Released Released | Formula Pro

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, Jul 1, 2021.

  1. Filip

    Filip Registered

    Feb 9, 2017
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    I never said I'm real rf2 fan and supporter.
    I'm a cheap bastard who waits for reviews and also likes to criticize others.
  2. ThomasJohansen

    ThomasJohansen Registered

    Dec 27, 2019
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    I have bought it, though not tested it yet, my way of supporting what I like.
    There are only few dlc's I dont have, but they are cars I never would drive.
    I think that the 5€ pricetag is a fine balance for a car like this, most can affort it, and newcomers can buy dlc bundles to catch up. Maybe there should be a "base + most common dlc's" with a single pricetag so newcomers know what it would cost.
  3. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    5€ for the best sim with best physics and FFB....cant stop laughing about the Reiza backers with +100€ and a gte on rail and arcade feeling with false claim that is the best sim...with awfull triple settings...
    Vanisch and Rui Santos like this.
  4. John R Denman

    John R Denman Registered

    Mar 18, 2018
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    Can I buy it twice? Its that good, at least to me.
    A lot of similarities to FISI in setup direction across various tracks but subtle differences.
    Cockpit senses are heightened; its like steering feedback, tire grip, component movement, audio and predictability factors are returned to the driver with high fidelity.

    There seems to have been a pattern of slow steady continuous improvement in the quality of the S397 cars. Not that they were bad to begin with, its more that they've improved well beyond that of most of the top independent mod teams.

    No matter what breed one races, be it sedans prototypes or formula cars, its hard to honestly say the S397 cars aren't the best of the breed.
    Eric Rowland and Nieubermesch like this.
  5. Luiz Paulo Abreu

    Luiz Paulo Abreu Registered

    Aug 25, 2020
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    Thank you for releasing this, S397!
    The car feels, looks great and is it challenging to drive.
    For someone that drives mostly TC equipped cars I feel it is time for me to learn how to properly use the throttle :D
  6. John R Denman

    John R Denman Registered

    Mar 18, 2018
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    So what are good lap times so far?
    I've been running Spa, but can't seem to get below 1:48 without taking 4 wheels off somewhere.
  7. Nieubermesch

    Nieubermesch Registered

    May 18, 2019
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    I mean, it's well know that some S397 cars behave very arcade like when pushing them with weird setups, so should they also be laughing at us? Even Niels laughed at it in a recent video... It will be fixed and they are still better then AMS2 but that behavior is not optimal for sure and I've tried to racionalize and say that I don't have to drive like aliens do, but I still find myself going into weird trail breaking slip angles that I don't feel should be possible and this new BMW shows a lot of what is wrong with those other tires - even if they are different tires, no slick or probably any tire behaves like those tires behave in a very important part of driving competitively...

    I think it's a bit annyoing to see you go on and on about AMS2 and Reiza is working more and more on the sim, so there's time... We also have been waiting a lot for the fixes on those cars and other aspects. Hopefully it seems its changing.
  8. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    Is this car effecting anyone else’s fps performance or is it it just my PC ?

    sorry to moan it seems a really great sim car otherwise

    10900k & 3080 watercooled , VR
  9. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    @Adrianstealth I've been having issues with rF2/VR performance for a little while & using monitoring tool FpsVR I see that my GPU usage rarely goes above 65%, indicating a CPU bottle neck (9900k @ 5.0Ghz on XMP profile), while struggling to maintain 90fps. I've been fiddling with my overclock & BIOS firmeware (Asus Maximus XI formula) and have now booted up into a new overclock profile to see if it changes anything. I've got distracted with the Spain vs Switzerland game BUT not holding my breath that anything I do can push my 3090 any harder in rf2 but I'll keep trying. Something, somewhere has screwed rf2 & performance for me in VR :(
    Adrianstealth likes this.
  10. Luiz Paulo Abreu

    Luiz Paulo Abreu Registered

    Aug 25, 2020
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    I havent felt much difference in triple 1440p
    I’ll try it out later in VR and let you know (5950x + 3090 here)
    Adrianstealth likes this.
  11. David Short

    David Short Registered

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Very Happy to see a DLC offering catering to us fans of high powered, combustion engine open wheelers. Enjoying the car a lot so far!

    Looking forward to the next phases of update releases and hope that an option to remove the halo completely (not just transparent) is included. If it isn't currently planned I hope you will consider including it.

    While sacrificing an unobstructed view for increased safety makes perfect sense in the real world, facing no dangers of flying tires or debris in my sim rig it would be nice to be able to turn it off if I want to fully enjoy the view.

    If at least 2 additional Halo options could be added:

    Remove Vertical Support
    Remove Entire Halo

    I think that would provide everyone the opportunity to experience the car the way they enjoy it most. Just my 2 cents.

    Thanks and keep up the good work!
  12. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I'm tired of these put downs of other games, which really don't contribute much to the rF2 discussion and provoke responses from others. Grow up.
  13. Luiz Paulo Abreu

    Luiz Paulo Abreu Registered

    Aug 25, 2020
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    I ve just fired the VR up and it just seems normal. Ive switched to tripples a few weeks ago, so I sort of lost the exact reference in performance, but all in all it seems normal.

