Rfactor2 The VR thread -settings & tips

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Adrianstealth, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    Yes just had an hour of testing

    Clouds seem fine & less of a load
    (I can use these ) , I can have a test race around Brianza in spark f1 with 8 AI from back of grid & pc keeps a solid 90fps no probs

    ( No AA , track detail med , other options around med )

    Rain effect seems strange & causing fps issues but think they know about this

    I'll update first thread post

    I'm running well within my pc limits as I'm sensitive to latency , everything feels better ( & I'm much faster ) when pc handling the sim easily

    The updates are good
  2. TravisRoe666

    TravisRoe666 Registered

    Jan 31, 2012
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    this thread is pretty much the typical thread we got over the years whenever a major optimisation problem existed in a build. There were people contorting themselves into knots to explain how they found some mysterious issue and now its all solved except <x> and <y> conditions. (lol). there are always people exclaiming "its just this <z> mod I have! oops!". Then there'll be the people who say 'no problem here! 100fps! butter! amazing! update is god!"

    the reality though is, rf2 isn't complete enough as a game to NOT use 3rd party mods. You need the 3rd party cars and tracks.
    It's also very wrong, to suggest the performance and FPS issues aren't happening on ISI content. They are. They are in many many many situations for many many high end hardware combinations.

    Releasing a public open beta in the software dev industry isn't to get your customers to do your basic internal testing for you (stability, performance). It's intended for feature testing (VR, DX11, new UI), and as such should have already passed alpha and early beta testing internally, which should absolutely include performance benchmarking on standard sets of hardware against the identical DX9 build. It's obvious that never happened, and it's unfortunate that 30% of the community is so hell bent on kissing developer's butt that they won't clearly allow expression of the actual issues and opinions about them without resorting to defensive tactics that are NOT REQUIRED.
    Milopapa likes this.
  3. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Yes that's what I was referring to at the bottom of my post :) I'm trying as much as I can without that hack to better pinpoint the problem, of course using the hack when I just wanna play.
  4. WiZPER

    WiZPER Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    @TravisRoe666 - OR it could be a result of PERSONAL COMPUTERS... ? Different hardware, different software, different everything :rolleyes:

    But you are right, rF2 is not a complete or finished product, and it was never announced as or intended to be. I suggest you simply find another play ground, I bet pCars2 is just the thing for you.
    Last edited: May 9, 2017
    The Iron Wolf and Bruce0440 like this.
  5. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    no worries, its good to hear others opinions, all we are doing here is trying to get the very best out of our hardware and rfactor2 so we all have the same common goal & interest here

    just updating Post 1, we are very lucky that Studio 397 seem highly committed to rfactor2

    updated post 1 :

    -clouds more optimised & usable
    -rain still destroys fps
    -steam pixel density option (no need to edit folder files)
    -point about reduced lag/latencies & running well within PC limits
    Last edited: May 9, 2017
    bluet and Narrowbackwing like this.
  6. lockzar

    lockzar Registered

    May 2, 2017
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    Didnt read the whole topic, but for me reaching 90 FPS is not an issue, even tho there could be more optimisations.

    The game breaker in VR is the Sync issue everyone is complaining about, when i play on my Gsync monitor im not concerned, but in VR, 90 FPS or not its just horrible for now ...
  7. bravotangosix

    bravotangosix Registered

    Nov 21, 2015
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    What issue is this? My DK2 is running flawlessly.
    TheMattyOnline likes this.
  8. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    I have it super smooth & fluid
    ( 90fps CV1 ), I'm surprised at how smooth it is better than I could have imagined

    Try lower settings see if that helps
    mike.m likes this.
  9. lockzar

    lockzar Registered

    May 2, 2017
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    Got a Vive, so if anyone else here with a Vive could confirm ;)

    I already tried lowest settings, even without SS, but i dont rly need to with a 1080 Ti.

    You guys look surprised when i say "sync issue", there is no sync atm in the game, no Vsync possible, they gonna add it rly soon, as they said.

    Have u tried on a Vsync/traditional monitor to see what im talking about ? Stuttering all over, so in the Vive its even worse, 90 FPS constant or not :( (butter smooth on a Gsync monitor)

    But maybe the Rift have some sort of Gsync or the ASW is doin the job sync-wise ^^
  10. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    I thought the vive & rift has its own sync , rfactor2's sync option (or lack of it) doesn't effect the vr headset

    Seriously mine looks ultra smooth
    ( no more than x6 AI with conservative settings no AA )

    Fluid smooth vr experience ex is much much more important than higher graphical settings to me
    TonyRickard likes this.
  11. whip

    whip Registered

    Apr 25, 2017
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    it does

    there is no vsync issue with VR
    The Iron Wolf likes this.
  12. lockzar

    lockzar Registered

    May 2, 2017
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    Ok sry then.

    Just done multiple tests again, to finally get a real smooth run :rolleyes:

    Was doing something simple, SS1.4 / no AA on Silverstone, USF2K & 6 IAs -> stuttering

    I just turned AA up to x1, and dont ask me why -> butter smooth :D

    So i switched to Suzuka (Matsuzaka, one of my favs at night/specialy in VR), Stuttering, but i saw some very small FPS drops on my monitoring.

