Hey William, I'm a bit puzzled with my latest AIW files. I never paid much attention to this before, but I don't see any yellow flags. I know the corner workers are not included but i'm missing the yellow flag icon on top of the screen. I see black flags, pit icons, fuel icons and so on, but never a yellow flag. Depends the yellow flag on corner workers?
Hmmmm, the plot thickens! Could this be of the same reason all my lights are broken? Who knows there might be some naming convention I screwed up with those and they are screwing with other things as well. I will make it a point this week in fixing all the lights and including the marshal posts. Actually when those are in, the track is potentially of out alpha right then and there, unless I have missed some functionality For example, night racing, don't know if something special is needed to make it work, except for adding some illumination
Found some information here. Could be useful for your "project" next week. http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/2738-Getting-started-with-a-new-track-few-questions/page10 btw could you please check the normal maps. Looks like most of them are inverted (kerb_rumble_normal.dds or Brick_Wall_Normal.dds for example).
Thanks! Sure I can take a look, to be honest I hardly looked at additional maps other than diffuse/albedo, I just made sure they are there but that is about it. I will finalize textures when I feel like it edit: Indeed the brick normal was inverted, I think you or somebody else reported this some months ago already even. For the kerb, only the asphalt edge is inverted, ah well, I will revisit all those anyway. Why? I'm not even using the Silverstone realroad shader yet, that's why No worries, I'll grab bits and revise them to something more solid when I feel like it. For example I'm going to improve all kerb textures and shader settings in one go. It's just that I think filling up the track with more buildings and such is more important than finetuning things which are currently in there and are prone to change at any point in time.
hi wgeuze! first of all i wanna thank you for your effort already its a freaking awesome track you made already at this stage. i did already like 50-60 laps there in diffrent cars and its just awesome and a pleasure to drive. With the FR3.5 or the Marussia you get really immersed on the bumpy straights when you try to aim for the apex its just a hell of a ride Thanks for your hard work i love it and iam following this thread since you started it its simply one of my favorite tracks. I hope you also can finish some markers for the breaking zones i miss some of them at the chicanes and some minor flickering issues on the pitwall and some popup trees. Thats gonna be an awesome beta for the track.
Thanks Ernie! Good to hear! (previous feedback complained it was too flat and smooth) If I out on brakemarkers, I'd love to see reference on which ones! Someone else reported a missing one a couple of weeks ago and he was very much correct and it was implemented in the first version after he made that comment! (bolderberg corner one to be exact) Rest assured, after I conclude all things which should be functional in order for the league to be able to actually host the race event, then I'll carry on and start working on the visual stuff. Sure there are some visual things in there already but that is mainly playing and learning rF2 stuff. Painful example for this would be making a wrong assumption, resulting in literally every specular map used in the track, used wrongly... I assumed the shader names were telling me to store the specular in the alpha channel of the diffuse texture, how cute, but it's wrong! So, yes, flickering issues, specular issues, visually, it's one big issue which I'll tackle one material at a time edit: Start lights and pit exit light appear to be in working order again, time to put all of them together again Next up will be marshals, something else which I haven't done before for rF2, gonna be fun..
It's pretty nice already. Had some laps in the new 370Z and the elevation and rumble strips make it very interesting. I don't know the circuit enough to help, but as long as you maintain your standards, it will be one of the best out there.
Thanks, sounds good. I think I'm going to start working on the visuals from now on, so I'll have to investigate for myself a bit what the standards are going to be like to be honest. To be able to place the starter marshal, I will be building the pitwall first, that will give me some clues as to what level of finish I can go with. I will try and minimize the amount of temporary/mockup work from now on as the track is in a functional more finished state than ever before
Yeah, it's totally usable now. The red lights stay lit up, but everything works fine. Don't forget the solar panels!
Yeah I borked all the lights a while ago, last week I fixed them all in one go and are in fully working order again Those solar panels must wait until buildings and pitlane are done I'm afraid, those are more decoration pieces. However, they are great little pieces to have fun with, so who knows I might build one in between the more time consuming jobs as a breather
Sure. Mostly texture work, I guess? Seems like simple objects. Are you doing a specific version of the track with the sponsors from one event?
It depends on the object really. The pitwall at first for example looks pretty straight forward, but there is more to it if you take a closer look. In this case, modelling will possibly take more time than texturing. With your solar panels example, it will probably be more like 50/50. When I have some solid modelling done on the pitwall I'll post a screenshot, then you can see how much modelling can go into such a relatively simple looking object. This also gives me the chance to explore how far I want to go, props and objects wise. I haven't decided about ads yet, the ones which are consistent throughout the track I have done so far, such as the Coca Cola ones and a couple of local companies but that is about it. I'm thinking about doing all trackside ads in one pass later and then I'll think about which ones to use. The latter isn't really an issue to begin with, it's going to take 5 minutes to change an add if I need to
Yes, I meant the solar panels looked like simple objects. Other stuff like bridges and that insane building must be very difficult. I look forward to watching this track develop. I've had a bunch of fun already. I guess if the track is open for track days, you could do a bare version and a super pimped one for GT events. xD
Even in this stage a lot of fun. A bit hard to get my brakemarkings right though Thanks for that, keep up the good work
Thanks, if you miss some, by all means explain which ones and where. I've made this same request but never get answers which makes me believe I've got them all since I added the bolderberg one
Probably, but this idea wasn't really needed anymore to be honest. I've yet to receive a single complaint about the surfaces in Zolder, leading me to believe they are as good as they can be at this point. I'm working on the pitwall at this time btw, in order to place all the marshals, this needs to be finished for the starter guy