Released GT3 Update and (v1) BOP

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, Feb 7, 2023.

  1. juanchioooo

    juanchioooo Registered

    May 16, 2016
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    If on a Sunday they make a post and say that there is an update, on Monday, which is not Sunday, there is another update in my rfactor, why? updated three times, I have to explain that it's three times? You seem like a kindergarten policeman and your comment is somewhat ridiculous... I know perfectly well when Coutie answers and I read correctly but you like to get into all the messes... you rub the ridiculous one more time of so many
  2. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    They did say the BOP would be a continuing process, but ONE of those updates was to fix a mismatch for servers.
  3. TBH it does not help if this discussion turns into a dispute.

    I had a look on my servers and I think first versions were 3.52 (base) and 3.53 (upgrade), where 3.53 has date stamp of 26.02.2023 ... late in the evening.

    If I remember correctly (without looking it up) the first update for the GT3 cars was released on 27.02.2023 - this Monday seems to be the last date of an update ... 20.02.2023.

    So we have 4 updates in three weeks, right (3.53 to 3.59, with 3.53, 3.55, 3.57, 3.59 in relation to the upgrade version numbers)?

    Plus two or three fixes for the dedicated server itself and the serverkey issue and some other hotfixes (which I could not say if they were related to the client only).

    Let's say - and that's how I see it - I had two choices ... updating my servers (rounded) 10 times last three weeks or let them stay as they are resulting in the fact that some people could not join (with an increasing number of them due to the fact that older versions are removed from client installations if they are not related to an installed mod package).

    On Monday I was thinking I should leave out the GT3 cars in order to get out of this updating series ... and we do not have any custom skin packages like other leagues and communities which need to be updated accordingly.

    IMHO as long as the dedicated servers stick to specific version of tracks and cars such update frequencies are annoying ... sorry to say it this way.

    IMHO an approach for the dedicated server would be to just take the last version of a track or car which could be found in a tracks / cars folder while starting and to remove the necessity of version numbers in the .dat file (and other ones) - in that case someone has just to restart the server to make it take the most recent version of an installed car / track etc.

    Again ... IMHO (and yes, I know - as I have been told - programming is an art).
  4. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    21st Feb, v3.55 (BOP update)
    6th Mar, v3.57 (BOP update)
    16th Mar, v3.59/3.57 (BOP update) (cars remaining on 3.57 were repackaged, so no longer match previous 3.57 files)
    20th Mar, v3.59 (those v3.57 cars updated to 3.59, no other changes)

    These aren't track-specific BOPs, so they should slow down as they're happier with the overall balance.
  5. juanchioooo

    juanchioooo Registered

    May 16, 2016
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    It doesn't matter what the update was for, the important thing here is that if there is one and someone asks a day later if they have seen another update again, that the daycare police come to tell me that if I read the previous post.... In 3 or four days I have seen like three updates in a row about rfactor 2, I'm not just talking about Bob from GT3, I better not want to say how many times rFactor has posted an update on Twitter in less than 24 hours, which I think Well, but if there is a Release because no tests are done there and once the tests are guaranteed, it is passed to the official one, instead of being test error test error, what a pod, better not to mention the other one,
    to the communities that find it difficult to set up a server, so that people tell them that something has been updated and they can't enter... the work accumulates, with update to solve the other update of the previous update is a nuisance... something is wrong, or something is being done wrong

    Now I ask you, did you read the post that was above?
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2023
  6. Comante

    Comante Registered

    Nov 20, 2013
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    People must be careful when they wish for something, because, it may get it, and there is no guarantee you will end to like it.
    In the specific: people wanted to race against cars they don't own, this is nice, but those cars must be updated too.
    People want to race multiclass and GT cars, with plenty of cars, this is supercool, but you need to BOP them, more often that R/L because most people make sprint races.
    When you sum these 2 facts, you end dowloading hundreds MB daily. I guess it's a pill you have to swallow because you asked for it.
    Rui Santos likes this.
  7. juanchioooo

    juanchioooo Registered

    May 16, 2016
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    In my case, I never asked for that and I believe from the first day that this has been a mistake, just so that there are people who save a little money, who then throw it away for other things, obviously there are always people who save some money, but not having all the content, instead of getting better, has gotten worse in Rfactor, it's the opposite of plug and play, you have to do a master's degree in engineering to be able to start rfactor without problems
  8. IMHO the GT3 updates are not based or because of the "race against content you don't own" feature - and IMHO there is no necessity to update cars because of the introduction of this feature; GTE and GT3 and XYZ and ZYX car classes could have raced in multi class races before the introduction of the feature and they did not need an update ...

    You are right - if we ask for features we might do not like them in the end ... but I was speaking of the update frequency of the GT3 updates in general which caused to update running servers couple of times because of what I explained above (ofc ... you could stay with the servers, but as said this will exclude drivers from joining ... not all, but some or most or at least a couple).
    juanchioooo likes this.
  9. DJChrizz

    DJChrizz Registered

    Aug 18, 2017
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    What's with the Radical GT3 BOP ? I think this car is again not so fast compared to the others. Or some setup trick ? :)
    The bob was nice at all but some finetuning is required.
    R.Noctua likes this.
  10. Myrvold

    Myrvold Registered

    Jan 9, 2012
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    The Radical still hasn't been fixed and worked with properly has it?
  11. smbrm

    smbrm Registered

    Nov 11, 2010
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    Agree, zero throttle is zero throttle. My missive about getting zero throttle, was to highlight how variable achieving that might be from person to person. My comment was about - don’t be surprised about what that might look like.