    So i lowered track quality, from high to med (wasnt enought), to low to get the 90 constant, no stuttering anymore <3

    Its weird because im pretty sure i did lots of tests yesterday, with 90 constant and still stuttering, like right here on Silverstone.

    Need to try again on Silv, how can it be stuttering at 90 fps no AA, and butter smooth with x1 AA :D

    We just need to wait for a bunch of optimisations, right now u have to tweak settings for each track, avoid mods etc

    My VR settings ; (i can tell now that x16 anistrop doesnt cost me anything)

    Sry im French
    Last edited: May 10, 2017
  13. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    Try texture filter to x4
    & two options under that to medium

    You'll notice not much difference in VR & it will free up some more resource in VR
    Try with just x3 AI

    I do x6 AI with 4.8ghz water cooled cpu , agreed more optimisation may allow us to move bit higher , although I generally would race real people online so my pc would not have to calculate the tremedious load that AI puts on our PC's
    Especially the super good rfactor2 AI's that are almost like racing real people
  14. lockzar

    lockzar Registered

    May 2, 2017
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    So now just tried same settings with a modded car, no way.

    Then i try same settings with the Eve F1, ok on Silverstone, fps drops on Suzuka here & there on some part of the track.

    Had to disable mirrors to get it 100% smooth on Suzuka.

    Now back to USF 2000 on Suzuka, just for the fun of it, i cranked my AA up from x1 to x5, still 100% smooth, not a single fps drop, and the game is beautiful o_O

    So what the hell is happening ? Mirrors asking more than x5 AA ? Tought i was already at the border of GPU room left :D
    Last edited: May 10, 2017
  15. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    Sone father the mod tracks wreck my fps too

    I'm really just sticking to the official Isi/397 content & looking forward to the dx11 contebt upfates

    Historic tracks Belgium/brianza
    Palm beach
    Lime rock

    Happy to only have x8 tracks installed if test are suspect of being unoptimised etc
    I have little patience for mod stuff that runs like crap and looks ununiforned etc

    Mainly using spark f1
  16. lockzar

    lockzar Registered

    May 2, 2017
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    After some SS/Pixel density tests, for me game looks much better at 1.4 + AA than anything without AA ;)

    Just dont understand why AAx5 doesnt cost anything more than AAx1, the visual difference is there, thats what matters ^^
    (can't rly tell between x3 & x5 tho)
    Last edited: May 10, 2017
  17. TheMattyOnline

    TheMattyOnline Member

    Nov 21, 2016
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    I've got a brand new boxed DK2 arriving hopefully tomorrow.
    Any specific problems to know about for getting the DK2 running?
    Does it work on the latest software or do I need to find old run times?
    bravotangosix likes this.
  18. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    I've realised I do actually need/want a 90fps stable game with minimal ASW interruptions so again reworked my settings & came away with a workable configuration & then, @MarcG I tried your suggestion of Indinapolis with the Dallara and it has sent me back to the drawing board of a workable graphics configuration. What was working well with USF on Toban & SIlverstone just doesn't work with your suggested combo. So now I have regrettably taken AA OFF, AFx16, PD1.6 with FXAA ticked and everything to Low, reflections OFF. Still struggles with 14AI. Thinking I need to put rf2 aside for now until VR is optimized as I'm spending more time fiddling with settings than actually racing. I'll probably stick with combos I already know work stable at 90fps but i've come to accept that 90fps comes at the cost of no AA, although FXAA option takes some of that graphical hit without too much of a performance hit.
  19. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    yeah the combination of Mod & Track will always be an issue I'm afraid as obviously higher poly cars plus bigger more detailed tracks will require lower settings than smaller tracks with lower poly cars. But I'm hopeful that one day we get something that's been wished for (in the Wish List section) for a long time - Graphics Settings saved on a per Track Basis, then we'd only have to tinker slightly for the cars if necessary.
    More optimisation will undoubtedly come so it'll only improve from now on :)
  20. bravotangosix

    bravotangosix Registered

    Nov 21, 2015
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    The only issues I had were to do with initial bugs within the rF2 release.It runs really well for me (gtx 970). REALLY well! (this is taking into account the failings of the DK2 ( not supported by the CV1's latest drivers, lower resolution. can lose tracking when back turned to sensor camera)). It's right up there with the best DK2 driving experiences I've had. VERY comfortable in-game experience especially with the last update.

    Get a head start here - https://www3.oculus.com/en-us/setup/

    Ignore the 'DK2 is not supported' bull as it runs perfectly fine. Any issues give me a shout and I'll share my settings if you need it.

    While the resolution is admittedly low, when your bumper to bumper with an opponent let me tell you the last thing on your mind will be the resolution.

    As I've stated elsewhere, the DK2 is a fantastic 'Proof of concept' for VRs potential. That potential is HUGE for us sim racers IMO

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