Released GT3 Update and (v1) BOP

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, Feb 7, 2023.

  1. green serpent

    green serpent Registered

    Feb 2, 2016
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    I got around to trying the update and wow, this has got to be one of the biggest changes to the handling ever imo.

    First impression, the cars feel as if they have a lot more weight, as if you are coaxing them around the track trying to get them to change direction as you fight the mass of the car. Previously to me anyway, the cars felt a bit light, to the point I literally never even considered the inertia of the car while driving, I only ever thought about the tyre/car slip angle. Going into a corner too fast?... no issue, I knew I could just yaw the car out and turn on a dime to make the apex. Full tilt in one direction then full tilt the other?... no probs. Now I find myself either understeering and going wide or the rear breaking away completely in a big sideways moment (wow that hadn't happened in a while). It's a bit more of a lumbering beast that you have to flow through the corners and avoid getting too out of shape less the tyre just gives up on you. You have to respect the mass of the car. So far so good imo.

    The second thing I noticed is that I was able to actually get on the throttle mid corner with more confidence without the car wildy changing it's trajectory. I know that many of us know the story and are familiar with this handling characteristic all too well so I won't harp on about it too much, but basically in a nut shell this is what I used to find when trying to go fast: If you applied a light amount of throttle mid corner, you would scrub the fronts and the car would understeer very badly... but if you applied just a tiny bit more throttle, the car would yaw out and pitch the nose in towards the apex. Particularly around tighter corners it was often very hard to find this sweet spot where you could get on the throttle with a little bit of authority and stay on the same line without overcoming the front or rear tyre.
    Anyway as a result you would end up with people driving pretty slow as they would be babying the car through the corner trying to find front grip and trying to avoid spinning. But people who knew what was up and had a bit of practise would use the fact that they could yaw the car on demand and get it to turn much sharper as a huge advantage.

    Anyway, I think to a degree this is what made rF2 good because in other sims it was like driving a barge, whereas in rF2 the tyre would actually respond to load transfer which is ultimately how a car handles IRL. But it always felt as if you were either driving way under the limit or way over the limit. I think this update so far seems like a step in the right direction, the car is still adjustable but you have to work for it a bit more. The car feels a bit heavier and stable, but it will bite harder if you don't respect the laws of physics. These are my impressions anyway, feel free to disagree.

    I only percieve one "problem" which is completely subjective and I could be entirely wrong about, but the rear tyre seems to have a higher lateral grip at the rear which I think is good, but the longitudinal grip is practically unlimited. Like, you will never, ever spin up the rear tyres in a straight line. I know I am very likely wrong about this (because "modern racecar"), but I am used to leaving a 20 meter long strighline burnout at the exit of a ight corner driving some unweildy beast :)

    Also, the shifting dosn't really bother me at all, I literally didn't even notice it for the first five minutes. Possibly because I got used to the Porsche Cup car first.
  2. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Turn off TC if you want to smoke your tires. The entire purpose of TC is to limit rear tires spinning. How much is up to the driver now.
  3. green serpent

    green serpent Registered

    Feb 2, 2016
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    I never use TC, I'm that hardcore ;)
    delapecs and Lazza like this.
  4. Simulation_Player

    Simulation_Player Registered

    Mar 4, 2022
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    I agree that interior , dash etc on some cars is outdated but traction LEDs stripes themselves are realistic. you can add stipe of LED in these cars even if you didn't had it initially
    example >>

    RSR without LED stripe: 911 RSR v GT3 R v GT3 Cup-7.jpg

    RSR with LED stipe :

    similar thing happened with 991.2 GT3R porsche , ACC is missing traction LEDs stripe on dash while real teams added it later.
  5. doublephil

    doublephil Registered

    Sep 14, 2022
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    The Mercedes AMG and the Radical seems slower than the others GT3.
  6. Bernat

    Bernat Registered

    Jun 15, 2020
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    I've disabled all three TC options in the car setup and the TC lights still light up when trying to spin the rear tires. I don't know if there's always some level of TC applied or what. I won't make assumptions about something wrong, I have more to learn than to teach.
    avenger82 and green serpent like this.
  7. mesfigas

    mesfigas Registered

    Oct 15, 2015
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    Radical is like 2 seconds faster at any track i race against AI
    2 seconds faster that any GT3
  8. Paul McC

