OK, then inform me when your final Version is done an uploaded. Not necessarily, see below Screenshot. And the Rims don't have a Valve, because there is no Pit-Crew that could need it.
Nice find ... After market wheel ? I'm pretty sure the center nut is wrongly placed But it's more difficult to align the cap emblem on a centered nut wheel ... This one look odd.
I have just finished the skin, adding shinier effects and materials ... > http://www.danrazor.net/rF2/mods/Po911Turb_SC_2023.zip Very last version : The rear plate would need a few fake shadows but i can't manage to do something right ...
The "SAFETY CAR" at the rear. It looks too flat like a sticker. It's ok in the front but not on the rear. It needs some shadows on the borders to make some "deeper" effects. A small shadow on the door opener makes it look like there is a real hole but it's totally flat ... Pure optical effect from the shadow. Those effects are the most difficult part of a very good skin. Almost unnoticeable but adding huge effects on overall visuals ...
So you talk about painted Shadows. I can not help with that, because i'm a lousy Painter. But i just have seen that i forgot to add a proper AO Map. It still is a complete white one, that i use as "Placeholder". I will check, if i can generate one in 3DSMax, with the simple Mapping that i use.
Due to the simple Mapping, i could not make a good AO Map in 3DSMax, because there are too many overlapping Polys, that it would look weird. But the Version 1.2, that has a 2nd Vehicle with the 2023 Skin, made by @DanRZ (Credits in the Description), included and where i added new Rims and made the Windows as WC Materials, is uploaded in the Workshop.
Thanks, just updated the car to 1.2 but can't find the PO911TURB_02.VEH. Is it normal; looks like you forgot to add the .mas for the 2023 edition. > http://www.danrazor.net/rF2/mods/Po911Turb_SC_2023.zip
All veh related Files are in the Teams mas, also the Files for your Skin. I have to check, why the Car doesn't appear in the Game Menu, because it appears properly in the DevMode. I didn't check that before, because when a Car appears in DevMode, it normally also appears in the Game.
No problem. And i realized i probably can't use my skin as AI pace car, the category or other data in veh are wrong. It will need another veh to use my skin as AI pace car. Actually i can drive the 2023 but not use it as AI Pacze car ... Am i wrong ?
I did include it already, it is written in the Steam Description. Now i have a Problem with the Updater, that doesn't want to upload V1.3..... i hate this Steam Shi...
Just updated it and everything looks OK from server side. I will try "in game" later on ... Thanks for the add See you in 2028 for the 80 th anniversary edition