Due to a Request of a User, i did add another Safety Car. It is the Porsche Turbo WEC SC and i again did use a free 3D Model from the Internet as Basis and edited it a lot, to better match the Needs of a Video Game. I'ts not perfect, but can be used and also a driveable Car is included and can be found under "Safety Car" in the Car Selection Menu. Steam-Link Just to make something clear: The Vehicle Model used, is not ripped from any other Video Game. It comes from one of the Internet Sites that offer free 3D Models for download, which usually have around 200000-500000 Polys. I then adapt these Models, to be able to use them for rFactor 2.
Hello, i'm making some tests and i have an issue with this Safety Car Formation lap is OK, but when i throw a Full Course Yellow, it disconnects me. I get a "connection lost". I'm using the last StockCarRules dll to manage FCYs ...
hi @DanRZ We used it last year for our endurance championship and indycar races for our safety-car period. But it was a car in the list on server and human manually driven.
Yes, i tried and it worked perfeclty as drivable ... I will try to see in my traces if i can see something wrong.
That is how i did make it. You have a SC that can be used in the rfm and a drivable Version, that can be used for Leagues, where a human Driver is driving the SC.
In fact, the server crashes. Same issue with the Alfa Romeo 4C. Practice, i get out to drive, run in the pits, send the throyellow command and SC disappears, and then server crashes. Here is the log of the server : 155.82s main.cpp 358: onFatalError 11
I'll try to reproduce it. Unfortunately the onFatalError 11 is used for a lot of different Things, like it seems. Do you give the Command in the Chatbox or the Server Window?
No crash by removing all plugins ... StockCarRules.dll crashes the server. It doesn't like that Safety Car. I will tell them the issue ... I'm using the very last one and not the "stock" one.
I just tested it and it works as it should. What do you mean with "I'm using the very last one and not the "stock" one."? Isn't the "stock" one the last one? Currently there is no RC, so the last one should be the stock one, right?.
They are giving an upgraded version on their discord which is not the one you have when downloading the server. Probably less stable then the one provided by rFactor2 ... but with a few updates. Did you test a throwyellow ?
Yes, i did /throwyellow 3 and the SC came out as it should an nothing crashed, but i didn't have any Plugins activated. Who is giving an updated Plugin in the Discord? Sounds as if it was one that was "upgraded" by 3rd Party.
I communicated with the guys on their Discord and it's probably not due to your Safety car. It seems to be some kind of unattended behaviour on some "phase" of the session. At the very start some data is wrong and probably cause a crash ...
Thanks for the Info, i was wondering already, because nobody else informed me about such a Bug when that SC was used and i know that it was used for League Races.