Something doesn't fit there. I deactivate the ETCC and reload it via Steam. Only the audi appears in the game? (230MB). See image.
It happened because it is evident I do not understand how Steam works for the workshop matter and the procedure that was written by Steam is ridiculous. I hope now all mods are "reactivated". The first rule that someone at ISI explained to me was that each time I must update something, I need only to have the modified item into the local folder to be uploaded, no need to have all other files if are the same and unchanged (picts, templates, etc). I followed always this procedure but I never needed to upload an updated rfcmp, into the same "workshop item" that contains more than one rfcmp = more than 1 mod. Sorry for delay but I was out of home for few days. Can please check if all mods are available? Because on my PC they are. Thank you
Hi Marco and the whole team. First of all Marco, as I have already said, I have a deep respect for the work of SlowMotion Group, in particular in terms of physics. This mod, sincerely, amazed me in terms of physics. In addition, an FWD mod (5 cars concerned) at the quality of the physics of rFactor 2 was extremely awaited for me. In addition, I am a Nurburgring/Nordschleife enthusiast, and this mod with these 7 cars is an extremely complementary mod to the official mods that I use (GT3 and GTE in particular), to do exciting multiclass races with 103 cars. What I am going to say, I say it without wanting to be pushy and without wanting to force the hand of your formidable modding group. But frankly, improving the cockpit visuals and cockpit sounds would be a huge plus. But I would be satisfied with the mod as it is, as the physics are good, and especially for the 5 FWDs and for the multiclass.
I agree. If there are plans to improve the cockpits, it would be greatly welcomed to complement the incredible work on the rest of the vehicles. Really amazing characteristics between all the models. Obvious this was lovingly crafted.
First of all thank you for the posts that really transmit the love deserved to this mod. Unfortunately we haven't resources to improve the cockpits of 7 mods. Since the beginning my goal was to have again the mod available from rFactor to rFactor2, just remaking a little only the most visible parts of the body and being focused on physics, respecting the original mod, but Improving the behaviour adding new features too. And I think we did it at a good level. We are currently working to develop the Palatov D2, that takes an incredible amount of time and resources, the Funcup 2021, that are following same "philosophy" of the ETCC and all other mods that we redeveloped for rFactor2 and also the Mazda Mx-5 "SpecMiata", without forgetting the graphical update of the Formula 3. I haven't the skills that need for modeling and I stopped time ago to search a 3d artist available for free, because all our projects must be free of charge... I always refused several times any offer for developing mod for commercial use and the few friends that are part of our open group, SMMG, share with me the same concept. Obviously nothing against guys that do it for money, to do it for free is only my personal point of view for something that is a hobby on my side! Chris (@redapg) is always happy to model new parts, but he is also very busy into modeling, coding his online tools, helping people to solving the endless mysteries of rfactor and I haven't other friends that can help in modeling. Of course I don't want definitively answering on behalf of Chris, I only clarify our status. If some 3d artist is interested in revamp any old 3D, here we are!
And not to forget my Girlfriend, that wants me to spend "some" Time with her too. And yes, like Marco, i'm also doing everything for free, because it also is one of my Hobbies. In Case of Converting all these rF1 Mods, Marco is the driving Force and is doing the major Part and i only try to help with the 3D as good as i can. So yes, if a 3D Modeler is interested....
Thank you for your quick and sincere answers, you are doing a great job, thank you! Marco, what MX5 is this? Can you send me the worshop link if there is one? The Mantas mx5 street car has some really interesting physics for information.
You guys are doing fantastic work and we are very appreciative of the work. If the CMS league votes to run the ETCC mod for an upcoming season, I'll see what we can do to help dedicate some resources to it for you guys. Please keep up the good work and keep your girlfriends/partners happy
Mazda... and I read also about the development of the new one:
a quick update to add windows templates... first post has been updated, same build - ALFA ROMEO --->!AjVjc1JhYcCwr3JTpC0-zEkzlxZH?e=o2oF9p - AUDI --->!AjVjc1JhYcCwr2_k6Qh-91ZqBOXI?e=gFvJ0A - BMW --->!AjVjc1JhYcCwr3DPF1WbZIoJcpXG?e=IUuCaM - HONDA --->!AjVjc1JhYcCwr3HH-ncqYfer9uc_ - SEAT --->!AjVjc1JhYcCwr3UoYHAZ0qsnn164?e=UY6ygr - SKODA --->!AjVjc1JhYcCwr3SsqRLzghl8KCE1?e=jq1xY8 - VOLVO --->!AjVjc1JhYcCwr3P9-ydlkd67zT6x?e=Jb53JR
Steam workshop link not working is just a temporary thing? Or has it been taken down from the workshop?
no idea, if you are obviously subscribed, as you are for sure, the windows templates (7 files) are automatically uploaded into the rF2 Template folder of you PC. In case you can manually download them...
Unfortunately no. The original owner of this mod wants to keep the original state. I hope he reconsiders. Then this mod would be my No.1. In terms of physics definitely at the top! Especially the Alfa is awesome! And yes again, thx Marco. Love it!