Latest Roadmap Update -October 2017

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Christopher Elliott, Oct 31, 2017.

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  1. dadaboomda

    dadaboomda Registered

    May 15, 2016
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    - I am offline user and I play with AI only 1% of the time ok, using rf2 only for train.
    - I used AI recently 6 AI only. 100% visible cars. 63km. with my settings. Results: - 100% smooth (not 99.999%) - no stuttering - beatifull graphics. I am not a gamer, but recently I see on a big screen the PS4 game The Most Graphically beautifull (I think it is horizon something) : for me my rf2 graphics are Strongly better, aim with less effects (No PP, the nordschleife grass dont move etc ....). But in PS4 thats a reference, so ... AND TO ANSWER YOU: I absolutely do not be hurt by the absence of shadows and EVEN LESS by the shadows of cars ..... I did not even ask myself the question is to say how it has not "hurt" me .......

    Something that will help you necessarily by relieving your CPU is very efficient:
    --->>> puts the algorithm of the "real" time acceleration on X1 or OFF
    -----> to Overcklock only 15% my CPU was also very efficient
    ------> Very important: it is necessary to avoid throtteling (CPU and GPU): open up your tower and increase the GPU fan and CPU fan (from a certain temperature, start the increase very very quickly.
    mesfigas likes this.
  2. dadaboomda

    dadaboomda Registered

    May 15, 2016
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    He cheats allways ;)
    juanchioooo likes this.
  3. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Im am not demanding anything fancy. I am just demanding to be able to play the game in MP or SP at lowest settings in DX11 once it gets the default branch, wich isn't possible right now, atleast not with a smooth experience. My only option to play it smooth with other cars on track is by using DX9 and I am honestly not willed to invest into new hardware because I am forced to use DX11 at one point or another. That's not how you stick to the goal of achieving equaly good performance in DX9 and DX11 by optimizing the game. That aren't my words, but the words of the developers. And tbh, I am also not willed to switch of the shadows because I don't have to in DX9 and I am not going to open my case for DX11 either (it's in good shape btw as I allways have an eye on cooling). Moving forward doesn't mean switching off features in my book. ;)
  4. dadaboomda

    dadaboomda Registered

    May 15, 2016
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    Clearly, with dx9 with max settings + mirrors + max AA + max settings on the GPU driver + without any GPU overclocking (but small CPU OC) works absolutely fine (but in full hd, with dx11. // I am in 4K and lower settings with perfect smooth. Graphics quality is strongly better in dx11 with my settings and perfectly smooth).

    A lot of guys says always that "its false with exactly same settings / same conditions / same track / same cars, there is a HUGE FPS lost between dx9 and dx11" and "people don't make good tests and don't using exactly same settings / etc".
    These people just says we make bad tests, we don't know how to make a test etc.... are we stupid ?

    There is a huge FPS differences.from dx9 to dx11. Some guys says it's ~ -25%. But I think that is strongly more. (I don't have graphs and my ~50 hours of test have been make 2 month ago, so it's difficult to evaluate the % of FPS lost.
  5. Radar

    Radar Registered

    Oct 20, 2010
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    And fewer modders.
    Mulero likes this.
  6. stonec

    stonec Registered

    Jun 19, 2012
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    I agree with most of what you said, but PC2 still has big shadow issues, watch the ISR review for example at 13:30 minutes. I also find it hard to understand why so many modern sims struggle with shadows. iRacing has it obviously a bit easier as it's not using dynamic lighting that changes with daytime. But Assetto Corsa achieves IMO perfectly acceptable shadows, nothing fantastic, but they don't disturb me and the game runs well. Since the time when rF1 was released in 2005, we should today have roughly 10 times more GPU performance available, so shadows should be a piece of cake on modern hardware.
    Ernie likes this.
  7. stonec

    stonec Registered

    Jun 19, 2012
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    No, you are not stupid. There is a big difference between DX9 and DX11 on older Nvidia GPU's, GTX 600 and 700 series. There is a much lesser difference between DX9 and DX11 with GTX 900 or 1000 series. The difference on GTX 1000 series is 10% at most and some have even reported same FPS as with DX9. It seems to me that S397 clearly focused on optimizing DX11 for the modern Nvidia architecture, which is what a lot of other new games are doing as well.

