triple screen UPDATE ??????????

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by coops, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. ViSo

    ViSo Registered

    Feb 25, 2013
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    HD5870 1GB here
    3x 19" at 3840x1024@75Hz, HDR=on, AAx1, low-settings and +80fps in multiplayer with +-20 cars.
    Whos said you need a 7000Series? I have a 5000Series and running 3 screen super smoothly. But I need to updrage my card, low-settings are killing my eyes :) I was thinking to Upgrade to that R9 280x, really is that bad?

    is any single GTX700 able to run surround triple screen? (eyefinity for AMD), I hate having CF/SLI, I want a single GPU.

    My main game is this rF2 ... so I have to go to nVidia? my AMD is running really well, Im not thinking that AMD sucks.

    PD: I have a i7 3770k + 16GB RAM etc, no problem about system ;)
  2. enzo

    enzo Registered

    Apr 10, 2013
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    OK, FPS even worse with build 342.
  3. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    With the GTX6XX series you are able to run surround (triple screen) on a single card. In fact, in it's current state, rf2 runs surround better on a single card compared to Sli.
  4. 88mphTim


    Sep 23, 2010
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    SLI right now performs worse, they are aware of that as well.
  5. MoodyB

    MoodyB Registered

    Apr 23, 2013
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    Having briefly owned a 7970 Matrix Platinum, which is basically an R9 280x, I can safely say you'd probably need to switch to Nvidia if you want a higher minimum framerate with high / Max settings on 3 screens.

    I'm running SoftTH @ 4700x1080 on a 2gb Gtx 680 and average around 55fps on most tracks with 15 ai.This is with most settings at Max, and 2xaa.

    I would suggest a 3gb 780(£400) or 4gb 770(£285) though, depending on your budget, as there is a few tracks that I can't run at my settings due to running out of vram.

    And you might want to wait on someone with a 7970 / R9 280x replying though as fps did improve for most people with build 342. My tests between the 7970 & 680 were with build 300.

    Also keep in mind that if you wanted to stick with AMD that they are releasing the R9 290 soon ( mid of November apparently ), which might trigger some more price drops.
  6. GTClub_wajdi

    GTClub_wajdi Registered

    Feb 28, 2012
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    2 advices to gain a lot of performance for triple screen owner:
    1-turn off the multiview option!
    1-turn off one of the two, road and environment reflection ! I said turn it off and not set it to low, because there isn't no difference in term of fps between low and high setting!
  7. Led566

    Led566 Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Same here with a 6870 and AMD FX6300.

    I decided to upgrade to 7950.

    With everything maxed, HDR and AA level3 (but NO MULTIVISION which is basically useless with 3 old style monitors like ours) I'm now able to run BES mod (offline - 20 AI) at Silverstone between 30 and 40 fps (20 on start - up to 60 in race).
    Of course for real events I will find some setting to stay well above 60 fps in any situation, it wouldn't be difficult.

    The visual appearence at full settings is incredible.
    It's just a different sim.
  8. Axly

    Axly Registered

    Jun 26, 2012
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    Triple screen is working just fine imho, however, once Multiview is enabled the fps numbers crash down fast. Many suggest turning it off, and that might be very good if you're either mounting the screens in a quite flat angle, or use small screens, but sitting with triple 27's very close to me, and in 45 degree angle, the outer edges are rougly at my sides, at a 160-170 degrees angle, and that looks absolutely horrible without multiview.
    I use a 7970, HDR off, Most settings low, a few medium, very low AA, and during the race yesterday (online, 12 drivers, Mid Ohio) i was never under 40 fps, this with multiview ON. The immersion is, despite the lackluster graphics, absolutely amazing.

    regarding the thread title "triple screen update", I'd sign for this if it says: "Multiview performance tweaking needed", because I absolutely love what this game looks like with higher settings, and with my setup I need Multiview.
  9. Guy Moulton

    Guy Moulton Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Using SoftTH (I'm on Vista) my 4GB GTX 760 pushes 3x 21" monitors just fine at 5296x1050 but the key is having more than 2GB of VRAM on the vid card. I use Multi-view also (it ruins my sense of speed without it even though it halves my frame rates). This post from a few months ago shows my VRAM usage going over 2GB at Silverstone (yup, same old culprit).

