Yep, that's a third picture I've seen and its still hard to believe. When this show up as a download link, I think I will have a bit of a celebration party.
I was sooo sad when reading pleclair abandoned Nordschleife for rF2 that I couldn't write a single line although I wanted to say so much. At least I want to say: Thank you pleclair for all your work and I wish you the best! I'm getting hope again. Awesome you found the cause of the problems DJC and amazing screenshots Tosch!
hi all I'm a tad out of touch at the mo, I know pleclair is not working on this project now, but Tocsh is working on this now, those screenshots a re the latest to be released version ( coming soon? ) the last time I tried this track there were big holes (in the pits/car park at the start) that my car fell through , so I gave in on this track
Would you mine doing some screen shots of the hole(s) Adrianstealth? cheers @Tosch, nice loading screen .
someone else did z(I'm pretty sure they are the same) post 2889 p.s I read the response & yes -like a lot of others I only use low track detail ( for high fps)
Looking sweet DJC. One thing I have always found a bit of a let down on this track is the 2D plants that go through the guard rails. I have noticed one on the RHS of your screen shot. Are these hard to fix?
Can anyone give me a hint where I can download the most recent version (including the improvements from DJCruicky and Tosch) ?
The Screenshots looking very good, i hope there will be an new Version to download soon Great Work, Thanks