build 660 using hd7470 8that card it bad for gaming) hihi i must buy a new pc for gaming v1.65 beta the building is not only invisible but i can dive in an fall of the track the older version did nto work for me the trees were invisisble but now they work but this happens i appreciate your work. thx for bringing this track to rf2
Try raising your track detail setting. I believe these objects are missing when you're on low track detail, medium brings them back. Performance does suffer a bit though, but that's mostly on the long straight and in the pits.
thx Update: tested it on medium hihi i ran medium before now i remeber htats why the trees were invisible they are invisible now too, so the buildings are visuble but now most of the 3d trees are gone high: all trees areinvisible only see bushes and buildings and grass hills with holes in them full. dont see any differenece between high and full wil ltry on high see if the trees come back if not i wil ljsut run it on medium, the radeon hd 7470 is a bad card looks like a amd driver issue, the tree and building think is only happening at thisd track i dont know why, mabye the size?? i wil ltry to update ccc mabye it will work,
In case no one has read the known issues.txt provided with install with B770; Graphics ======== -FXAA post processing does not work with any level of MSAA enabled - disable MSAA if you are using FXAA ***(trees also and any other object)-Some GMT files generated by non-ISI exporters with obsolete formats cannot be converted to 64-bit and will be ignored. No error is generated and car loading will continue as normal. Consult with mod creator to get up-to-date GMT file. -Some GMT files generated by non-ISI exporters with proper format still cannot be converted to 64-bit for unknown reasons, and will generate an error during loading, resulting in a placeholder car. Consult with mod creator to get a revised GMT file.
V 1.5 has the nice rounded roadsides, the old surface textures and the CURBS.!RMx3GJAC!vKT2cJDHEKuyKSGfPLoceUPe6n78uiM2sG-plzkkvVw V .97n low curbs, old roadsides, old road textures.!oUZzCZjT!C6amP2R8wt7_SrZL0aH3H0jrXmpDoDmZu2tnN8FNbxs Both of these versions work in 64bit and still have forests. Here is Tosch's AIW fix that brings the new AIW from V 1.65 to Version 1.5 . Also handy to test over 29 cars offline is DJCruicky's All Cars All Tracks mas file. This replaces the stock file in the rFactor2/Installed/rFm folder. Thanks DJC!
@Gupster -Merci beaucoup(thx). Hadn't had a chance to check but what you provided was what I needed to know