    I rarely have problems with frame rates, but I don't do benchmarking or anything either. Since my frame rates are exactly halved with Multiview enabled, I'm pretty sure this is more of an error in reporting, I don't believe everything I read....
  10. MMartin

    MMartin Registered

    Oct 30, 2010
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    Same VGA here and same results, I'm thinking to upgrate to GTX770 2GB, anyone have tested it with 3 monitors at 3840x1024?
  11. JorgeANeto

    JorgeANeto Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    People always have a excuse for poor RF2 performance. Whether other games are old (although they don't look so old in comparison to rF2), or Codemasters have optimized their engine (why ISI can't?), and this and that.

    Since I got a Gtx770 (two of them, actually) and can't run RF2 at decent frame rates (full grid, of course - 1 car on track doesn't count, it's a racing simulator after all), I realized that triple screen would be a utopia, as well said earlier in this thread. I bet a full grid under raining wheather would be unplayable even in a Pixar mainframe. Tell me about you're "no problems" with triple screen...
  12. 88mphTim


    Sep 23, 2010
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    Not an excuse, but a fact is: We're not done yet. That's the main reason why you see people 'excuse' in relation to products which are "done". Not saying you should change how you feel, just explaining why others feel better than you do.

    There are some who run in a way that THEY consider to be "no problems". They are allowed to say, the same as you are allowed to say that you can't.
  13. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    For Nvidia Sli users, if you are using Multiview, then HDR is a definite no-no. If you do want to use HDR in Multiview, you then need to go to Nvidia Inspector and (back-up then) delete the Rf2 profile. I used to change the Sli compatibility bits from: 0x02402005 to 0x00000000 & that used to work, however not sure if that still does, but I know for sure deleting the profile does.

    I've resigned myself to the fact that HDR isn't possible in Sli/Multiview right now so have opted for higher AA & in-game settings (no reflections at all as stated above) with larger AI numbers and a steady 60fps (in most cases) with multiview/Sli/video vsync without HDR using the default Nvidia Sli settings.
  14. ViSo

    ViSo Registered

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Thx for that info!
    About SLI Im not planing on it so, no problem for me.
    If I go to nVidia I will probably buy the GTX770 4GB. You had the 7970 Matrix and now you have the GTX680? and is GTX680 better? didnt expected it... And yes, having triple monitor my requirement is minimum 3GB of vRAM, I will not buy anything lower.

    About prices just now I have GTX660ti and R9-280x at the same price (260€) but the gtx660ti it worse, and the GTX770 4GB cost 320€, is a high difference, but is worth it?
    But Im happy to read that SLI is no more required to mount triple screen, that give me a change to buy an nVidia, Im planning to upgrade on Christmas +-, so if they release the R9-290x and prices get drops, I will be more happy :)
  15. MoodyB

    MoodyB Registered

    Apr 23, 2013
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    The 680 was better in rFactor2. And noticeably so.
    In build 300, the minimum framerate on the 7970 wasn't that much better than my previous card at the time, which was an overclocked Gtx 660.
    So I got rid of the 7970 and went for a 2gb 680 Power Edition, as a higher minimum fps in rF2 (and pCars) was one of my main reasons for upgrading.
    And I'll be getting rid of the 680 soon too as I didn't expect the 4gb 770 prices to drop :)

    In other games (with the 680 overclocked and the 7970 matrix overclocked) they were pretty much even, with the 7970 ahead in AMD titles, and the 680 ahead in Nvidia ones, as you'd expect.

    A 660 ti is around 20% slower than a 680. An overclocked 680 just about matches a stock 770. The 770 will overclock & has 4gb of vram.
    And remember that from certain retailers the 770 will come with 3 game codes, so you could always sell them to reduce the cost of the card.

    The R9 280x might be a good buy (considering its price, the 3gb of vram and it is just as quick as a 770 in most other games) if build 342 has improved AMD's performance.

    Hopefully someone will let us know if it did.
  16. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    gtx 680 4gig running triples getting great FPS with everything maxed and multiview and HDR... ask any track i will put up proof and screenshots of what i get........
  17. Jerry Luis

    Jerry Luis Banned

    Aug 25, 2013
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    Hi coops, do you mind to share your nvidia profile settings? I got one gtx 680 4gb too and i´m using max settings ingame and getting good fps but not with multiview on.
    Thanks in advance.

    ps: your gfx is overclocked?
  18. Thiago Lima

    Thiago Lima Registered

    Dec 23, 2012
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    So, i guess that with a GTX 780 Overclocked 3GDDR5, it will be fine for me to rum 3 screens?
  19. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    gfx is overclocked using evga precision x = target 131% gpu clock offset +147 mem clock offset +498
    my invidia settings i just restored them to normal
  20. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    should no worries best with triples is more memory buffer the better i wud recommend 3gig or bigger. and dont sli its not worth the extra $$$ with such big powerful cards out now.

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