I was just meaning, if you know what you do or have done, you're probably the best and only person to diagnose some issues or try some things. Don't take it badly. I like your work and dedication to this game and use a lot of your tools. Sorry if i offended you in any way
@DanRZ I can only repeat myself: i continue investigating. BUT, if i can not reproduce it here on my Machine, i will not change anything.
It's me again, sorry, but i just noticed another bug on this car. When i hit Setup menu, my rFactor2 goes to Desktop ... Instant crash. Is it normal and known ? I tried to go to setup to see if i have wet tyres and got the crash. In single mode, same behaviour, crash right after clicking on Setup. Even the log is broken mid trace ...
The Problem was, that i still had the "old" Battery Charge Entries for an electric Engine in the HDV (first i wanted to use an e-Engine for that Car) and that caused the Problem, due to the new Battery Code, i guess. And the Tires are "all Weather".
Looks like the 1.1 solved the issue Blinkers are now always on, even with light off or car stopped. Just noticed the 1.0 goes to local content and i was unable to unistall it. I had to remove it in ModMgr ... Thanks for the update
With the Car that you can drive? Do you have the Option "blinking with Lights on" in the Upgrades selected? Here it works as it has to. ??? As long as you don't put the 1.0 rfcmp into your Packages Folder manually, it gets uninstalled and removed automatically, when i update it.
In order ... Yes I checked and had the option "blinking with lights on". The lights on the roof go on, off when i activate/disable lights. The blinkers always stay on. I can make a video ... I did nothing. This SC went on "Local content" with a red cross. Steam removed the rfcmp in workshop content but the car stayed. Maybe i was just on the very first start. If i had started the game twice, it would have disappeared. The red cross in local content was just not applied yet. I reacted too quickly probably ... PS : I'm working on the 2023 Skin 75th Porsche anniversary. Red, grey and black ... but can't upgrade the Windows as usual ... I will send you the addon .mas when it will be more finished, wip ... I would love to make the multi color one but that's really a difficult one .. Maybe. You see them here : https://forum.studio-397.com/index.php?attachments/20230615_162144-jpg.52922/
Do you leave the Pit Lane and switch the Speedlimiter off? If yes, does it happen on dry and wet Track?
Good point, i will check on a dry track, limiter OFF. Lastly i was on a wet track and in the pits with limiter ON. I didn't realized, it's probably normal ... Sorry.
Hello, here is a preview of the 2023 Edition i'm making ... Still missing a few tags and minor things, like a bit more shine ... but it is ready to run. I will send you the .mas as soon as it will be finished. Is it possible to make wheel black on the rim but white/chrome only on exterior sides ? And blinkers are ok, outside Pits and without limiter
@DanRZ Why do you want to send me the Skin (*.mas), shall i add it? To the Rims .... i always wanted to create the original Rims and improve some Materials, but didn't had the Time yet. But i can make them black Inside.
I would love black rims with just clear sides. I don't want to make an upgrade so it would be better to add it to your item. It's an additional .mas. No other .mas has changed.
The 2023 SC is finished, here is the .mas ... http://www.danrazor.net/rF2/mods/Po911Turb_SC_2023.zip (Paint.net file also provided). If you don't want to add it, i will make an upgrade or a full "standalone" version if you allow me.
No Problem, i will add it and give you some Credits in the Description. It only will last some Days, because i also want to add new Rims, that i started to model Yesterday.
Thanks. Really nice update on wheels. I will just try to add a bit more shine and metallic effect to the skin of the 2023. The 2018 was mat but this one is shinier ... Maybe add the date in the description of the initial version (2018) like i did for mine.
Important detail for the rim : The valve stem must point to the bottom of the Porsche emblem in the center