  8. dadaboomda

    dadaboomda Registered

    May 15, 2016
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    @Mulero "there are fewer people happy with rF2."

    I am really not sure.

    Because there is a factual improvement of rf2 with that's right, some legitime disappoinments and worries

    Just some example :
    - Bad comminication of S397
    - The choice of priorities of S397 rf2 which absolutely each user have a different view but : perhaps some priorities are questionnable :
    [*visual dammage VS physics + New UI not improving the existing UI VS physics + *promote modding car content thinking rf1 modding platform = r2 capacity to permise to have rf2 best standard quality car content VS improving the very very high quality of S397 / ISI car content + *improving only slightly the overall graphic quality VS having a respectable graphic performance to respect your user base and earn new custumers [everyone can'buy a gtx 1080 is that comprehensible ?????] + *don't finishing the work you begin + *some rare car content deception [gtr500 : sound and physics] + *make some disapointed priorities in terms of tracks [no laser scanned track while rf2 is far away the best simulation and the only I think : after 5 years, it doesn't make any sense // no nordschleife ? I can't give you in this post good arguments for the nords because there is a gigantic quantity of factual-pragmagmatic arguments I have to write AND just to say every sim / arcade sim / blockbuster game have the nords often in laser and since years : there is a strategic reason no ???. Zandvoort track not a dream track, not very known, not very popular, good layout yes but... again not laser scanned ? Not to talk again about the nords but I think SPA francorchamps is very much strategic.... strange choices.) : that is just some example I others but... that's enough.

    Again when you have a small team [but that's right an exceptional physics team etc], priorities IS THE ONLY LEVER on which you can count, that's very important to understand that.

    Plus, it is a huge chance for S397 to have feedback from "all" (forum users) his community.
    Why ? Because 99.99999999999999% of us just want the success of S397 and rf2.

    Thing is : each user think differently than other users. What we talk for thousands of hours in this forum is very important for S397.

    And yes, it is very profitable to :

    - Tell what is awesome (physics / FFB / car content / algorythms like realroad etc) and to say what is the more important in a sim and in rf2 (hoping that is for 2017 and 2018 the very very high priority).
    - AND YES, make ***CONSTRUCTIVE*** critism which is very very usefull (and OK, not necessarily pleasant // but to have the data to make progress > to read unpleasant things).

    Of course this is important that there is good arguments (good arguments for me = factual and pragmatic with that the priority on roadmap is the sim aspects/realism : if we need a game, we go to AC or PC2 that seem logical)

    So tell that this kind of user is NEGATIVE PERSONS : that a very bad and negative value judgment.... and we have to be positive ? The beginning is just to respect other users which have the same passion.

    Last edited: Nov 2, 2017
  9. Ari Antero

    Ari Antero Registered

    Jul 27, 2012
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    I am not sure if we should claim S397 or any other game companies about low frames regarding older generation of Nvidia cards.
    The GeForce GTX 780 Ti was launched on November 7, 2013. The GTX 980 Ti was launched on 2nd June, 2015. The GTX 1080 Ti was announced on February 28, 2017 and set to go on sale March 10, 2017 o_O
    Last Sunday I benchmarked rFactor 2, 780 Ti vs 980 Ti vs 1080 Ti (single card) with I7- 4770K, Gigabyte GA-Z87X-OC and DDR3 2666mhz ram.
    780 Ti, min 58 fps> Average 99 fps.
    980 Ti, min 96 fps> Average 131 fps.
    1080 Ti, min 116 fps> Average 187 fps.

    Nvidia has about 80% of market and I agree my fellow countryman`s comment about Nvidia :rolleyes:
    Pauli Partanen likes this.
  10. Marcel Offermans

    Marcel Offermans Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    You are right. Our shadow system is quite old and there have been a lot of advances in technology that we could and should apply to improve both the overall look and the performance of the shadows. While we did not explicitly mention it in the roadmap, this is definitely on our radar and quite high on the list of priorities in terms of graphics.

