Updated on June 17th 2016 We are proud to introduce the 1971 Porsche 917K mod. People involved in this project are: 3D model: yoss Lighting: Tosch Physics: LeStrat, Lgel Sounds have been made for EVE Matra by Wolferl We are using a Creative Commons licensed 3D model, created by godofbigthings http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/63334 Public beta of the car has been released! DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE Changelog v 0.75: - Added latest chassis flex feature - Reworked tgm file, less slide but still no cpm - Added skins from the community guys : huguess ,billyblaze , ned52 ,Gui. THANKS GUYS . - Skins are all in 4096 x 4096 - Updated template - Updated 3d of the body around the headlights Changelog v 0.70: - Totally revamped the existing 3d model by yoss - Totally new physics by Lestrat - The car has only one skin, we share the Template. If anyone around wants to make the missing skins (only historic please) we will add the result in the mod - The car doesn't have cpm tyres - Lights system implemented ,nice race possible[/QUOTE] Latest WIP screenshots:
ooo Nice. Wish I could help, but sadly I am talentless. Still I command you to stop everything else you are doing and only work on this until it is finished
Looks good Look at that third picture, I didn't know rf2 was also a flight sim I don't know anything about modding rf2 sorry mate. I wish i did, maybe one day ill get around to trying it out, but whilst im waiting for that day ill look forward to mods by lovely folks like you Good luck
Awesome project! This has the potential to feel outstanding with RF2 physics. There are several mods happening in AC right now with versions of the 917. I have no idea if models could even be used across platforms but if they can and the other modders are willing that could also be something to consider. Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2
Looks great! Looking forward to the final project. I was thinking that the Houston needed a playmate. All that I could help with is painting :/ I'm going to try and start learning more rF2 modding at some point but time has been fairly limited recently.
Sweet car and unique opportunity to leverage existing model. Be sure to get help with making the physics as good as possible.
Thank you all for your nice words. My modding abilities (and especially 3D studio) are really poor, so I am in a permanent need of figuring out how to progress, therefore please do not expect a fast development. Navigator, of course your help is really appreciated. Do you want me to send you what I already have in a private message? Crivitz Chris skinning is really helpful too, so as soon as UV mapping is done, I will share the templates.
Pm send! For all those loving this car or wanting more info on it; looking around I found some good reading (especcially the pdf file is worth reading!) http://sportcars-history.com/assets/content/biblio/17/Porsche-917.PDF http://www.cknet.org.uk/blog/specification/
I'll donate 15 bucks if this one comes out in really excellent condition (cockpit and physics up to ISI standards). 30 would be worth it to have a GT40 done to perfection.
I forgot to share the 3D model I'm using: http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/63334 I have also updated the first message. Please, if there's a 3D expert who would like to work in the 3D model, just let me know. I hope that between all of us we get a great mod.
Mike Parris made some wonderful recordings inside a 917K at Riverside International Raceway in 1980. Scroll down this link to play them and read about the event: http://deansgarage.com/category/porsche-917/feed/
You should be able to pull suspension pick up points from this: http://www.pelicanparts.com/literature/917K_blueprint/917K-huge.JPG
Let me know if you need anything specific, my buddy may or may not own pedro rodriguez's original 917K. We also have some audio recordings, however they're off of our gopro we stick inside it sometimes so it won't be the clearest audio ever. Also I highly recommend joining this group on facebook, they know absolutely everything there is to know about the car and there's a few other owners in there - https://www.facebook.com/groups/Porsche917thelegend/ glad someone is finally bringing this car to RF2! depending on the circumstances I may be able to get some harder to get numbers and things from their engineer as well, he's helped me in the past with some unrelated stuff. But simple things like measurements and certain pictures are easy to pop over and get, assuming you can't find them absolutely anywhere else
Having someone in the forum who has actually driven this car is something unique, I would love to have you as an advisor for the behaviour of the car.
oh sorry, I haven't driven the car myself, it's my buddies. However it's not hard to get him over and in the sim to give some feedback, he's done so the past few nights and loved it