    Paul McC Registered

    Oct 17, 2017
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    The light does'nt illuminate to tell you TC or ABS is active, it lights up to tell you slip is occuring. Lights up in one colour to tell you lock is happening, and another to tell you slip/spin is occuring. So it will light up more with either turned off
  9. sg333

    sg333 Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    Tried all of them over the last few days at Nords. First off, thank you - the community was crying out for new tyres on the GT3 and you delivered :). I will add to some other comments that some cars look considerably more dated interior wise now, like jumping from the M4 to the CallawayM6/R8 is a bit jarring. I know it was stated that time is tight, but it would be the icing on the cake to have these interiors polished ;)

    I did find that the Audi seems much looser in the rear than the others, setup changes need to be much more extreme to stop the back end going out at high speed corners.
  10. Nilis

    Nilis Registered

    Nov 8, 2020
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    Tried the GT3s again since this update. And I like them way better. Bought the m4 and noticed the 6th gear is useless(tested on Monza). Has this always been the case or is this since the latest BOP?
  11. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Always been the case, those are the normal ratios I think. 6th gear is almost never used in racing.
  12. Nilis

    Nilis Registered

    Nov 8, 2020
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    Really? Doens't seem logical. Just checked some real life onboards and thus far all of them hit 6th gear.
  13. Simulation_Player

    Simulation_Player Registered

    Mar 4, 2022
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    seems like the case, i turned off everything as well, glad to see traction light working without assist just like how it is IRL with these LEDs.
    The DTM class IRL has no assist yet those cars have traction LEDs working for both LONG and LAT slips plus brake locks.
    now GTE cars need these LEDs as well.
  14. Havner

    Havner Registered

    Jul 14, 2020
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    I'm not talking about their implementation (of which I know almost nothing) but in car configurability. Some cars have just one TC setting (with rest being hardcoded, linked or done in some other implementation specific way). Some have two. Not sure there is a GT3 car that has three. Newest Porsche RSR seems to have 4 TC settings, but that car is not even GT3. Yet here we have 3 settings for all the cars.
  15. Havner

    Havner Registered

    Jul 14, 2020
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    Wow, so just because teams can do it themselves it makes it realistic, as in real, as in done in real life. Please show me GT3 championship or even GT3 race where all the cars have the same additional led strips placed on the dash.

    I suppose teams are also allowed to repaint the interior (or at least some parts of it). So I guess you won't mind when all the GT3 cars will have pink interior in the next update. S397 wouldn't do such a thing? Guess what, they already did.

    I wouldn't mind adding varied strips to some cars that don't have any indicators or low visible ones. But making them the same across all the cars, even Aston Martin (that is the biggest offender) and cars with side strips just for this purpose is not something what I would call realistic. Not even close to.

    There is a tremendous difference between adding varied strips for cars where it makes sense to adding the same copy and paste ones across ALL cars, even ones where it makes no sense.
  16. instinkt

    instinkt Registered

    Nov 21, 2020
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    it's weird but that's how it works it was also the same in ACC
  17. Nilis

    Nilis Registered

    Nov 8, 2020
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    I tried acc and I use the 6th gear. Unfortunately I cannot find an real life m4 onboard on Monza.
  18. instinkt

    instinkt Registered

    Nov 21, 2020
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    I tested on SPA and this was really similar
    on ACC u never used 6th on time trials, it was like fuel saving gear for races
    maybe ratios are little bit longer here because on ACC it was around max rpms on the Kemmel and in rF2 it even doesn't hit that range
    I googled some onboard and it had like 263 on Kemmel and in rF I had like 261 on stock setup

    irl they can have different ratios between series I guess?
  19. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    I think the gear ratios are mandated as part of the BOP by the SRO series to match 3 different types of tracks. I don't know if WEC or IMSA allow alternate ratios.
  20. Miquel Ramos

    Miquel Ramos Registered

    Sep 21, 2013
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    Yes, there are different ràtios. Cars change slightly between series, not only tyres, electrònics, weight... every series do his own

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