I run a titan (triple screen, no multi) and ever since 300 build my fps halved at 'mid ohio' with 29 cars on track so tried unstable no difference...
I run SLI with two gtx670 4GB on tripple 24" with multiview. Depending on track and mod I get 40 - 60 fps. I've noticed several times a GPU DRAM usage more then 2 GB which is for many cards a limit. To get enough fps I can manage more or less but I've a permanent problem with the side mirrors because my FOV is very low 22 and the side mirror point not to the rear more to the side of the track and with my settings the resolution of mirror content is also to low and full of pixels.
Absolutely right. Forget to mention either that my 6870 was used to single screen. Never crossed to my mind that it was possible to use that gfx for 3 screens.
Do yourself a favor and buy nVidia ... not that ATI is bad - but it seems like non-triple A titles don't do a good job of supporting ATI cards ... I don't know why that is but sim racing forum after sim racing forum is filled with ATI users having bad performance when titles like battlefield 3 or F1 2012 perform just fine.
I am most interested in either bezel correction or UI scaling (zooming?) as I cannot see all of the UI with my triples presently. Can't even watch the framerate as it is off the screen
If that GPU can't handle triple screens, why is my 6950 able to run triples with most things maxed at around 40+ FPS? Screen res is set to 5600 X 1080
i also have a single 6970 running 3x23inch at 5960x1080 and a 15in telemetry monitor at 1024x768, my cpu is phenom2 955@ 3.6ghz and i have 8gb ram, i run rf2 all medium settings, 14 car visible and always above 40 fps, maybe its your system configuration or things running in the background as some of these posts vary widely on what the same hardware achieves.
7970 3GB here and I still have to run a single monitor if I want to use HDR and even minimal shadows.
As long as there are people saying there is no problem there-in lies the problem, you don't get these discussions concerning RF1 it just works as in most other games.
With my HD7950 I can run 3 25" fullhd monitors with every thing on high except shadow(medium) and environment reflection(low), with HDR-On, AA-3, 16 IA and I can achieve 50-70fps! If I disable the HDR I can achieve between 60-80fps! I have to say that I turn multiview off and that helps me a lot, but I don't dislike the visuale without the multiview, because I use a very low FOV(23-27)!
Have the latest catalyst drivers fixed the crossfire stuttering? Cus I'm getting a bit tired of my crappy FPS on a single 7970 and I might buy another 280x but I don't want to be back where I was on my 6970Crossfire setup where you might have had more fps but it ran half as fluidly
I run GTR 2, GTL, Race 07 & Addons, ARCA, rF1, netKar Pro, F1 2012. All with high setting. All on 3 screens without any FPS problem or drop. It's obvious that my GPU HD 6970 OC/2GB CAN handle 3 screens. So it is not my PC what is wrong.
Those other games you mentioned are all five years old (except for F1 2012), you can't compare against those. And Codemasters have probably put more effort in optimizing their graphics engine. I have a GTX 660 which is roughly the same as a HD 6970 in performance, I would never attempt to run 3 screens with it. If you want 3 screens you really need to have a current generation graphics card.
I realize most of my games are old. That is why I mentioned F2012 as well which is new and so good looking and runs smoothly. I can not see anything special about rF2 graphic, so why it can not run smoothly? As I mentioned I have to lower graphic setting even on single screen. I just thing that there is a room for some optimalization.
so we really need a currant generation gpu but theres loads of us get good performance from one 6970 over 3 screen in rf2, bf3, bf4 beta, f1 2013, i think some of you guys need to wake up, the 5000 series and 6000 series where built for triple screens, wether or not they can handle currant gen games at highest settings is another question but to say they cant run triple screens is bull****. i run rf2 at medium across the board, 3x23in at 5960x1080 and a telemetry mon at 1024x768, but i must be imagining i run them on the single 6970 2gb version eh?
There is room for optimization, definitely, but ISI games have always been about physics not graphics, they have small resources and it's clear they don't put that much resources on the graphics side, not even close to Codemasters that probably has something like 20 guys working on graphics alone. So I wouldn't expect a huge improvement in fps coming anytime soon.
Sure, and what do u call "good performance"? And how does it look? I sincerly doubt u can even see 60fps on that res with that card. And that's without shadows, without HDR, without proper AA,... And I don't usually like CM but they know a thing or 2 about engine optimizations, all their games run amazing on triple screens (Dirt 3, F1 series, ... )
but i never said i could see 60fps on that card with my setup, i was just making it plainly obvious that past comments about these cards not being able to run 3 screens was ballocks, and it is, with regards codemasters optimising a game engine your right it runs great on 3 screens, so is that the cards fault or rf2 for not optimising a game that looks way worse than f1 2013?. i run rf2 all medium ingame, no hdr, no fxaa, other things turned off, still looks good to me, runs 40 mainly, drops to 25 on start grid then back upto mid 40's, never higher than 60 though, but fluid enough to be able to drive no problem edit: and tbh id disagree with anyone who says running rf2, bf3, bf4 beta and other new games with a single 6970 at my res with my cpu and ram which is over 4 years old now isnt good performance, its great performance from such old hardware on new generation games.