Managing Content for rFactor 2

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Gjon Camaj, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. WiZPER

    WiZPER Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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  2. MaD_King

    MaD_King Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I share the interogations posted before. Because it's not clear about how it works to get the files.

    So If I well read all the answers from Gjon.
    When a mod is published with it's SubmitID. Where is hosted the mod? Is there associated with the mod a repository?

    When a player go to an online server, if he doesn't have the mod, how it is working, the player is able to get the mod automatically (from the linked repository or mirrors?) An if it's like this, I hope it's not from the game server itself to avoid lag/bandwith staturation during the ones are driving.

    thanks in advance for your answer Mr Gjon.
  3. Kalle Lints

    Kalle Lints Registered

    Sep 14, 2011
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    Yes. You can sync what ever you like with that and that is maybe a problem but its clear that ISI cant share mods and tracks themselves so why cant clients get missing or wrong files directly from gameserver? Yes it makes little lag and stuff but if there is some settings that prevents downloading at specific time or when race is on or something like that then who cares when its little laggy on practice time. People get right stuff right there where they want do race and thats it. Even games from 1997(maibe) did it. Like Enemy Territory. There is no central server where everyone get right stuff. They get that directly from gameservers and after that you just join and play. Allways up to date and without any problems. Dont see anything wrong with that.
  4. Hutch-SCO

    Hutch-SCO Registered

    Oct 10, 2010
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    Isn't the way we use now easy enough for you, or are you one of them kids that need to shout on there mum every 5 mins for assistance.

    Why isnt rf2 out....
  5. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    whats so easy about:
    1) running rF1, going to the lobby, selecting your server and BAM...a mismatch after you've loaded the track!
    2) alt-tabbing out the game going to RFC to find the latest update
    3) get to RFC and theres 3 versions of the same track and you dont know which one to get!
    4) alt-tabbing back into rF1 but it crashes back to desktop!
    5) eventually find someone online in your League or whatever to help you locate the proper files
    6) 15minutes of downloading and you're back loading up rF1
    7) you still get a mismatch....lo and behold its the dreaded HAT file at fault!!

    thats happened to us all at somepoint and dont deny it!

    There are problems with the Original system, there will likely be problems with the New system (until ISI iron them out), bascially I just see this New system as a progression in terms of keeping content together and easily patachable from one direct place, not spread over countless sites with various versions and authors.

    Best thing to do is just to wait and try it for yourself, giving in and disliking the New system before you've even tried it is a bit pointless and you're not giving it or yourself a chance.
  6. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Hutch, it's not just about being easy. I think it's been communicated in the past that rF2 won't allow multiple (multiple multiple ...) folders like rF1, which I'm guessing is part of the accountability. This means laying down a new install when you and your mates decide you want to race on a particular mod/track but need to change a few minor settings (which would cause a mismatch on a server running the original content) won't be possible - which then means needing to back up the files you change so you can restore them if you want to play on an original content server, and swap back again if you decide to play your mates tomorrow, ...

    Anyway, what you seem to be missing is 'the way we use now' has been used for 6 years and people struggle with mismatches - exactly how long would you like to keep the current system before you agree that, maybe, and unlike you, some people apparently need a little more help? Does it really hurt you either way?

    It seems pretty obvious from the content we've seen, and some of the long-planned features that look unlikely to make it to beta or even to the initial release, that ISI has spent a lot of time working out how best to design their system so as to address the failings of the current one and support some future ideas - with the content to be polished off later. Making something to best fit the needs of the community at large (which really means a lot of compromises) is a difficult thing, and judging the proposal after a few minutes thought isn't really doing it, or the problem itself, any justice.
  7. Gjon Camaj

    Gjon Camaj Registered

    Sep 27, 2010
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    In this first phase the system we ISI do not host the mod. Right now the system does not automatically download it. However, with all of this information in place, this option becomes a possibility for the future.
  8. Marek Lesniak

    Marek Lesniak Car Team Staff Member

    Oct 6, 2010
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    So, bring back allowance for multiple installations. Very simple solution.
    But... if rF 2 have revised mod management and loading times for rF 2 full of 40 mods and 100 tracks will be the same like for 1 mod with 10 tracks (my "general" rF installation vs FIA GT league installation) and also mods won't affect each other in terms of file overwriting etc. then having just one installation is OK for me. Otherwise - I prefer to have them separate.

    There is an unwritten rule - if something is good, don't try make it better if you are not sure, it actually will be better. Otherwise, there is a good chance you overdo and make it worse.

