Just to clarify, in F3 telemetry is not allowed. Data logging is though. Two very different things. Telemetry is available to watch live from the pit, while the car is racing on track. Data logging is a box that logs anything you can put a sensor to, just like telemetry, it's just not live. You have to log it and import to a computer to analyse it at the track - don't have to wait to get home to the factory .
It isn't different, data logging is different from live telemetry streaming, but it is still a telemetry readout.
Considering i work on it and have from the very beginning of it, i find it very enjoyable yes. is it perfect? no of course not, nothing is and with rfactor constantly being updated it won't be perfect until there are no more releases, but it is very enjoyable.
When i using modern simulator, i expect that its content uses all features this sim providing. Using old model is just making rFactor 1 from rFactor 2. If i wanted to drive good F3 in rFactor 1, i can run rFactor 1 and select Japan F3 mod for example. Anyway, i made small patch to this mod for myself with new model engines, new model suspension, fixed FFB and AI. Now i truly feel the car, how it's connected to the road and what engine is doing.
My friend, stop. Taste the word, telemetry. Tele means something away, remote. Metry something of measuring. 'Tele' is the recievers in the pits where it's transmitted to live and readable live. This IS NOT allowed in F3. Datalogging is not live and therefore not very 'tele'. It is 'metry' in the way it's a measurement. And it is allowed in F3. I have worked as a datalogger (with AIM) and boy, would the team wish we were allowed to use telemetry. It is different. It just is.
Again, with RF2 constantly changing, we're constantly updating things as is. As for the chassis flex, i have put that in, even though its not really noticeable, as it shouldnt be in a car like this unless something is breaking. The FFB, i still don't see what the issue is and neither do in house testers. You may have to adjust your profile to suit it but thats why it adjusts to every car,. The new suspension model isn't really for the suspension, yes it does feature the suspension components in it, but now it's more to get the car to flex. The AI i can't comment on as i have nothing to do with that side of it, but even with the older engine model, i can still very easily tell what it's doing. As i said before, this is not the only car we're working on, so we can't spend days upon days upon days fixing something that only one or two people are talking about. To say that there is no effort into something though when it's been worked on as long as this has, and has had fairly continuous updates despite having other things to work on shows that yes there is quite a bit of effort in it.
It is still a telemetry readout, which is why the teams still refer to it as such, regardless of how its acquired and streamed, it is still the same kind of data thats read. how you want to call it is up to you, but it is still telemetry.
sending the data from the track in Italy back to the factory in England is very "tele" if you ask me. Who cares- this is a mod to a game. It is loosely based on 3 real series. I guess for our fantasy series "tele" in all it's tasty forms is allowed
lol A: It's a boat, not plane because it doesn't fly, it only floats on the surface of the water. B: It is still a plane regardless of how it's moving. how you want to call it is up to you, but it is still plane. *********************** All right, enough of that. One last question: is that intentional that Cooper and Dunlop tires are absolutely same? oh wait, yeeeah, i understand...
How does it feel to be wrong and not see it? It's not telemetry you are analysing. It's data. Both things are data. one is logged in the car to be exported when the car back into the garage, one is transmitted from the car to a reciever live. Get your eyes up for the enlightenment - it's okay! I even broke up the word for you. Look it up on wikipedia. Oh the denial, it's funny
@ Kev - It sure would be good to run a shakedown with your patch... Hmm, not really the Newey mentality going on around here... If only it was my baby.
Wikipedia, the source for all correct information right? again you call it what you want i'm more inclined to stick with the teams who actually run cars like this and their terminology. @kev, i can assure you they aren't the exact same, and i also explained earlier in the thread that there are very minor difference between them because the tires have very little difference between them. Though that much doesn't matter because I'm rebuilding those anyway as there has been issues with the heating and retaining heat.
There will be an update coming, though the exact date or time i'm not sure, but the update will include the rebuilt tires, some texture updates (not 100% on that but i believe so), chassis flex added, a fix for the materials issue at essington that some people are reporting and fixes for any bugs we find from now until then. @ Ctuchik - I'll look into that, though i have tire sounds on mine, and i don't think anyone else has mentioned any issues with the tire sounds, but never the less i'll check into it.
I`m sure your aware of this but just in case your not, the small windscreen has a strange material issue at Essington as well as the no display on the steering wheel problem... It`s like it`s got some sort of reflection going on and it can`t be seen through at all. It`s fine at other tracks.
te·lem·e·try (t-lm-tr) n. The science and technology of automatic measurement and transmission of data by wire, radio, or other means from remote sources, as from space vehicles, to receiving stations for recording and analysis.
Yep, Stephen (liquid) is gonna fix that. If you could PM me over on our forums, I'd like to see what your controller profile is for your g25 as you say you have pretty heavy/strong ffb on both this and the mazda and i dont seem to get nearly that much so i wonder if its down to settings.
And thats exactly what a data logger does, its transferred, through wires, to the logger for recording and analysis.
Thats just it, i'm not the one that got stuck on it, i mention something, which different people may use different terms for, even if its an umbrella term, kinda like the whole trunk/boot thing, and it gets drawn out, they can keep going if they want but i'm done with that. Anyway, Stephen's working on getting a couple cars in game so the update won't be immediate but should be fairly quick.