the Toggle HW Plugins key (g by default). * FFB bar will change from yellow to red if the output is clipping. Enjoy!
Thank you for the quick fix TechAde . I have noticed that the graphic appears in the menu screens however,is this significant? Just a hedzup...
@ TechAde Hello, could you confirm that the plugin works with Build 240 please? I can't get it to show up on triple screen with multiview on in build 240. Thanks.
Will do, will have to wait until Tuesday though as I'm on holiday at present. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
As the others have said no problems here with build 240. I don't have a multiview capable system set up at the mo so can't test that, sorry.