    I'm not against any solutions that will make lobby racing better - as long as they won't affect closed league racing and moddability.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2011
  9. ethone

    ethone Registered

    Nov 30, 2011
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    So far I'm thinking the ModID system can provide some help in identifying the right mod to download (#3 in MarcG ridiculous exaggeration) and alert users to missing content for certain online sessions sooner. If we get that private mods mode to keep thinks less cluttered and public for those mods not crossing the threshold into broad publication I don't see any actual issue with the current system.
  10. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    again until you try the new system its best to reserve full judgement, I never thought football boots woud get better than the Predator....but alas they did!

    its happened to others, just because it may never of happened to you does not make it ridiculous!
  11. ethone

    ethone Registered

    Nov 30, 2011
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    Just because you had a poorly organized league that didn't provide the content used doesn't mean the way mods were created and how the sim handled them was to blame.
    Obviously any system is going to appear to be bad if you use it badly.

    So now we wait how the ID business will make it better.
  12. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    lol open your eyes mate, happened in Pick-Up races as well as leagues that I may or may not of been a part of!
  13. dwaltz

    dwaltz Registered

    Oct 17, 2010
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    suggestion: why not share via torrent.

    I'm happy you have adopted the ModIDs and the permanents account names, two ideas I was supporting long ago.

    About the mods being based on a cobination of cars and tracks, will modders be able to make a mod by publishing a car that runs on some tracks you provided first?

    Why don't you allow to tag tracks by category and allow to associate cars with track categories and/or specific tracks?
    An F3 or GT mod could fit with "standard race track"s, while a F1 could prefer "F1 track"s, a rally car would fit with "rally track"s.
    Obviously one could build say a DTM 2011 mod that works only with the exact 2011 season tracks.

    Monza would be tagged with both "standard race track" "F1 track" labels, but not as "rally track", Toban short would be tagged only "standard race track" etc...
  14. franylu

    franylu Registered

    Dec 16, 2011
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    Hello from españa gjon, ¿ the beta in unload this year?
  15. Hutch-SCO

    Hutch-SCO Registered

    Oct 10, 2010
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    I'm just maybe just to old school, if it aint broke dont fix it, would have rather seen the time spent on this being put into graphics and physics, this new format sounds to me why rf2 isnt even out yet, maybe not...
  16. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    it was'nt broke because it was basic, where theres basic theres room for improvement, as for the "time spent" comment.....Really?!? ;)
  17. maatriks

    maatriks Registered

    Mar 25, 2011
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    Gjon, what I would like to see, is download system similar to what Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory has had for a long time already: When client tries to join server, his local files are checked for the mod/track (by ID-s) (map in ET case) and if not present downloaded from host provided by the server administration.

    This kind of system could be optional for server (maybe add filter to matchmaker to search for servers that have this system enabled).

    Maybe add options like password-protecting the downloads (for private leagues and mods etc)

    Just an idea to consider, would be really easy for beginners.
  18. WiZPER

    WiZPER Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I bet staff at ISI is biting their tongue for having used MOD as an ID definition, causing all kinds of misinterpretations :)

    I pretty much have the answers to my questions, and people mainly non-modders are beginning to repeat themselves and previously answered questions. Looking forward to the open beta...

    Thanks to Gjon for his patience and for clearing out lots of details!
  19. henri200

    henri200 Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    In first page Gjon mentioned that to obtain a ModID, you have to have atleast 1 track AND 1 car in it. I would like to see possibility for a ID for track(s) (lets call it TrackID), which consists only 1 or more tracks. And to setup a server, you can choose ModID and TrackID, whereas second one isn't forced as tracks can come with ModID. With TrackID, it shouldn't be needed to have atleast 1 car in ModID.

    In practice it would work out so -> A person decides to setup a server with mod X and track Y. So that he wouldn't have to make a new ModID for that, he could just use existing ModID and TrackID.

    Also a possibility to download files from either ISI server or gameserver would be good - Something like SimSync.
  20. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    henri, what you end up with then is a server with a ModID and a TrackID, as you say, which isn't much different from a single ModID encompassing cars and tracks; I think what people are getting caught up on is thinking that 'creating a new ModID' is a difficult process, or one that for whatever reason you wouldn't want to do too often.

    It's different to rFactor, and people seem scared of it, but until we adapt to it and see what it's like in practice it's hard to judge. ISI know exactly how it works and it's what they're going with, so maybe they know what they're doing...

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