Rfactor2 The VR thread -settings & tips

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Adrianstealth, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. ATQ

    ATQ Registered

    Jan 15, 2021
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    What's the best way of recording VR?

    I've been trying out OBS and using Oculus Mirror, but I don't like the performance hit. Setting rFactor to mirror mode is a bit better, except the field of view is too narrow.
    Agahnim likes this.
  2. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Just quoting myself BUT if anybody experiences this issue above I seemed to have resolved it. Not sure which of these fixed it or if it was due to a combination of them:
    1. Deleted the contents of the CBash & Shaders folders
    2. Deleted the contents of the Cache folder in player/LocalStorage
    3. Disbaled Motion Smoothing in SteamVR (I personally think this may have been the culprit)
    No longer getting the constant stutters after a lap or 2 of racing. Tested this weeknd on Spa and did about 8 continuous laps without a single jitter, so I think safe to say my issue is resolved.
    Hazi likes this.
  3. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    I have been having some issues with Rf2 of late (see above post where I thought I had fixed it).

    What I am finding is that on racing I start getting spikes in GPU frame time and these get to the point where they become so consistent that the game becomes a stuttery mess. GPU usage doesn't go beyond 65% and CPU usage around 45% (GPU temp max 70c & CPU 60c). Things I have tried:
    • Reinstall rF2 & all mods form scratch
    • Lowering graphics details down (GPU usage around 50%)
    • Changing XMP profile on Overclock
    • Various Nvidia drivers (currently on latest 465.89)
    • VR Pre-rendered frames 4 on NCP
    • RC version and stable version of rF2 (typing this I realised I have not tries the old UI, so may need to try that to rule the new UI out)
    • Adjusting FFB core true/false
    • Uninstalling/installing: SteamVR, WMRfSVR, & WMR software
    • Removing Fanaleds plugin & software
    • Running the game without Simcommander software running
    • Updating latest Fanatec drivers
    • Uninstalled all RGB software for mobo
    • W10 updated and all mobo software/BIOS up to latest versions
    I feel like I have pretty much tried so many things just short of reinstalling W10 and have been entertaining the idea of memory or PSU issues. I should point out that rF2 is the ONLY game I am experiencing this BUT I wonder if it was a hardware issue, would it not effect other games? I ran MEMTEST a month or so ago with no issues.

    So the game runs well on a monitor but the GPU frametime spikes occur only in VR. The things I have noticed:
    • The frametime spikes occur usually after 1-2 laps of the race starting - possible memory leak caused by drivers/software?
    • not replicating the HMD on the monitor decreases its prevalence
    • If I press Win+Y they are less prevalent but do occur in some instances (see below)
    • Even with Win+Y if I spin or crash the car, they will start and persist even when no cars around on re-joining the race
    • They have no relation to graphic settings
    My test bed is using the Mclaren 720 GT3 at Spa with 21xGT3-AI (all S397 official content), random grid position and starting a race with race time at default.

    It's driving me insane finding what the issue is. It's a relatively new issue that I have noticed since rF2 moved to RC but I can't be certain if it was one of those updates, and if it was, surely I would not be the only person experiencing this.

    So my feeling is either a driver, plugin or hardware issue is causing the spikes. Now before I look into re-installing W10 &/or investing in a PSU/RAM, I wonder if anybody here has experienced or is experiencing anything like this? I'm using a HP Reverb G1 with Steam VR set at 100% with no reprojection enabled.

    EDIT: tested with old UI but issue still persists
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2021
  4. Andy Bonar

    Andy Bonar Registered

    Mar 17, 2011
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    Do you have all those cars visible in game? If so, try knocking it down to 10
    Thats the thing that caused all my problems.
  5. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

  6. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    I have 14 visible. I can also confirm it is occurring on the old UI.
    I tried various drivers but I believe the issue has now been resolved by Nvidia.
  7. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

    no it isn´t. Issue is definitively not fixed by Nvidia. Do you use FPSVR? Are there purple spikes in gpu frametime?
    Magus likes this.
  8. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Yes I started using fpsvr to see what was going on but not all the time & the GPU frame time spikes purple.

    I do have MSI afterburner too to control fan and GPU OC.

    I did come across that article when researching the issue but thought it had been resolved so it is still definitely a thing?
  9. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

    MSI afterburner could be a trigger for the issue. Maybe try without running it.

