FYI: If someone misses the McLaren WFG/Shadow liveries as they were before the update. If you are from S397 and don't want me to redistribute them as a mod let me know please, hopefully it's not an issue.
Jan really didn't do a good job of explaining the issue, and didn't respond when I asked, and came across as rude by implying no testing was done. Thanks for the better info, but can you do a bug report in the proper place? PS Sorry I'm not admin.
Does anyone know how I can fix the sound in cars I have added via a MAS upgrade. Assume the VEH files need to be updated but which lines? I'm getting some sound but there's no depth to it.
Thanks Lazza, can you please give me a bit more detail as in which json file? Is there a specific one for sound now and if so, how are they named as they don't appear to be named the same as the sfx file DefaultLivery="" MaterialOverride="F488GT3_BaseMat.json" HDVehicle=F488GT3.hdv Graphics=F488GT3.gen Spinner=F488GT3_spinner.gen GenString= Sounds=F488GT3.sfx HeadPhysics=HeadPhysics_GT.ini Cockpit=F488GT3_cockpitinfo.ini Upgrades=F488GT3_Upgrades.ini AIUpgradeClass= ExternalDisplays=F488GT3_externalDisplays.ini
I guess you'd probably have to check the new .veh files in the upgrade mas files, I probably wouldn't trust them to all follow the same pattern. Ferrari for example is this: Sounds=F488GT3-snd.json So maybe give that a go with the others, might save opening up all the mas files...
Ah thanks guys, I didn't realise I could open the upgrades.mas. Assumed it was encrypted so never tried.
Just tried some more GT3s back to back. After trying different values in ABS and BB I think its related to brake pressure. Running higher pressures produces fairly sharp left and right janks from my wheel under heavy breaking/ABS that I never really noticed before. However I do notice the Porsche and the Radical GT3 are more affected by it than the McLaren for example. Especially braking into a corner with the Porsche the wheel starts kinda oscilating left and right in a weird way. Maybe this is just how the cars are supposed to drive, but it doesnt feel natural. edit: I find myself lowering brake pressure now on my setups where I was previously running 100%. Is this supposed to happen or is it a work around to compensate for my bad braking? edit 2: Raising the brakeforce significantly in my pedal software (HE Ultimate+) seems to have stabalised it for the most part. I was running it pretty low before the update at 40kg and never had any problems. Now at 80kg to get the same results. Was there even anything changed to the way ABS works or is it the result of the tyre physics change? So many questions lol
Sorry to drag your post up again, but just on this: you need 20% throttle to upshift in these cars. I know someone posted a video somewhere where they couldn't upshift at all (at least for a while), and maybe something similar happened to you at some point (ie a bug), but the design/intention doesn't seem that unreasonable. Downshifts is a different matter, but if the car stays the way it is you'll probably get used to avoiding having to downshift where you cannot.
To paraphrase Timotej Andonovski (rf2 pro)... that was chock by the way Gear protection was implemented... and answered a comment... that told him... it's normal, that's by design... ''ok if it's by design... I have nothing to say then I guess....................... still... but WHY?... why?..." Sure, the fact that he is a pro... specialist of rf2 doesn't make his impression god all mighty... but when something prevent you for basic driving stuff... like blipping and other that were already detailed in previous post... no wonder... one get perplex... Maybe we and dev... have to ask ourselves... what was the main point of a Gear Protection system... in both real life and most importantly in the Sim... If the goal is to prevent... unrealistic downshifting behavior... currently... that's WAY overdone... we are also preventing realistic behavior right now... If the goal is to replicate real spec/physic... then we should have the choice between different optional spec choice capacity... that we would most likely get in the real life... not to mention the Mechanic that would come along... sharing beers... and eventually being able to tune the car, system's... to our liking... PS: if some part of my comment seem silly... there is a 50/50 chance... it's by design... PS2: really hope the 'Pro's'... complain enough during the upcoming GT3 challenge... and change the devs mind about the current Gear protection implementation... but, realistically, I doubt it... the lazy... well we'll get use to it anyway... will probably win at the end of the day...
New quote from Timotej Andonovski... 19 hours ago... on Twitch ''That's upshift protection thing... that's need to be remove... or downswift, you know, with some throttle... OHHHHHHhhhhh... so bad.'' Can't say I disagree... nice feeling to realize... you are not alone... Hope @Paul Jeffrey... you take feedback from the Pro's like Timotej before and during the upcoming GT3 championship.
This is my experience also ... different cars have very different characteristics and all that. Took me a little while but I realized also, there's plenty to check and understand with our hardware setups (and we are the racer, manager, tech and mech all in one !) which comes into play. So you post above rings true! For example, with these new version GT3 and the downshift protection topic ... I was confused to begin with but after (longer than I care to admit) I worked out that on my setup (HE Pro pedals), I needed a little (few %) dead-zone applied to the start (min) side of the pedal. Just enough to avoid rF2 registering any throttle .... then it was just a few laps to adjust to the protection of downshift and the 'bleeps' are nearly never heard any more. In fact, don't tell anyone, I quite like the new behavior. The notable here is that all along I'd been carrying this small throttle registry even when I thought I was off the gas! S!
@Kahel is Timotej a real life pro driver ? does he have real life data / evidence to back it up ? i have heard , read from many REAL driver and people with real experience/data. they all say , throttle and braking at same time is quick way to get u out of team....they get shout by engineers etc. its bad for fuel is bad for brakes its not optimal for performance. so on and on.... here is real life driver saying exactly that @42:46 > there is adjustment period for sure , but if its realistic it should stay that way. btw whats problem with upshifts ? i can do them just fine even with partial difference at all. (tried on mercedes GT3).
I didnt get the chance to try the GT3s until yesterday since I was out of the country. So after reading all the comments on DSP I was a bit worried. I also have the HE Ultimate+ pedals that I was already running at a 10% bottom deadzone. I dont notice any difference in shifting behaviour after the update and never had a DSP moment where I thought it was unreasonable. Auto blib setting turned “Off”. All in all i think the GT3s feel amazing after the update. Great job Studio-396!
@Lazza: Don't have time to drive today and up to Friday evening. Hm, why nobody jump into the Bentley 2017 and tell us, if they have the same issue.