Yeap, it can be easily seen in Google Earth, it's an excellent guide for track creation. Don't intending to be an ass here, but have you guys seen this LM version for Rfactor 1? This is the version more close to the real 2015 thing. Yes it has some flaws but it might be easier to adjust than the 91-96 VLM version. Don't take me wrong, I'm just trying to collaborate in order to get a good LM version for rF2 some day.
Google Earth helps, and its 3d geography that Marc pointed out is actually better than I thought it would be. It's still a long way off being completely helpful (or making it "easy") though. It's too low detail to help with the most crucial pieces. We have the 2015 layout in the game already. There is one part of the road surface that is going to change for sure, and I'm re-checking all other areas after having been to the track for the race this year. Our base is solid, thanks, and we have our own quality standards. It's great that you have found a version you prefer. I've been driving the Project CARS track back when it was in development, before our own modern layout was done as well. That's fine. There's plenty of sims and some versions of certain tracks out there. I don't like the thought of there only being one "true" version and everything else is crap, that misses the point of how tracks are made. I guess you could say it completely disregards the artistic element in making a virtual representation of the real thing, all those small decisions needed to arrive at the virtual version that make up the small elements in the greater picture (the trees of the forest, so to speak).
Ok Ethone, I'm a 3dsMax user, if I can help something please let me know. Google Earth has Lidar info now, so the size and the height of trackside objects can be evaluated with a very decent accuracy. I could build some of them if you like (Leroy Merlin, the Restaurant in Arnage and many others)
Do you have any idea what the GTX 900 card crashes could be about? I had a buddy with 900 series card whose game always crashed few laps into this track, then switched back to his old 680 card and it stopped crashing. Lots of people experienced similar issues on German 24H event last weekend.
None actually. As far as I can tell from the reports it worked before a driver update, and with the driver that crashes on the problematic cards it works using different cards. You could try if a specific setting (e.g. track detail level, number of other cars) triggers/cures the crashes, allowing us to pinpoint the issue somewhat. Without having access to a card that lets me test these crashes I don't see anything I can do.
Yeah, most lightly some nvidia next-gen stuff in the drivers causing problems on the 9xx series card - that's pretty much my/our conclusion at VEC also.
I have black screen problems with this track, too. I don't have problems with any other track. I'm using a GTX 980 with 350.12 drivers.
I was having the same problem with the new Bathurst track. I found a fix for both tracks using Google: add a Timeout Detection and Recovery registry entry.
Hi all Could somebody tell if the crash problem with this track running in a GTX 970 or 980 video card is solved?? Actually i use a GTX 980 and crash or frezze the image about 7 or 10 second, imppossible to sign up for any event THX
Please no, read this first: It is better to use TDR manipulator Manipulator -(TdrLevel) > Disebled > Apply > Restart. Don`t mess with those other values if you are not 100% sure what you are doing.
Regardless the possible TDR fix, I have seen the GPU Usage close to 99% all the time in this track, which is a certain crash in my system every time I try to race it. I wonder if the track objects have their Lod-out settings correctly set? It's the only track where I have this high GPU usage.
There is something off in this's been discussed if never pinned-down for years. I have no idea why, considering how it's always been one of the most popular tracks?
My card have also GPU usage close to 99% all the time in this track but high GPU usage alone is not the cause why PC is crashing. Nvidia cards are able to run close max GPU loads all the time if you have good hardware, your OS is ok and if Nvidia driver is working as it should. With some cards only high temps can shut down your PC if you run your Nvidia card with max loads. I had also crashes in this track before and was not able to finish one single lap and this is how I did fix that problem: TDR manipulator -(TdrLevel) > Disebled > Apply > Restart. Don`t mess with those other values if you are not 100% sure what you are doing. Nvidia Profile: Maximum pre-rendered frames =1 Power management mode = Prefer Maximum Performance. EVGA Precision X16: Power Target > 115%
Is this steam release an updated version of the track?