    Regarding the second omission, I beg to disagree. We are certainly fixing bugs, and balancing that work with adding new features. Just to name a few things: You can now successfully use ALT-TAB to go out of and back into rFactor 2, which was a very long standing annoyance to many people. Our undercar shadows were not working at night and were producing various artifacts (clipping the road surface, producing dark lines on tyres). There are a lot more, and we still have a lot of bugs left, so we will keep working on those.
    Ozzy, Andregee, RaceNut and 30 others like this.
  11. Karei

    Karei Registered

    Jun 10, 2016
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    If you want to summarize what people are feeling but can't express, I think that it would be nice to have a proper place with easy access where you can read more detailed release notes. We don't actually know what has been fixed and what it's still a bug. It would be better for Studio 397 too.
  12. dadaboomda

    dadaboomda Registered

    May 15, 2016
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    That's a good news, again you seem to use the suggestions/"complain" that you see on the forum from your user base : very good.
    But if I can suggest something.... if these informations were given days or weeks ago, there would have been less frustration (for people which have less than a gtx 980 / very expensive cards). That is not a critic, just a little suggestion.

    Other thing, same suggestion :
    "You can now successfully use ALT-TAB to go out of and back into rFactor 2, which was a very long standing annoyance to many people." : when the problem was corrected, why don't you inform quickly your user base, to decrease frustration, users can understand that there is less off or no more stuttering problems.... and most important : in saying this it is exactly as you saying "we take account your problems, we do our best etc...

    Your roadmap is very very good. Strongly better than others. Again, you seem to take account about what your user base in the forum says. GOOD !!
  13. WiZPER

    WiZPER Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    OFF will disable environment mapping (obviously) and instead use static cube maps.

    LOW will use proper environment mapping, but at a slower update rate and resolution, than HIGH.
    juanchioooo likes this.
  14. green serpent

    green serpent Registered

    Feb 2, 2016
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    Have we established roughly when these tyre updates will be implemented? And am I understanding correctly that there will be slightly more grip at speed?
    dadaboomda likes this.
  15. Will Mazeo

    Will Mazeo Registered

    Sep 12, 2015
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    Well, it is said PC engine started from a ISImotor license. Sad they didn't fix that yet.
    Reiza said they found the reason for shadow issues but would take more time and money than they have for AMS so it will only be fixed for next game
  16. Mulero

    Mulero Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Incorrect. :p

    With reflections turned off it is still used (I do not know how to say it) environment mapping???, only that it uses a very low refresh rate, an update every 30 seconds or more.
  17. dadaboomda

    dadaboomda Registered

    May 15, 2016
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    That is for me one of the most important information that @Marcel Offermans or @S397 can give us, really.

    Because best simulation = best physics
    But doesn't mean "=" for example other aspects like performance, graphics quality, cars content, tracks, UI, plugins, etc.

    What I want to try to explain is that physics/FFB is very far away THE aspect which determine if a game is a real simulation according to 2017 standards or not.

    Even an approximate answer or not very detailed answer woult be great ! ;)
  18. WiZPER

    WiZPER Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Those reflections are from statics, as I said (for cars) - off for road reflections will use only sky.
    juanchioooo likes this.
  19. Mulero

    Mulero Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    No. With Car Reflections Off, reflection is still in real time and is updated 1 time every 20 seconds. You can do the test.

    About Road Reflection ... I do not know that anymore.
  20. dadaboomda

    dadaboomda Registered

    May 15, 2016
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    Environment turned OFF = there are fake reflections which the way it is done gives the impression BY DRIVING REALLY (not having fun watching the small details ;)) that the reflections are in high (by driving one hardly realizes the difference).

    The trap is to use the level low: still consumes a lot of FPS, the quality remains correct, against the frequency of refreshing extremely bad: disastrous consequences unexpected --- >>> even with 60 constant FPS, the general impression fluidity is strongly impacted.

    What to do: Powerful GPU = high setting. Medium end GPU = OFF setting (not low).

    To remind: Reflections are one of the worst setting for performance.
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