I certainly would, although i'm very very very rusty regarding 3DSMax. I last used it in 2006. My first problem is to load the graphicfiles into Max. I have looking into MM's GMTloader, but unfortunately its not free per se, so is there an alternative(for Max 2012 and forward)?
A very tiny bitty update on the progress (I am helping (or at least I try to)) help Ethone create the modern Le Mans track).
Yes, thanks for your brilliant voluntary efforts. You and all the wonderful modders that work on rf2 are a credit to the sim community.
Just a small update. A test unwrapping of the textures (on only one side and the refining is very crude) that can give an idea how the final tower will look.
I was at Le Mans 2013, just the Sunday, and did a bit of videoing. I've just uploaded a combination of the phone-photos and vid just in case it has any value as reference material. You never know, there might be a useful camera angle of something. There isn't really much action in the video, so don't expect sheer entertainment
To what version are you guys updating this track? Btw ethone come to skype when you can, i might have something you could use
Thanks woochoo, I'll look through the video. The video snapshot is already very promising as it's showing the campsites, which are hardly make it into any proper/professional photo galleries. Ales: Up to 2015, in case we get that one reasonably done before the 2016 race.
Hi guys, I have some major issues with this track. The league I'm currently in is using this one for the next race but for some people the screen freezes randomly when using this track. (I've tried 5 different tracks and they all worked fine, it's just this one.) The weird things is that everyone who is having issues is using a GTX 970 or GTX 980. I've tried several things to get rid of it. - Removed my CPU overclock (all my hardware is running on it's stock speed now) - Tried 3 different driver versions. (350.12, 347.88, 344.75) - All settings on low or off (resolution at 1920x1080, no AA) - nVidia Power Management Mode on 'Prefer Maximum performance' My Windows install is about 4 days old and so is rFactor2. DirectX is up to date. It's only the screen that freezes, sound keeps working. I'm pretty much out of ideas now, it seems that newer nVidia cards have a problem with track or something. My system: Core i7 970 EVGA X58 Classified 12GB DDR3 Asus GTX 980 I think that was all the info I have
That's bad news for me actually, I was planning on picking up a GTX at some point this year. My best guess would be something driver related, as you should easily be able to run the track. Can you observe a specific bottleneck when using the CTRL + F / CTRL + C overlays in rF2? Not much I can do without having a nVidia card myself. If someone has a spare GTX 970 or 980 lying around, send me a PM.
I've experienced this kind of behaviour with latest NVidia drivers as well, with many tracks. Currently I've revert back to the latest WHQL driver version. I think this is more driver related problem that track itself.
I will try the overlays yeah. Framerate is very high though on this track for me. It runs very well untill the point it freezes out of nowhere. I've tried several drivers, the oldest one I tested is from november 2014, there aren't much older actually for my videocard.
Tjeerd F, I have the same problem with this track. I also own GTX 970, but the same happened also before, when I had 660Ti. Beleve me, I˙ve tried everything to prevent screen freezing, I changed settings from low to full, 64 and 32 bit, removed all plugins, turned recording off ... but nothing has not helped so far. At RD we had two LeMans events this evening and I simply didn˙t drive races because this issue http://www.racedepartment.com/threa...rday-30th-may-2015.105166/page-4#post-2016454
For you who have issues, have you tried using a DEFAULT and new player.json ? Do not copy old User-directory into new install.