    It was awesome btw to drive it in VR. No unrealistic halo, the car details looks amazing, the way it is supposed to be. I really hope that VR will someday get to a point where its cons are negligible in relation to its advantages.
    Adrianstealth likes this.
  14. boxer

    boxer Registered

    Aug 22, 2012
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    I understand what you saying but you are missing two key points.

    1. The Halo in real life is right in front of your face, which puts way in front of the focal plane. This means that while it's in front of you it really is just a blur and your yes/brain doesn't register it since you are focusing at a far distance.
    2. if you move your head in real life (which you can in vr you can eliminate any blind spots, which is what everyone would by instinct,

    (This it's similar to shooting photos through a chain link fence, the closer you are to the fence the less distracting it is... it basically ends up disappearing from view... the only effect is slightly loss of contrast and sharpness.)

    VR still has the issue where everything is on a single focal plane (the screens) but at least you can move your head, also while in corners the halo goes out of view which climates the issue.
    on single screens you don't have that choice, it's fixed to your eyes.

    Transparency is a choice by S397 but to me it's far less realistic than not having at on the screen, because it's far more distracting then in real life. To me it's a gimmick. Regardless it would be nice to have it as an option.
    ThomasJohansen and Adrianstealth like this.
  15. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    @boxer put two fingers (together... I'm not being rude lol) up in front of you at arm's length, and look into the distance. They never disappear, and if you try to look at something 'behind' your fingers (from either eye) you can't look at it completely clearly.

    The only issue I had when trying the translucent halo options was that the translucent part wasn't long enough, so a higher (but allowed) seat position meant you were now blocking your view with the solid part. Otherwise, spend some time driving with it and you get used to it.
    Adrianstealth likes this.
  16. justposted

    justposted Registered

    Oct 14, 2020
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    As a pretty slow/poor driver I thought I'd really struggle to control this car, but actually at default it's totally manageable. Certainly compared to the BMW Class 1. Looks, sounds and feels great. Really glad I took the (modest) plunge and bought it.
    Adrianstealth likes this.
  17. boxer

    boxer Registered

    Aug 22, 2012
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    Correct it doesn't but now move you head 1" to 2" to either side and see what happens(This the issue on single screen you have a static visual obstruction and nothing you can do about it). If the Halo was this distracting in real life it would have never been implemented on top of that since when where carbon fiber parts see through? We are just accepting on fake solution over another... Neither will achieve 100% reality but I still prefer not having it at all, as it closer to what you would experience in real life. Like said while in corners the Halo is out of the way, on straights repositioning you head solves most of the visual obstruction issues. Neither of this is possible with a static solid or translucent Halo.
  18. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I understand, but it seems unlikely to me drivers are moving their head to either side to keep looking at, or spot, cars that are in those places - and buffeting at speed would make it very difficult anyway.

    I guess the other side to this is that unlike rF1, the cockpit model is the car model. So when you make it disappear, it disappears from outside views as well.

    @boxer one more thought - a lot of the time in a car you're driving, and looking, straight ahead. There's a gap between the two halo posts when you're looking past it. On the screen the translucent section is dead ahead. I wonder if splitting it might be a better compromise?
  19. boxer

    boxer Registered

    Aug 22, 2012
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    I don't think so, in VR if you when you look back from you cockpit more then 1/2 of the car is missing (But I'm not 100% sure you could be right). Typically the rear half is missing, no tires no wings. Does this mean the parts are translucent from external cameras too?

    the 3rd option is 100% transparency..
    Kahel likes this.
  20. TheGame316

    TheGame316 Registered

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I have not bought the car yet. I have to look at this and other items both a driver and modders point of view....I actually like the idea of this car BUT "a realization of how top tier open wheel formula racing will be represented in the years ahead." I don't think so. As other have pointed out, the top tier of both open wheel formula and prototype racing have adopted hybrid systems for a number of years, and continue to do so kind of tells me otherwise. I have to ask why this vehicle was not engineered as a hybrid system, because the release promotion sounds kind of manufactured to please everybody and nobody all at once. Is this admission that the game engine does not have the capability of hybrid, when outside of actual licenced content, this is the vehicle that makes the most sense to adopt those systems. And if you could, why have you not pursued this with the contacts you already have from previous projects eg McLaren, Porsche etc.
    The fact that this vehicle is paid content tells me that the files will be encrypted and modders learn nothing from a vehicle that could be a test bed for many systems. As a driver I like having the easy way of doing things as we all don't have multiple engineers teling us to change strategy and switches etc.
    Some talk about the halo on a "fantasy" car. I myself would prefer not to see it(and it would not be hard to have an option) I understand both points of view.

    Not sure as it has been a while looking at model files. If the centre post is a separate gmt you should be able to have the cockpit section of the gen file omit the post.

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