I certainly cannot say Epic at this stage of this new collaboration. I think it is really interesting to see what the resukt will be. Sorry for not pleasing you . From what I have understood, the job that will be done is "3dsimed type of job" (+ AIW editing?):LOD adjustment, texture replacing, object editing. No mapping or 3d editing so far which should be required for kerbs. It will be interesting to see the job that Tosch can do if directly modifying the textures plus hdr tweaking. It will be also interesting to see people's doible reaction when changes are applied. As always, some will love them while others hate them. Before there was one single decision maker: preclair. Now who will decide changes? Hopefully we will not end up in a "no direction" point. It is not for being pessimistic but I think some are underestimating preclairs job so far (ending in frustration) and abandoning the project.
Don't despair, SPASKIS. I think we're just aiming to finish pleclair's work in an appropriate manner that is compatible with 770. That will include reversing some of his controversial "artistic" choices. Once that is done, then it will be a more difficult process to either leave it alone or try to continue on and improve the track, which will require major surgery. pleclair did an amazing job, but it would have been even better had he accepted the many offers of help and collaboration. He wanted to do it all himself as a learning exercise, so that's what he did. The rest of us accepted that, since he was willing to put in the work and we got a fun track to use. Now, he has given up, so others can put this track back on to a more traditional (realism) path and we will still have a fun track to use that will hopefully be fully compatible with the latest builds. All good in my books.
Does anybody know if preclair has confirmed or denied on fixing the track for B770 and higher? It is not the same in terms of honorship to leave something working and functional to incomplete an d nonfunctional due to it. I am not so sure that we have seen preclairs last movement about this track for rF2... When time cures his frustration that made him abandon the project his gollum inside will tell him "finish the track forr the rF2 guys master. It is our treasure... !!
If you're talking about permission to modify his work, Spaskis, I think M. Leclair was quite clear, almost from the beginning, that when he was done with his project, he would not restrict further development by others. Nearly a year a go in post #23 of this thread, he stated, "I've said from the start that this project could end up a community collaboration. I'll do what I'm able to do with the track, release it, and if I can't take it further, then someone will be free to take from where I am, and go from there. I'll let you guys know when I'm done with it." In his final post #2749, I think he was quite clear, that he was in fact done with it. Unless he wishes to recant what he said in post #23, my opinion is that other artists/modders should now feel free to alter the work with respect, giving credit where credit is due. I applaud DJCruicky & Tosch for rescuing pleclair's work and making further enhancements as they see fit. If pleclair has no intention of resuming work on his project, I think he would applaud their efforts too.
Thanks all. Some good points from all. I don't want to tread on any ones toes . From my side just getting the trees working, minor LOD fixes and maybe more pit boxes etc should hopefully not alert the no persimmons squad in here . As for Tosch side no idea, looking forward to see what he has in store. Other than Toschs post above that is all i know. I have tidyed up some of the 24hour camping objects a bit (Ok reduced them). They a bit less in your face now. Not sure what to do with camp fires. There are a total of 48 camp fires. Thinking about just leaving 3 for the whole track? What I did try doing is try make them visible only at night. I read if you set the VisGroup to 1024 then they will not show up in the day time. I tried but never worked for some reason, shame as it would have been ideal. Same with the camper vans, not sure about them, they look just to low res, don't think they match P's other work on the track. I might just leave a few of them too. By the way, I'm deleting nothing. I simply just rem // things out in the scn file, so in future if a modder thinks he can have a go at finishing them then he can just un-rem the line //. Everything I've done could easy fit in a 5 meg updater file. But if Tosch has plans for texture replacements etc, then a full download maybe best. We'll see.
Hey guys, thanks for your efforts to improve the Ring. I hope pleclair back here, will be received with cheers. But in the meantime, is it possible to solve the issue of excessive dust in the corners? Thanks again
It can be downloaded for free for learning purposes. But I think the real problem is 64-bit is not supported by ISI yet (I believe).
Did preclair leave a link to the 3dsmax file being used so that others can continue the work? I didn't see it if so. That would be a real proof that he would like his work to be continued by others. If he didnt is IMO because in his inner thoughts he would be planning to continue the work some day.
It's not a texture replacement (pleclair's diffuse texture's and material settings are very good). It's a texture adjustment (saturation, alpha channel, spec and bump maps).
I think most agreed that almost none of the campers, fires, etc., are there for the Tourist version of the track, which this is supposed to be. If someday we have the 24h track, then perhaps those sorts of trackside objects could be put in as appropriate. I doubt you'll get too many complaints about doing what you suggest above.
sorry to have to ask this, but where do i put the 1.65 to 1.5 AIW file? not familiar with that format yet... and if i already downloaded 1.5, does it matter? i'd obv like the most up to date textures/best looking version possible. edit--nvm, finally figured it out :S