Time for rumor mongering. In the June Roadmap, when they were writing about this car's imminent release, they stated this was still a work in progress and more features would be added to the car. What off the shelf features are missing? You know things currently available in other DLC cars? And then, what could the POSSIBLE new features be? I open the floor to those who would hazard a guess....
Edited my previous post It’s not the new tracks I bought with this new car that’s bulking my fps ( monza & spa ) after testing with different cars the tracks are fine it’s this new f1 car that’s destroying my fps 1st thing that’s made my system buckle Even with just x2 Ai’s , I’ll await optimisations 10900k & 3080 watercooled
good morning, given the complexity of this car, who is so kind to put here a SETUP for the "Monza?", thank you
translucent is actually the realistic option as the human eye effectively sees “around” the central pillar when each eye’s vision combines in the brain to create one image.
Yep, and it doesn't disappear, just stays there appearing twice in your vision. Look at the right angle on either side of centre and it completely blocks one eye's view. The option is perfect as far as I'm concerned. 2 hours not enough time? Who's your servant?
I need a good and stable setup for the new "Formula Pro" car, the defoult one sucks, the car is slow!
Lol, do you have manners? Are you like that in real life?? Are you asking or just forcing someone to help you? Jeeez...
I force what ?, perhaps not knowing the English language well, you understand badly, I asked for courtesy, a favor, I'm not imposing anything on anyone!
That car was released 24 hours ago, how can you pretend that someone has already made a setup for Monza ? If english is not your main language, google translate can help you. Writing "help! I need xyz" is different that writing :"if someone already made a setup, can he share it with me?" In english "need" is quite a strong statement, like: "I need oxygen, help me or I'm going to die". There are better ways to ask something futile as a car setup.
How slow, compared to what? Track? your time? AI level, if thats what you compare to? I havent tried it yet, but will tonight, was busy making my own livery for it yesterday
that and thanks, the "setup" is for the Monza circuit what is now online in the competition system, the defoult setup is horrible!
I wonder how fast the guys in competition system goes. With just couple of laps in race session in Monza I am not as much slower than AI as I expected. AI is doing ~1'23 and I have done just a bit over 1'24 with little practice. But I wouldn't be surprised if some of fastest guys around will do 1'15 or even faster. Thats because almost everyone is going to be too slow for this car except a few. I personally find it almost perfect, it is super stable and just does everything right, the only problem is that at this speed I am not able anymore to keep up with it, even though the car clearly can go much much faster.
3 pages of all kind of irrelevant stuff. Can someone give some brief review? I'm interested in important stuff - how it drives. Don't care about missing dot on steering wheel or led lights and such nonsensicals
I love when people give "licenses" based on nothing thinking they must be right and the rest is not If you don't own this car you're not a real fan and supporter Go get the car and test it yourself, if you consider yourself a real rf2 fan and supporter
It is on rails, can't go flat out everywhere, but usually can keep foot on throttle by some amount. It is fast. Does everything well. Feels very good. Tires seems to allow everything till they doesn't. Bit shaky on lower speeds, but still very stable.
I will test tonight with my triple....so happy to have a new F1...the ISI 2012 was outdated. I think i will buy the discounted E formula package too...probably awesome with triple