You could be right but I don't think the breaking of the rF1 engine files was intentional and they may have an easy fix. But then again it could also mean all mods that use the older engine format will no longer work, time will tell. If that's the case then like @redapg said he has the tools for the job. In regards to this mod, the end goal is for the car to use the rF2 engine format utilizing the turbo functionality. @PatientRF2fan has already worked on that along with a new chassis for the Reynard which when time is available will be finalised and developed for the other chassis.
I know that work was ongoing, but it appears that life has got in the way for PateientRF2fan and modding went into the back-burner...
Another reason for your tool or an identically performing function to be incorporated in the MAS tool...
I have used the engine tool to fix the cars not changing fully up in the gearbox, for all the cars in the TCL mod (RF1 engine.ini)and now they work fine.
Could you direct me to this other thread? This is effecting some of my favorite old mods so I want to track what happens with this. Thx.