Documents/fRactor2/UserData/Log Uninstall and delete all vmods and look that you don't have any non working mods, cars, tarcks etc.(Red text) in your modmanager if there is delete them also.
Okay, things are getting weird now.... I'll refer to the bug report I made:
Oh God, please tell me you're joking. Thank God I use 3D where SLI seems to generally scale at least decently in games where it normally scales awfully like rF2. Sometimes I think it's an NVIDIA issue rather than an ISI issue because crossfire and even trifire AMD Radeon HD 6950s and 6970s, from what I recall, would always scale well in ISI based sims, even old ones like GT Legends, rFactor 1, etc. In single and triple screen mode as long as multiview WAS NOT selected. This is years ago with old drivers (relatively new back then). Then other times I do think it's an ISI issue especially because of the broken performance you get in all ISI based sims, not just rF2, in SLI mode when multi-view is enabled, or in specifically rF2 SLI mode when HDR is enabled.
After further Internet research I resume the usage of the SLI compatibility bits is much more complicated as I thought specialy if I want to combine it with some AA settings. For me it seems that a two way SLI system work best with SLI Split Frame Rendering (SFR) this means every image is divided into two halfes. No Idea why rF2 do not take advantage of for example AFR2. I've done more testing in the past two days and I think there is still room for more FPS with the existing rF2 engine. But at the moment I can't find the right setting for combined AA with SLI. I can remember with AC in their earlier builds it was the same (poor SLI performance with ) but after some builds it was solved by Kunos and documented in the build notes.
Well, Spinelli, I see you have been active in one of the threads where ISI (Tim and Joe) pretty much stated what I mentioned earlier about SLI and support...
Come on WIZPER read whole topic, that single statement from Tim don't mean that there is no SLI support or that it don't work. Joe Campana has never wrote that SLI or multi GPU don't work. " Tim Wheathley 04-03-14, 07:05 PM If you have the RAM, run rF2 on a single card right now. It's the only answer I have... Disable SLI. Joe Camapana 04-05-14, 08:27 PM This is nonsense, guys. Our multiGPU performance is as good, or better, than anyone and has been for a while. I have tested it extensively and consistently get 90% GPU util on both GPUs, AMD and nVidia. On my test systems, AC multiGPU does not work worth a spit. pCars is OK, iRacing works very well. Perhaps you need to add some SLI bits with inspector, although I thought the current profile handled this fine. So, do not generalize your specific HW problem to rF2 overall, because it's just not the case. Tim Wheathley 04-06-14, 02:58 AM I didn't say anything like what you seem to have taken from this thread though... as it's not exactly the case, that's why you didn't get a reply like you're suggesting would make you feel better. Not going to say something if I don't think it'll help. People who are unable to configure or have issues, may be better off doing what I said. People who can, will be better off doing what Joe said. Apologies for an apparent "smug" answer, you'll find that I did actually defend you against smug answers given to you by others in the post you quoted. I'm also sorry that you feel getting two responses from staff, on a weekend, both concerned for your issue and both giving options, is such a negative for you. /smug " SLI works fine but SLI+Multiview+HDR+triple screen has too high FPS (-50FPS) cost, it is not non working SLI what is the problem CPU load is +90% if you system can handle 2,3 or 4 cards, problem is rFactor2. SLI+multiview+triple screen+HDR+NVIDIA 3D vision must have 100-120FPS and system what can run rFactor2 with 100-120FPS is not produced yet, all other games yes, rFactor2 no, so simple is that.
Ari... I say again: " May or may not work" - and when I say work I mean as in improved performance. And they both say that it's up to the users to test and find out, as in "no support" I stand with my first comment as this is what we got right now. And based on that entire thread, which I did read, I chose to go for a single card setup and I have Triples, MultiView, HDR at decent (60+) fps, so I'm happy. Fact is that many get worse performance from activating SLI than running single card @ exact same settings, so Joe is asuming people don't know what they are talking about in that post of his - which seams even more smug and frustrating than Tims IMHO.
To claim activating SLI gives worse performance then single card is silly, do not generalize your SLI or hardweare problem to rF2 overall, SLI works fine. Some in the community have issues setting up SLI, others in the community don't have a problem at all. I have 3 PC with SLI all works fine if locked to 60fps high settings, HDR, single or triple screen, no stutters, tearing rFactor2 runs fine. Problem is: 1. If you have 120hz triple screen and NVIDIA 3D vision you need min 100fps and with HRD there is huge fps lost and can not lock fps to 100 and this means that 3D or lightboost don`t work as it should. 2. No UI, triple screen. When this is fixed I am happy.
GPU load both cards is +-95%, SLI yes, but rFactor2 fps cost is too high if multiview+triple screen+HDR+NVIDIA 3D vision/lightboost I get 75fps and there is horrible stutters etc., no HDR and I can lock my fps to 120 and game runs fine.
Out of interest for regular comparence, what is your performance with SAME settings (MultiView+HDR) on Single and SLI ?
Single card (780GTX, triple screen)) don't have GPU power to give more then locked 60fps HDR on or off, but it runs smooth no stutters etc.
Could you make a few Fraps Benchmarks from a replay, starting it at same point - one using single card, one using SLI ? (unlocked fps ofcause)
You may be flattering your SLI-rF2 results because of 3D. SLI usually scales decently in 3D even if the game itself doesn't normally scale well. Can you please do a non-3D/lightboost benchmark of rF2 with triple screens, multiview, and HDR? And then compare it with the exact same settings in single GPU mode? Make sure to use no AA settings from the NVIDIA control panel, just leave everything on application controlled and set AA from the rF2 config itself to Level 3, and obviously disable any framerate limiters.
From my experience ISI avoids replying to questions where the answer would be either embarrrassing for them or simply not convenient to do so.
For me it seems that most of the games does not perform with SLI out of the box. But for the big names nvidia provide with the driver updates a ready to use profile. So the question for me is who can create a good performing SLI profile? After some further research I realized it's not done with the SLI compatibility bit. I suggest it is more a combination of SLI comp. bit + AA Setting + AA comp. bit + SLI rendering mode + rF2 Ingame settings. To find the right combination of bit's you have to be familiar with the topic and you have to know how the game/sim gfx engine use the provided methods or you have endless time or much luck. My conclusion is yes there is still room for more SLI performance and FPS but I'm afraid without help or hints from ISI dev's it is a never ending story.