    Nvidia released a driver fix some time ago. This helped a bit but didnt resolve the issue completly. The promised final fix is still not in sight...

    Befored the fix i had a lot of purple spikes when running for example S397 GT3 at Spa. After the fix the spikes were gone at Spa. But the spikes are still present at other tracks although my frametimes are as low as yours. For example: i have rocksolid 90 fps at Watkins Glen at start (10 visible GT3 AIs, starting from last place. After two or threee laps single spikes are coming. Then often 10 or more purple spikes are coming within a few seconds, causing a massive stuttering, although there is only one visible car before me. Its not replicable why this happens...
    Magus likes this.
  10. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Thanks for this @Manfredk2 I have spent so much of my time off work trying to resolve this issue as it was one of my To-Do things during my time off from work for Easter. Since Tuesday I have ploughed hours into trying to find the variable(s) effecting the frame time spikes & in all honesty I read through that post and saw with the edits the problem had been resolved but did not go through the comments to see that it was still an issue for many. WOW, what a waste of my time!

    Glad I came onto here before re-installing W10 or then purchasing new hardware.

    I guess I will be playing AMS2 over the Easter as unfortunately just switching MSI off didn't work either. Did you uninstall MSI AB?
  11. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

    I dont use MSI AB or another hardware monitoring tool besides FPSVR
  12. 3NPV5IRR

    3NPV5IRR Registered

    Feb 27, 2014
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    I red some time ago a comment from one guy claiming it was the monitoring software, that create the issue. He wrote after he turned off all monitoring software the issue resolved. By monitoring software he meant any FPS counters, CPU/GPU usage/temperature monitors etc.
    I don't face this issue, so can't confirm if it works.
  13. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    I ran one race with MSI off (not uninstalled), I had the GPU frametime spikes. 2nd race I ran with both MSI off and Core Temp off, no spikes and had a great race till spinning out in the 6th lap.

    I will test again with both software off as I have realised the consistency of the spikes aren't always clear cut.

    I really hope that is the fix as even though I can race in other games, rF2 brings me the most pleasure to race. As critical as I am of the game, its feel & FFB is second to none, so fingers crossed.
  14. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    @Manfredk2 just to say I isolated my VR issue with rF2 to the W10 October update. Since uninstalling that update the game no longer frequently stutters/drops frames. Thanks for the assistance.
  15. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

    Will try this too. But i wonder that Nvidia does not suggest this solution, if it works. There are so many unsatisfied VR-users waiting for a solution...

    Just to be sure: you deinstalled the H2 update and have now Win 10 2004 running?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2021
  16. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Yes the 20H2 update, so running 2004 19041.906
  17. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

    ok, went back to 2004.

    In Dirt Rally 2.0 i thought the issue is gone. Had only a few purple spikes at the end of a stage. In RF2 at Watkins Glen i had still some spikes but lesser than before. But then i noticed that my headset was only 3dof tracking. Back to 6dof tracking the spikes were more than with 3dof. Overall i would say the issue is with Win 10 2004 still there but much better.
    Magus likes this.
  18. DJChrizz

    DJChrizz Registered

    Aug 18, 2017
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    I test now more my Grafik setting cause I use a HP Reverb G2 with my 2070 Super OC Card and the Intel I7-9700k
    My CPU has max usage of 50 % in fpsVR. Some tracks with sunny afternoon lower my fps, I will check later.
    I play with 90 Hz and so I need 90 fps. I try one time 60 Hz but I notice a big diff to 90 Hz and switch back to 90 Hz.
    If I run a singelplayer Race with 10 or 20 cars, no problem / difference with the cpu here. cpu load is quit sleep at 36 - 60%
    I think the VGA card is here more important with the G2 resolution.
    I share my settings later from rFactor, Steam VR SS.
  19. mister dog

    mister dog Registered

    Feb 10, 2019
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    I'm having a lot of texture flickering/shimmering on fences and guardrails in VR, tried messing around with more FXAA and raising texture quality ingame but can't see to get rid of it. Need some AA badly! Anyone can help me out or has some tips for me please?
  20. DJChrizz

    DJChrizz Registered

    Aug 18, 2017
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    On my PC too, this suxx from nvidia :-/
    I installed the Nvidia Hotfix 461.33 driver and the purple peaks are a gone mostly. Better now but not the final I think.
    I had much probs with rFactor 2 and my HP G2, with different PC'S and vga cards from Nvidia. Its a nvidia driver (VR) problem here :-(

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