No, I'm sorry you're this upset. They're just cars. When technology changes, drivers need to adapt to it. If real drivers where anything like you, it would be really funny to hear what F1 drivers had to say with the changes in the cars every year. If you have issues with the DSP you're driving the cars wrong because these aren't 70s cars. This is a frequent complaint, wanting all cars to drive the same, or some cars to behave like another car just because they like it more. All complaints based on speculation and zero real knowledge. If I wouldn't like how GTEs behave and din't want to adapt to GT3s then I whould drive GTEs.
This statement is wrong, it is true that these lights also show TC and ABS activations but their working is based on multiple car sensors. so even cars like M4 class 1 could have those working light without TC and ABS from official dev guide of these new lights >> The ABS trigger under two conditions; ABS is active and the LEDs flash, or one of the wheel has locked when just one LED will trigger. The TC LED simply lights up when TC activates. This can be seen flashing as well because the TC turns on and off by itself. Other than this the LEDs will partially come on when the cars experience slip. from what i know IRL these lights takes multiple input from sensors all around the cars like throttle position, wheel speed , steering angle , yaw sensors etc. feed all this to onboard computer then it approximates the condition of car i.e is it slipping/locking or not and then these lights shows output based on those results. here is DTM car onboard where they have very complex lights without having NO TC and ABS >>
What does "LEDs will partially come on" mean? I see all lights flash. Anyway, the initial question remains. Does "Onboard TC off" mean all TC off? Why doesn't the car spin when exiting full throttle?
it should be off , if u have selected it. but there is always a chance of mistake. The "off " text in setup menu is just a it can still be assigned to a TC or ABS value and still you can write text as "off ". i drove mercedes GT3 with everything off, so far doesn't seem like TC or ABS is active...i even managed to do some proper powerslides coming out of slower corner. if you know how to disable TC and ABS from upgrade.ini then go for it, thats the most sure shot way.
Do you have real knowleadge? ACC is a official GT3 sim, and their DSP is rev. based (like GTE in rF2) and not trottle position based.
bitte bitte kann man den ABS FFB effekt oder was das ist entfernen oder eine funktion einen wert in irgendeiner ini wo man sich das selber anzeigen kann ich habe einen G27 und der klappert so extrem das man damit nicht fahren kann das ist nicht bei jedem auto so schlimm , im M6/M4/aston martin/Porsche/corvette ist es sehr stark, egal ob ich das abs auf 9/5/1 stelle, macht keinen unterschied, kannst du das bitte wieder rausnehmen. Entschuldigung für mein Englisch nicht gut Deutsch Bitte bitte könnt ihr den ABS FFB Effekt oder was auch immer das ist wieder raus machen oder eine Funktion ein Wert in irgendeiner ini wo man das selber ausstellen kann ich habe ein G27 und das rappelt so extrem da kann man nicht fahren, das ist nicht in jedem Auto so schlimm, im M6 /M4 /aston martin /Porsche / Corvette ist das sehr stark, dabei ist es egal ob ich das abs auf 9 / 5 / 1 stellen das macht keinen Unterschied. bitte könnt ihr das wieder raus nehmen.
I think you have the wrong idea how DSP is triggered, it works if the revs are to high to change down or the speed is to high. Throttle position should only trigger DSP if it's an excessive amount and not barely touching the throttle. The rF2 GT3s are too biased towards throttle position. The computer (ECU) in the real cars that controls DSP have adjustable settings and would be set to get the max performance from the car and not hinder it, that's why teams have computer engineers. Even if all teams had to use the same ECU, those settings would still be adjustable with in set limits. Those settings would vary for different cars, engine used and gearbox used also gear ratios with in the gear box.
Probier mal bei: "SETTINGS" -> "CALIBRATE CONTROLS" unter "FORCE FEEDBACK SETTINGS", "Smoothing" auf 7 oder höher einzustellen. Es gibt übrigens hier im Forum einen deutschsprachigen Bereich:
Wie oben erwähnt, erhöhen Sie die Glättungseinstellung. Achten Sie aber auch auf Ihr Bremsen. Wenn Sie die Vorderreifen blockieren und flache Stellen erzeugen, wird dies eine Menge Vibrationen in Ihrem Rad auslösen.
Ich habe schon smoothing von 9 auf 16 gestellt was nicht viel daran geändert hat, und durch die erhöhung das ganze FFB geschwächt wird. Ja das deutsche forum ist hier leider ziehmlich eingeschlafen was solche diskusionen und hilfe angeht. Das hab ich schon Glättung von 9 auch 16 keinen großen unterschied leider. Bremsen blockieren nicht mit abs 9 aber auch alles darunter ergibt keine besserung leider. Das ist aufjedenfall nicht die lösung es war vorher auch nicht vorhanden, warum jetzt.
I agree, smoothing isn't the solution, it kills the small details. I tested almost every car, including the M4/M6/Aston/Porsche Honestly, except for the Porsche, the other cars have a pretty tame ABS feedback. I posted some cars ffb output motec log in another topic to show what the ABS is causing. S397 need to change at least the Porsche.
I invested a lot of money in rF2 GT3 cars ( 13x4,99 = 64,87€) so I have the right to speak my mind. Do i get my money back? Then don't tell me that i have to switch to other class or other Sim. I find that arrogant.
That's the question I'm posing to you all experts in the forum. I'm not saying I know, I'm asking you how do you know better than a company that it's working with manufacturers and teams.