ISI is there any news on when this will be updated, will it be released in the near future ? and is it on the HIGH priority list ?
I believe Tim said they are working on it... It seems like a needed core function for a sim aimed at the enthusiast. Most avid sim racers have triples so why was it not implemented sooner? Another sim, currently in development, had full functional triple support...and that was in their tech demo...
What about it do you want updated? There's been updates to it in almost every build recently, if I'm to take your actual question, it could be answered by saying you've had updates, so give me some more info, you know you want to. Something more specific would help. Overall completeness? A specific setting allowance?
Some future improvements to multiview were mentioned recently, including adjustment of angle between center and side monitors in-game, and a possible better performance when multiview is enabled. Also bezel correction inside the game to avoid hiding HUD elements behind the bezels. Those are the things I would be more interested to know about.
Thats exactly want i meant after reading the last dev Q&A sry i did not write it this way but thought ISI might know what i meant sry for that Tim.
This and this! When I have multiview enabled I lose about 50%-60% of fps and that is too much ! For example: With Multiview Off, I can set every thing on high-max and I still have about 65-80 fps! With Multiview On, I have to put every thing on medium and even low( like shadows, reflection and opponents cars) to have a decent 30fps! It's really ridiculous how the multiview option kills fps performance in rfactor 2!
Nothing ridiculous IMO. You have 3 screens to compute and render instead of one. Unless I missed a technical miracle in my dev life those last 40 years you will spend 3 more time than with a single monitor...Off course, some solutions can me implemented, like not having same resolutions and/or details for side screens. Anyway, more screens, less fps, that's the way it work AFAIK...
Multiview is an option to give the screens independent FOV. He's comparing 3-screen framerates with that option on and off. *"Independent FOV" wasn't a good choice of words. Multiview off treats the side screens like a direct extension of the centre one; it looks right if the screens are in a line. Multiview on suits having the side screens facing you directly, the way most people with multiple screens do it.
Yep, I understand pretty well how it work: without multiview you have only one big screen to compute and render ("flat"), with multi view you have 3 separate (and smaller) screen to compute and render. Anyway, sound logical having 3 different renders of the world heat more fps than a unique render, even if the display part have same number of pixels...
Multi-view requires three independent screens be rendered by your video card. It will eat frames no matter how well the sim is optimized.
I must be confused about the nature of this question. I have rfactor2 on three monitors and it looks cool. What other adjustments in the game am I missing? I set up the nvidia surround on my computer. You can do the bezel adjustments and it then adds all the extra wide screen resolutions that I can choose in rfactor2. Surely ATI gpu's are capable of this, right?
Could somebody please explain me what the options Widescreen Hud and Widescreen UI actually do? Nothing changes here if I enable them.
1- adjustment of angle between center and side monitors in-game. This option allow you to have a better vision of the side monitors! 2-better performance when multiview is enabled.
Take another sim softwares for reference: is the multiview affect performance like rf2? a: yes-> keep the good work b: no->Try to improve
iRacing has it and yes, it affects performance. That doesn't mean rF2 can't improve their performance though.
maybe i dinĀ“t explain right, i know that in every game multiview affect performance, but affect LIKE rf2 does? If yes, keep the good working. If no, rf2 need to improve to get their level. Its clear now?
Ati 7970 here and yes i can correct the bezel -70/80 fps multiview off -40/50 fps multiview on and he still smoothy
Those are all things they've been working on. Unfortunately I don't have a triple screen setup myself to know where they've got to at this time.
Hm. An angle adjustment might be useful. I know I don't have everything adjusted perfectly, but I don't notice (or care that much, honestly) for now. I will be curious to see how much multiview will enhance performance - to me, it seems like there shouldn't be much performance difference between rendering 3 screens separately or one screen that is 3 monitors-worth wide. I guess we'll have to wait and see how it turns out.