Yeah didn't seem very accurate. I have another Mosport track which is pretty good (great AIW) but it's not DX11 so performance is ok but not ideal for VR.
You don't have to race on it if you don't like it in case I finish the track. Btw compared to the iR version the new version is very, very good, I'm very happy with it. The old one is pretty bad.
No disrespect intended chum. Just very difficult to tell accuracy without landmarks. Some sections 'appeared' to be longer than I've seen on TV is all. Hope you continue to work on it.
The length of the track is exactly the same as in real life and I made it based on Google Earth image. edit: maybe the high FOV is misleading in the video.
I made the layout based on the image not the elevation changes. I believe they changed the Mario Andretti Straightaway but that I have it right. They also widened the track.
If the process that was done for Road America is being done with the newest version of Mosport, it should be really close. The Road America that was done by shiet is the best and most accurate with the exception of probably iRacing and maybe PCARS. It's a little on the heavy side due to the 3d trees (not sure if you will do a 2d version), but I am looking forward to the new Mosport and any other tracks that may be on your list.
I have an update for RA in the works but my progress is very slow because I have a job. And it will be with 2D trees. Btw my three absolute favorite tracks in the world are Mosport, Road Atlanta and Road America so I will do my best and I hope Mario Morais will finish Road Atlanta.
Good taste! Maybe not my absolute faves but all absolutely brilliant. Looking forward to whatever you may be able to release.
shiet, You made an absolutely AMAZING version of this track! Well done and THANK YOU very much. Hopefully you are able to finished the new one... if not, Post-2013 Mosport is incredible!
Just wondering if any use was made of the Mosport elevation diagram?
I have lidar data for Mosport from 2016 if interested. I made a test layout on it for AC and its dead on accurate.
I know this map and it's not bad, I tried it a long time ago but it's very hard to use as a reference, also between turn 6 and turn 7 the elevations are lower since the '90s.
It might be true that turns 6-8 were shaved off a bit since this map was first published in the early 70's, but that doesn't make the rest of the map incorrect. And yes it would take some painstaking graphical/scaling work to create an appropriate elevation/distance table. Having been and walked Mosport many times over 40 years, and driven it as well, some of the game tracks really don't always capture the look and feel (particularly in car) of the elevation changes reflected in the elevation profile of the map. Many track-side photos tend to flatten the appearance due to the elevated photo shoot positions. Walking up to corner 5 is way steeper than you think! It is also true that the elevation map does not capture the often dramatic and sometimes subtle camber of some corners. Some really good work has been done with simulating the track to date. Diving into the opportunities of all the references may yield some improvement. Keep up the great work. Cheers