Version 8 released OK, here's version 8, this should be compatible with UAC and will write the logs into your UserData folder wherever it may be. Edit: Hang fire, found a bug! Edit2: Bug fixed, here it is...
Thinking about it, it would make much more sense if it wrote to the log folder, I'll make that change for the next version.
I just ran a couple of sessions with the Megane at Longford and Clio at Croft. The only thing I am getting is that the FFB.log which gives me a single line for the session (2013-08-21 16:34:34 Min=-1.000000 Max=1.000000 Avg=-0.035413) is now being written into the UserData folder rather than the C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor2 folder as it was with v6 (which leads me believe it is not an issue with permissions in that v6 of the plugin successfully updated that log file for each session). Still no sign of the FFB_details.csv file.
Yes, first thing I did before planting it and the .dll in the Plugins folder. [General] OffsetX=0 OffsetY=0 BarWidth=10 BarHeight=50 DetailedLog=True
That's most bizarre that you are getting the basic log but not the detailed log. I'll take another look at the code when I get to my desk as that shouldn't be possible. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
I've just tested with a fresh rF2 install to the default locations (C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor2 and C:\Users\Ade\Documents\rFactor2\UserData) with UAC enabled and it works fine, I get both log files as long as DetailedLog=True in rF2PedalOverlayPlugin.ini. The creation of both files uses the same code and attempts to write to the same path so I'm struggling to see where it could go wrong. It's interesting that the original version would write the FFB.log to C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor2 for you but it wouldn't write the FFB_Details.log. I think there's a clue there somewhere, if only I can work out what it is.
OK, think I've nailed it. The problem was that the ini file was still in Program Files and we didn't have write access to it. Attached is version 9 which fixes this issue by writing rF2PedalOverlayPlugin.ini to UserData (i.e. in Documents if UAC is enabled). I haven't included an ini file in the zip as this will be created in the correct location on first run. Note that DetailsEnabled=False by default so if you want the detailed log you'll have to run rF2 once to have it write the ini file and then edit it so DetailsEnabled=True. Another slight change is that FFB.log and FFB_Details.csv are now written to the UserData\Log folder. Fingers crossed that's the end of the UAC nightmare!
V9 is perfect, TechAde! Love your never-say-die commitment! Might I suggest that, ideally, the .log and .csv files should have a specified sub-folder of UserData\Log\, like PedalOverlayFFB Just a warning to users: DetailsEnabled=True generates a big file fast. Use this line set to True only for FFB analysis and don't leave it active otherwise. An 11.7 minutes session generated over 266 thousand lines for a 5.6MB file.
Thanks (once again) TechAde for all your efforts to make this excellent plugin. A must have plugin, indeed! I suppose that it could be very helpful to add a visual advice (like a warning light) each time you turn too much the front wheels or, in other words, if the steering lock (at garage setup) is correctly adjusted. Is it possible? Or is this a trial and error procedure? Edited: NVM
I just downloaded, dropped in the Plugins folder, and started testing. Your elegant plugin combined with the careful instruction presented in DrR1pper's post should qualify as a sticky. My almost new G27 has never functioned better, and rFactor 2 has never performed better. Thank you so much for your excellent work.
Downloaded plugin and it works great, just could not move interface "around the screen". I've created the rF2PedalOverlayPlugin.ini file (btw, it's in the same folder as dll, right?) with following lines [General] OffsetX=550 OffsetY=10, but to no avail, it still sits in the upper left corner? Since i'm also using TrackMap plugin, i have to place it to a more comfortable and visible position. Where did i go wrong? I know, i can also move TM interface, but ... Thanks for your help.
You shouldn't need to create the ini file, it should be automatically created in UserData on first run (I.e. Not alongside the dll). See post #110. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
TechAde You can make individual settings to position the pedals and no background? I would use the last HUD created. (Translated with google)