    Same goes for “how you have driven in the past”. That too is an expectation management issue. We all tend to have high expectations about rFactor 2 updates, and while they often have many benefits they can also introduce potentially unexpected challenges. From what I have read and what I have experienced, having to rethink/relearn fundamental driving style issues was not anticipated on several agendas.

    As you have mentioned, clarity helps. It can fill the vacuum that can shape the perception of intentions when something new is communicated. In addition to communicating what was done, there may have been value in sharing, more about what the changes might mean to some.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if rFactor 2 cars came with owners manuals that included some of the content detail available in the real life manuals, or more info helpful to expectation management? Something like that might further enhance the “simulation” label. But also appreciate that would be another consumer of resources.
    pkelly likes this.
  12. pedro ramada

    pedro ramada Registered

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Hello S397 :)

    I just want to give my feedback about the BMW M4 GT3 because i think this is very worth it to mention!

    We did a Portuguese league race the 12H Nurburgring ( no chicane ) and we could compare it to other cars on performance and i have to say in power in straght line the M4 lacks a LOT!! We loose to Ferrari, to Aston even to Mercedes, i think something should be done fast.. for this car... it is a bit to much on the slow side to be honest! Handling and cornering speed is great, but in straights.. come on :( :(

    Now we will do the P1Gaming 24H Daytona and in that track OMG, the car is 0.8xx to 1.2 seconds slower!

    I've made a lot of testing and i can guarantee 100% ... This car needs to have more power very soon!

    Please guys check this out!

  13. Pawel44

    Pawel44 Registered

    Oct 1, 2020
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    Just to note rF2 is now my favorite sim (including GT3 class). I was jumping from rF2 to ACC, but after watching the latest Aris live about 1.9 update to ACC I understood the difference. In rF2 physic is dynamic and so is the feeling of driving a car. ACC with 1.8 update fixed some gap and now they're going to fix another one, but there still be a huge difference in physic/driving model. Now I can really appreciate what rF2 has to offer. With the latest GT3 update driving a Ferrari is even more satisfying. I wish more people will appreciate your work. Thanks!
    Corgan, rysim abd, OneMoreOdd and 6 others like this.
  14. Leynad

    Leynad Registered

    Jul 7, 2015
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    Like with every 24h Nürburgring I was watching hours of GT3-onboards and especially this race is so interesting from the handling, because the drivers have to deal with so much slow traffic on a narrow track. The way they practically drive slalom around slower cars doing significant correction within a split of a second even on the grass at least tells me, that the rF2 physics of the GT3-cars are not even remotely on par. Also the race-pace was interesting with the top-teams doing lap-times similar to qualifying-times with the typical 8 lap stints. The real thing looks far more like arcade than rF2...
    NIsmo97_ likes this.
  15. The_Bad_Fasterd

    The_Bad_Fasterd Registered

    Jan 16, 2022
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    So which sim does gt3 cars better then?
    You know, just from watching them on tv…
  16. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Gosh, it's almost like professional drivers are able to drive consistently close to the limits! Spooky! :p
    jayarrbee36 likes this.
  17. The_Bad_Fasterd

    The_Bad_Fasterd Registered

    Jan 16, 2022
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  18. Leynad

    Leynad Registered

    Jul 7, 2015
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    Grip is better in all other sims and with the 1.9 update ACC feels most convincing to me, but the required driving line in eSport seems still BS while rF2, Raceroom, AMS2 or iRacing do a better job. In ACC you need a rather straight exit and rotate the car mostly before. This doesn't look like onboards and doesn't make sense. On braking the front tyres already are on the limit and can't do additional rotation without sacrificing total efficiency. On the throttle the load switches to the rear and gives those cars better rotation capabilities from the dynamic weight distribution and LSD. GT3 today certainly abuse the ABS more and the driving lines have changed due to the far better aero compare to 1st and 2nd gen GT3, but ACC is IMO wrong on a fundamental level apart from the grip and feel.

    The problem in rF2 seems that the cars get upset too easily over bumpy tracks and curbs and chances are way too high to end in an oversteer tank slapper than in modern GT3 with all the smart tech and highend dampers making those cars quite idiotproof. Even with amateurs you barely see any oversteer incidents in GT3 without external causes like contacts. If they make mistakes, it's understeer due to late braking.

    I would suggest to ask Tim Heinemann what's right or wrong. He's leading the DTM since today in the most competitive GT3 grid worldwide. Tim was winning many Raceroom contests before his career and just recently said, sim racing is basically the same and a better school than karting.
    Last edited: May 28, 2023
    bobbie424242 likes this.
  19. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    One thing I've recently become aware of with ABS braking, is that especially the pro drivers set the activation level quite high. Several times now I've seen a car run wide of a corner and the TV commentator will say something like the ABS took over and understeered him off the track. Almost always the loss of the corner seemed to occur rather late which I'm thinking meant the driver had manual control of the brake until it became apparent he was overshooting and he pressed the pedal down far enough for the computer to take over and that was enough to ruin his angle.
    So the Gentleman drivers may depend upon ABS kicking in much sooner, but the pros seem to prefer almost no ABS at all.
    Pawel44 likes this.
  20. Simulation_Player

    Simulation_Player Registered

    Mar 4, 2022
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    quite the oppsite, i personally think rf2 cars absorbs bumps , kerbs too well...infact ACC people complained about kerbs and bumps.
    Pawel44 and Rui Santos like this.

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