Yeah I raised it on discord but lets say there was little interest... mate I am glad you said this as i thought I was going crazy... this new UI has a lot to answer for. 397 make you have to create a stack of icons then make it as difficult as possible to get screenshots maybe they don't want anyone to make skins for this game ?
The F12 doesnt work for me. I am trying to get a car screenshot but - as it is now - it is a very tedious process as i have to hit the prt Scr button, then exit the game, then paste it into the paint prog. Do i miss smth here? PS I use the single player mode (NOT DEVMODE)
Do you make the Screenshots in DevMode really? I also use the new UI now and Screenshots, made in the DevMode are still stored in the Folder ..\rFactor 2\ModDev\UserData\ScreenShots. Please check that again. To make Screenshots in a proper png Format doesn't work in the Single Player Mode currenty. So we released our Icon Creator Showroom for the DevMode only. Try it out, it's not that hard to use. Download and extract it as described in the first Post and read the short Manual that is included.
I ve already tried it. But i have 2 problems: 1st is that whatever file structure i followed i didnt manage to have a working vehicle folder in devmode (i may be able to see it there, but when i get into the tuning menu no car is shown). And my second one that the F12 key does not work in devmode too. And the *.pdf doesnt say anything about F12 key
The F12 Key is not mentioned, because it is the default Key to make Screenshots. Do you maybe use a customized Controller File, where you did change some Keys? And to get a Mod into the DevMode is not that hard normally. But you need to have some basic Knowledge about the rFactor 1 and 2 File Structure. Is there really no Tutorial/Manual/Video out there, that explains it in a Way that you get it working? If not, i will write a short one then, i guess.
I will check what is the screenshot button in my controller setup then. Some friends told me how to create a working dev file but none of them work. I know the basic idea is (copied from an other forum, for a mod called SUPTOR_VolvoS40): - Create a folder for the car in dev mode Vehicles, eg SUPTOR_VolvoS40. - Create two subfolders in this new car folder called Teams and mas - Use the mas2_64.exe tool in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\Support\Tools" to extract the mas files file in main installed content folder (eg Volvo - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\Installed\Vehicles\SUPTOR_VolvoS40\0.65) to your new car folder in this way: SUPTOR_VolvoS40_main.mas - all contents to SUPTOR_VolvoS40 SUPTOR_VolvoS40_Teams.mas - all contents to SUPTOR_VolvoS40\Teams SUPTOR_VolvoS40.mas - all contents to SUPTOR_VolvoS40\mas Once done copy this .mas file as it is to SUPTOR_VolvoS40 folder: SUPTOR_VolvoS40_Sounds.mas I followed it. It wont work. So a working guide explaining in easy steps what should be done is always welcome
The important Information is missing. You have to edit the GEN Files, that the extracted Files can be found. If you use the Volvo Structure, you have to put these Lines into the GEN Files (delete the existing ones): SearchPath=<VEHDIR> SearchPath=<VEHDIR>SUPTOR_VolvoS40 SearchPath=<VEHDIR>SUPTOR_VolvoS40\Teams SearchPath=<VEHDIR>SUPTOR_VolvoS40\mas MASFile=cmaps.mas Try that out, it should work then. And don't use any MAS Files, except of the Sounds.MAS, together with the extracted Files!!
In the Example with the Volvo, if you e.g. did extract the SUPTOR_VolvoS40_main.mas already, don't put the MAS File into the DevMode too.
BTW When you make a Screenshot in DevMode, do you hear a "Click" Sound? Tracks yes, Cars not (unfortunately), because we don't have Access to the encrypted GEN Files, to edit the Pathes.
@Haris1977 BTW When you make a Screenshot in DevMode, do you hear a "Click" Sound? If yes, check the Folder ..\rFactor 2\ModDev\UserData\ScreenShots. The DevMode has an own UserData Folder.
Unfortunately it till doesnt work. I have uploaded the \steamapps\common\rFactor 2\Installed\Vehicles folder here (name of mod = SUPTOR_VauxVectra, similar to the previous one): and the \steamapps\common\rFactor 2\ModDev\Vehicles folder here: Can you plz check it? No i dont hear anything PS Yes, i can see the screenshots in devmode folder. But again , no sound
Your Devmode Version works properly here. What exactly is your Problem? To hear a Sound when you make a Screenshot is not important. It is important that the Screenshot appears in the Folder. You say that it does appear. So also here: what exactly is your Problem?
I can see the folder in devmode: But when i hit "TUNING" (to go into garage mode to capture my images) i get this (no car?)
@Haris1977 Can it be that the Cars Folder is in the main ModDev Folder, like that: ....\ModDev\SUPTOR_VauxVectra? If yes, move it into the Folder ..\ModDev\Vehicles\SUPTOR_VauxVectra