Hello there ;-) New Update, the base of the frame chassis is done and the main part for the front suspension. The 3d is done , still unwrappin but I will see late when all the rolling chassis will be done I have found few reference on a book ( I have little blur it to protect copyright ) next week-end I will start the rear one have nice week ;-)
Hello vava74, I understand your comments , but as I don't post many offen , I don't want pollute the forum rolling chassis done, engine and gearbox too. all the 3d meshe is finished I have to texturing it now
Hello, last update, the carbody is done, need now to map it , but it will already give you the first general appearance inspiration from the brand BBM with this Formula renault orginal bodyshape
Looking great, though if youre matching the inspirational front in the picture, i think the front is more pointy.
Hello a small update after the step that I dislike ( unwrapping phase ) , . see the first skin , to present the car
Awesome looking texture/skin, if you release a template at some point, please include those scratches in a layer if you can.
Hello if anyone is interested in taking care of the physical model of the FR75 while I model the 3D cockpit. Send me a Mp, and I will give you the link ;-)
Hello Guys I bring you a new beta version, still few issues that I have to solve the physic is done by Nicola59 , a big thank to him So the list of issue you will find only n°1 car have a the sound for other you need to copy the sound file in Modev 1: the FR75_Sounds.json file doesn't find the Skip_ignition_in.WAV I have tried to modify the path directly i nthe json without success 2: the steering wheel rotation is not align with driver movement 3: how to set correctly the inside mirror ? 4: when I launch a test with IA opponents, I see only mine car any idea ? find the link https://uploadnow.io/f/4s7kF9q if someone have few idea how to solve theses stones in the shoe be free to add your comment and way to improve it
just launched it, no steering wheel AI works fine for me on loading screen i have this errors: some nice screens:
hello Mauro to avoid your sound pb, copy the FR75_sounds (files) to /MODDEV/SOUNDS it will solve it . Only the car N°1 have the json
sound solved without errors. sorry for editing and changing the name of some files (I do it to avoid confusion, maybe it's a personal obsession ). https://we.tl/t-r75yIwWkUJ p.d.: basically what I did was to edit the path of the sound file in all vehicles (teams) and pack the sound files in a FR75_snd.mas following the skipbarber (moddev) structure.
it appears that the body is displaced from the centre to the right (sorry, it is the optical effect produced by the graphical failure of the left trapezoid.) the suspension arms do not match the steering knuckles on the left hand side
I don't know much about mod development, the thing is that in 3dsimed everything is correct. Maybe some value in the hdv? p.d.: in the first images of the post everything seems to be in place.