rF2 biggest challenger?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by taufikp, Nov 28, 2012.

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  1. richiespeed13

    richiespeed13 Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Yep, because having good AI instantly makes rF2 become Shift 2...

    I race online like most people, and really enjoy it. But I also love racing AI. There are things you can do with AI that you can not do online.

    For example, what if one day an awesome mod comes out, maybe a Le Mans mod that brings all cars from the 2012 le mans as well as the le mans track. I would love to run a real time 24 hour race, with 60+ AI cars, a full race weekend, and all the other stuff that makes Le Mans so great.

    After an hour of the race, maybe I want to save it so I can continue tomorrow. And during the race, I would love to see the AI racing multi class properly, yielding to blue flags, battling, racing, having mechanical failures, crashing, safety cars etc. I would love to be engaged in a long battle with another car from my class, after 8 hours, even including pit stops, he could be right on my tail still.

    And then maybe I get a mechanical issue and have to get repairs which take 45 minutes, and my AI competitors may also have similar issues. If I am racing in a GT car, I want to see LMP1 cars screaming past me, flashing their lights and showing little patience as they try and continue their race.

    I want all these awesome things, because it is very hard for this to happen online.

    But I know this is just a fantasy, because I don't think any serious race sim developer will ever look into making a good single player experience anymore. It's all about online now. That's what people seem to want, and it's where you can make more money.

    The last proper, offline enables simulations I can think of?

    Gtr 2, Gtr, and GP4.

    Simbin titles typically come more equipped for SP than other simulations, but only the GTR series shipped with full race series, including all cars, tracks, and events. Unfortunately the AI itself let the GTR series down majorly, but the idea of a "full" game was there.

    GP4 got everything perfect.

    Edit, thanks for info Tim.
  2. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    See that is what I mean, I want you to have it all ways.... but because I do not want AI in one version I am wrong. ok. :)

    I do not mean I do not like rF2 Ai persay tj, I just never really liked any, only for screenshots and I could do that in the normal version. Trust me when I say I would buy both versions. Try to look from my perspective.

    Here is another silly analogy actually 2.

    I like shooters but when I am pretending to me caught in WWII crossfire I want a worn and battered .303 and a blade that has seen better days.......... not a choice of 100 weapons ? realism ? simulation of events ?

    But I would like others to have the choice of anything as well........


    I bet there are guys have traveled all over USA with pickup trailer and car and raced tracks in every state and county. :)
    But for 99% of us that is a fantasy and most track day drivers have driven a handful of circuits, if that, much the same with most professional drivers lots of circuits missing from their resume.

    I guess it is just were your value lies....................guess that is why so many iRace

    I always pit-out and pit-in properly
    ESC is something I am forced to do btw ? .....on odd occasions.
    Hardly seems fair to me. lopl jk jk
  3. kaptainkremmen

    kaptainkremmen Registered

    Sep 25, 2012
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    lol DurgeFactor2
  4. Hedlund_90

    Hedlund_90 Registered

    Apr 12, 2012
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    I prefer online racing, of course. But if you don't want to race meganes or clios at mills there's not much alternative (yet). 60's F1 servers are very rare.

    Therefor AI is quite important to me. Me and my brother race LAN with AI's but as I said, they are not very good. I just want them to be a bit smarter, actaually fight for position, be affected by track conditions, have same grip level as us human drivers etc.

    edit: and I don't mind 60's F3 servers. They are to slow and gentle for me ;)
  5. Knight of Redemption

    Knight of Redemption Registered

    Jun 23, 2012
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    I do love all this, I want it my way, only my way and if you want it any other than my way it should be sold as a different game. Thank goodness because it makes no sense whatsoever, rF2 will allow you to configure your game as you want and others to do the same, everyone a winner.

    DD your opinion has as much value as anyone of the rest of us, and I respect your right to voice it. On this whole 2 version thing though, I cannot see the point, sure for ISI they get to sell extra copies so from that point of view it would be a bonus for them, you would only buy one so that is a bonus for you...those that have to buy two so you can live in your ivory tower? For them not so good.

    As for the AI, I don't find them that bad, okay not perfect but we have been told they will get better. I only use them to practice racing with other cars on the track once I have hot lapped to the limit of my very limited skills. For me it just helps to give the odd clue as to where I leave gaps were I can be overtaken, and where I may find overtaking opportunities. Hopefully that helps me once I enter the actual race.
  6. Max Attack

    Max Attack Registered

    Jun 10, 2012
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    Nor is mine. I like the way they act.

