That's no good as I use other plug-ins, was wondering if there's a specific key bind to lose this one, if not add it to the "ideas" list TechAde thanks
Same here. I use TracIR and disabling hardware plugins disables it too, obviously. I'd be great if it was possible to disable the rF2PedalOverlay on its own without uninstalling it, even if you had to manually edit the ini file to do it.
Version 10 is released, attached to first post. Version 10 adds: * Steering bar (rendered horizontally below pedal/FFB bars) * Ini file option to disable overlay (OverlayEnabled=True|False, defaults to True) * Ini file option to diplay filtered inputs (FilteredInputs=True|False, defaults to False) * Rebuilt against latest InternalsPlugin.hpp (version 6). Presumably this means it will require rF2 build 660 or above.
Thanks for the update Ade but I'm not getting an INI file to edit started RF2, loaded a track and the plug-in works fine, but alas no INI to alter.
The ini now resides in UserData, rather than alongside the plugin. Made this change a couple of versions ago thanks to the evils of UAC!
aahh I thought the OverlayEnabled= would allow in game turning off but alas it does'nt, any plans to add this?
Quoting this from another thread but replying in this one... That's a good idea, thanks. Next time I dive into the code I'll do that, make it horizontal like the steering bar. How about some sort of 'high water mark' that stays behind for a little while, indicating the highest value reached over the last few seconds? That shouldn't be too tricky (he says not so confidently!).
No, sorry, at least not unless I can find some key detection code that isn't as heavy on the CPU as GetKeyState(). With rF1 it wasn't so bad as the physics thread wasn't hitting the CPU so hard, but with rF2 any extra CPU load is a problem, especially on slower systems. Edited to add: You can back out to the monitor, edit the ini (alt-tab or windowed), then hit the track again and it will re-load the ini, if that helps?
TechAde, maybe it would be more clear some sort of diagram, with time in the horizontal axis, just like the ram or the cpu usage in the resource manager of the PC. You would really need to display just less of 1 second history, but this amount should be customizable. So, I figure you have a rectangle, and the right side show the realtime data, and streaming to the left the history is constantly updated. But what would be important is to show most data possible, but unless you use a 400 pixel bar, you cannot show 1 second history, maybe 0.25 sec. will be enough. And if due to this you have to cut data out of the display, they must not be the 100% values. I hope this is clear, today english is still sleeping in my mind.
Nice idea but rather beyond the scope of this simple little plugin I'm afraid. However, what I do plan to work on at some point is a full telemetry overlay plugin with which it'll be possible to overlay a graph of any of the telemetry data available in the UpdateTelemetry() call. Don't hold your breath though, real life keeps me _very_ busy these days, what with work, a toddler and now another baby due soon!
Brake Wear Plugin available? Hi, Techade! Grats on the baby. I haven't seen it anywhere, and after having brake failure twice this season, I'm wondering if there is a brake-wear overlay available for RF2. There may be a preexisting one I just don't know about. Help!