It will be the year 2020 before we have automatic AI in rF2. I think an adjustment in the interim would be useful since the only other option is a global setting that will ALWAYS be too high or too low for many mods and you'll have to remember to change it back and forth every time you change vehicles. That would be (is) ridiculous.
You didn´t understood. Again: System must notice when car flips (at a particular point) and adjust the line and/or aggression as part of the automatic learning process. I mean the learning that the AI does anyways! They alter the line while they are in training to archive better lap-times. So they can do when they notice that they flip over!-------> alter the line to avoid that. Now clear?
I did understand. I don't think we will have auto-learning AI or auto-adjusting AI for a LONG, LONG time. And even if we did, they still won't be consistent with each other (from one mod to another) at a particular percentage of strength or aggression. The automatic learning process we have now is far from automatic and can't really be called that if we are trying to be accurate.
It´s not automatic??? So tell me, what do you have to do for it then in your opinion?????? *facepalm*
What part of the current AI learning process is automatic? None of it in any practical sense that a typical user can use.
In order for rF2 AI to work, each track creator must record AIW file, which defines AI lines and boundaries. There is no such automatic learning in rF2 AI that you request, nor in any other racing game.
In this new build is a bug. if the cars are side by side, the rotate of first car is very easy. the front and rear axle are strange encounter.
Sure it is!!??? How can you tell other?? When you make the related settings in JSON-file it´s fully automatic!! I wonder that this feature isn´t yet fully known by many users! Must be because of the non-existent documentation for this program...
Not sure that is a bug. Who is AI and who is a player in that video? The AI has a tendency to "drive through" a player sometimes, but this just looks like taking the grip from the rear wheels of a FWD car.... very easy to do.
I neither see a bug: what I see is a car hitting the other while turning; it's natural that first car spins when second hits the other's rear half. byyyyyyyyyye
Gave these a go last night and it really is much improved. The main last refinements I'd care for most are with regards to resolution being higher, and the reflections have a funky undertone of matte finish to them. Car modeling is beyond my scope so I have only an understanding of basic terms, so it could be the materials. I did notice a couple of hinges on the car, especially the area between front wheel and side mirrors that look to have some conflicting lines too. But it drove nicely and it is a big plus that it is no longer "rF1" looking!
it was online race with players. no AI. its a bug, the contact was very small. and in the previous version wasn't problem
That contact in the video doesn't look "very small" to me. The car is forcing the contender into a different path (lateral Vs longitudinal), pushing on his back side. That's absolutely normal and expected. View attachment 15544
you don't understand me. The contact was very small, but the cars stuck together. Try it with another player see that in 0:09 a little lag when the bug is starting
There is no bug here. Apart from the tiny lag/netcode/whatever everything is exactly as it should be.