    Richie, I like the AI as they are, BUT how they are now, is not done yet... be patient and good things will come.
  7. 88mphTim

    88mphTim racesimcentral.net

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Just curious, those of you say the AI aren't racey, which mods are you running?
  8. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    Okay Tim a analogy for you.

    I would love to have tired iRacing is a few reasons I did not.

    The main one being I was never cut out to be that league type, well till rF2 1960s came along that is.
    But rF2 does not have the strictness off iRacing but has a lot of features iRacing does not, agreed. ?

    So if iRacing released a version that used a different public server and contained everything rF2 does
    ie: Offline, Ai, ANY aids, visual, mechanical or otherwise, supported mods and add on tracks.

    I would buy it tomorrow. even with all the unrealistic stuff that iRacing Pro would not have.

    I do not see is what is so hard to imagine the situation reversed for any other sim is all.

    Once you free fall you do not go back to static line :)
  9. tjc

    tjc Registered

    Jun 4, 2012
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    Erm no... nobody said you were wrong D. You are perfectly entitled to say what you`d like to see in your idea of the perfect sim just the same as the rest of us.

    Actually I never realised you didn`t want AI in your "Pro" version.
  10. tjc

    tjc Registered

    Jun 4, 2012
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    lol... got to give you that one kaptain... that made me lol :D
  11. tjc

    tjc Registered

    Jun 4, 2012
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    I don`t think that`s fair Knight... nobody wants it his way... or wants to live in any Ivory towers afaik... it`s just a hypothetical conversation.
  12. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    No never a fanboy mate as I like them all for their own things.

    I pose this question to you mate :)

    (WE) Not all of us or me, hardly ! hehehe , but some do want part or all of below.

    We use 3 screens with Trackpro setup so realistic it is like their own car. ( ......as long as they think so and are happy don't matter does it ? )

    We use wheels that are detachable and mimic the real deal, custom pedals and shifters almost beggar belief.

    We use realtime wireless telemetry on cockpit LED and garages.

    We use real time voice

    We use hyper simulators

    We use things I can't even begin to describe or understand. lopl

    All for the sake of realism................

    So unreal so let's go for a drive ........


    What is missing or should I say not missing. :)
  13. Knight of Redemption

    Knight of Redemption Registered

    Jun 23, 2012
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    That is not an analogy it is a comparison with a hypothetical situation that does not exist...So really adds nothing to your argument. I enjoyed iRacing for a while, but only when racing my league mates, the Timmies you have to deal with to get through the licensing system put me off, as well as the pricing model.
  14. Knight of Redemption

    Knight of Redemption Registered

    Jun 23, 2012
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    I am treating it as such, and I believe, in that spirit it was fair...DD is arguing from one point me from another. This has now spread over two threads and part of my continuing point is that elitist thing, and that if you wish that it is entirely possible with the current model. Just trying different ways to say it :)

    I am quite happy for DD to put his point in any way, and I'm sure he will lose not one wink of sleep by me doing the same. We are just chewing the fat.

    One of those conversations that would be much more fun over a pint down the pub :)
  15. CdnRacer

    CdnRacer Banned

    Feb 4, 2011
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    FYI: iracing has plenty of driving aids.
  16. taufikp

    taufikp Registered

    Nov 14, 2010
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    AI in Assetto Corsa is going to use the same physics as we, human, have. I just add a video interview (by SRT) to the first post, and there is a discussion regarding AI in AC (starts in 04:55)
  17. tjc

    tjc Registered

    Jun 4, 2012
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    Indeed. :)
  18. jtbo

    jtbo Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Completely unrelated note, but I did read that new organization has been founded to study big threats to humans, one of the first area of studying is AI and machine take over, real scientific studies are going to be made about that subject.

    One preliminary estimate is that such might be possible next decade, or so they claimed, if my memory is not lying again.

    So while synthetic human brain might seem being far as of now, AI systems seem to be fairly advanced, of course they still need huge amount of computing power, but there are some scary things out there, like Korean sentry gun robot and these things:
    1 person likes this.
  19. Slothman

    Slothman Registered

    Sep 24, 2011
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    Thats not AI. That is repitition and pattern recognition. Similair to NFL games out there.

    Give me an AI that takes what is has seen you do, and apply it in a completely different way showing actual thought.

    Computers can already think in 1 and 0. Yes and no if you will. When an AI can come up with an answer of Maybe.....and what will happen if?? than my friends..... FEAR THE MACHINE.... lol

    But that is another discussion best had with friends and a beer and a good sense of humour :)
  20. SLuisHamilton

    SLuisHamilton Banned

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Asimov on them.
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