Hi all! The first thing I wanted to mod for rFactor1 was a R/C racing modification but I never was so close to achieve my goal like now with rFactor2. Ok I had some "good" tries before and even got a car and a piece of track working in rFactor1 but...yeah...don't mind! It just was a try but the physics made me crazy Anyhow the "fun" R/C mod by ISI let me hope again for getting something R/C like done with rFactor2 And that's what I currently have (3D-wise): ...and that's what I've done yesterday (rF2-wise, only for testing the 3D exporting and file structures in the DevMode) Currently my plan is to get the basic R/C body and a simple track (e.g. a simple flat warehouse using the parts I've build already) into the game and testing different camera options (never build up track cameras before) aaaand testing my R/C to USB adapter with rF2 . So far, so good. Now after this little introduction I want to ask some various questions! Who's willing to help or interested in a R/C simulation using rF2? What's the size of the ISI Formula RC? (read 1/5 somewhere but I'm still not sure about this) What's needed to change the physics from ISI Formula RC scale to 1/10 or other scales? Why does the tire size of ISI Formula RC increases in the game? (looks like they get filled with air like a balloon!) Anyone willing to donate 3D models of car bodies for the R/C mod? (only simple models would be needed, as no interior or high detailed headlights are needed) Any wishes for cars/tracks/sceneries? (I currently think of: street/offroad, warehouse/open-air/indoor, privat tracks/championship tracks/"Micro Machines Racing" (racing on the kitchen table or in your bedroom ) Cheers, FuNK!
Hiya, Did you know that iSi has a R/C mod? http://rfactor.net/web/rf2/devscorner/ It's the second to last item you can download on that page, under "Just for fun". Hope this helps! Bryan
@wgueze I definitely will come back to this offer later thank you! @Bryan that was what I was referencing to, when I wrote "ISI Formula RC" So yes, I know it and it's the cause for me taking up my old project again
2, yes 5th Scale. 3, a lot of the variables have to be factored by a power of 1, 2 or 3. For example, being 10th scale, it's about 1/2 the size of a 5th scale, so, the vehicle mass is about 0.5^3, or 0.125x the 5th scale weight, about 1.4kg. Of course, you probably have better numbers for stuff like this, but it has to be carried through the PM file and inertia's are a little more complex and in general should be 0.5^3*0.5^2=0.03125x of the values used in the 5th scale, this is getting very close to the limits of the game engine so you can end up freezing rF2 at any moment. Which is why it's best to go slow with these things, start by softening things up, like springs and whatnot. Aero is about 0.5^2, however doesn't scale well, a lot of efficiency is lost at low reynolds numbers and any downforce is likely to be almost nothing. Most importantly, the tyres need to be redone, AFAIK 5th scale tyres have belts in them, 10th scalers usually don't, so should be relatively easy to make, we could probably include them in the next lot of 'TGM example' files whenever they get released. 4, the body on the 5th scale car is probably a little bit too small.
First, thank you Michael for your help! Second: I currently have not much time to work further on this. But I will return to this project during February
Long time no seen! Just wanna say that I will pick up my work on this again in the next weeks Happy new year to all out there!
Great news FuNK!, good luck just in case you missed it: http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/23035-Formula-RC-1-002-Available might help you with your work
cool man,looking good few shots from dev mode 13h View attachment 15497 View attachment 15498 View attachment 15499 ps.i borrow some objects from isi tracks,hope they dont mind...
17h View attachment 15500 View attachment 15501 View attachment 15502 this is not final result im playing with texture and colors some things may go and some will add to optimaize fps
great previews! really like the track already! I'm currently testing the new RC ingame but still struggle with the new rF2 world...rF1 was so easy xD But I'm on it and will be back with previews soon I guess
Question: What's needed to change with the tires to make a representative of a slightly larger wheel (~25%)? I'm asking because I've put my model into the game and change some bits and bytes at the TBC file (especially regarding the diameter) but only get strange results. For instance the car is slowly drifting over the ground but one can't drive the car (in other words you can throttle but the wheels just turning around without any effect). If I then increase the ride high in the setup the behaviour disappears. Anyhow the tire size seems to be wrong because the wheels are clipping with the ground - no matter what size I enter in the TBC. Because the AI uses a simpler physic system this effect doesn't appear on AI driven cars, even tire size and ride seem to be "ignored" and therefore work without any visible issue. So my guess would be that the problem can be solved somehow with the new tire physics. To be honest I don't want to completely finish this model in all aspects but starting a new one in near future. Nevertheless it would be great to know where to look and work at to fully integrate a new model into the game without having the issues I mentioned above EDIT: two pictures to illustrate what I was trying to describe above. Additionally I missed to say that steering is not really possible and the car seems to have no grip on the front axle...again this is better when I increase the ride high but is not the solution for the original issue.