With the release of the ksEditor Kunos announced in the AC forum that they are on search for a track artist and people which release a good AC track will be their first choice. Unfortunately it seems that the Nordschleife is not a good choice but we know he is looking for a job and with this knowledge the move make for me more sense.
Agreed. It's all very strange and to be honest I gave up on this project long ago as I wasn't really on board with the direction he was taking it. Taking this track to Assetto Corsa is a very bizarre move considering Kunos will be delivering a laser-scanned version in a few months time.
Well, this is a bad move by Pleclair. Leaving rf2 after all the support he got here and even a new monitor is just now he can stay there! And woww what a a great idea to convert the Nurb for AC knowing that 2 months later AC is going to have a high quality laser-scanned Nurburgring it is time to Tim to close this already useless thread.
@ pleclair I sure understand your feelings and frustration. However, I feel you focused too much on the criticism and not enough on the praise, which is often silent. I also believe you mistook the input here as negative feedback. If you see my post, please look around and note how many entries and how many pages your creation generated in this thread. Frankly it is amazing. You should always have done it for your personal satisfaction first, hopefully for the pleasure of driving in it yourself, then for the feedback in the forums. I for one donated money for this project; I don't regret it. You have done a great job and thanks to you we have Nordschleife. I strongly feel you should continue your work in rF2, listening to feedback yes, but ultimately doing what you think is right without allowing yourself to get too emotionally involved. People are all the same, here or elsewhere. Rewards don't come easily. I hope you will reconsider and finish what you started.
When I posted the link to his new blog, this was before he made a new post on it on how to get the track. Link very rightful removed. Seems like all the posts on the AC forum quoting copyright laws did nothing to stop him.
before the thread is closed: would someone here be willing to continue with the track IF we had pleclairs permission and the 3dsmax files ???
I think the better idea is to ask Snoopy over at the AC forum or where ever you could contact him if he would port his version to rF2 or, as the .sfx file of his track is allready available ask him for permission to convert his version. Apart from a few things, his version is bit better than peclair's. There aren't these stupid kerbstones and Snoopy did a little rework on the track layout and made it a little bit more like it is in real. Here is a link to a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZc62_AdwLI
This is still the thread for a WIP track. Even if it goes into hundreds of pages of just us talking that is what a forums is for. I have seen threads that deserve to be closed and this is not one of them. I for one will keep lapping, keep track of any bugs and if by some miracle he comes back I will be ready. Open arms, with a list of things to fix. And we are SO CLOSE to a 64bit release!
Easy fellas. What he got from us was nothing compared to the amount of work he did for us. And I have still strong belief he'll finish this rF2 track when the time is right (after having well deserved break and when 64-bit tools are out). No reason whatsoever to close this thread!
Does anyone have links to older versions of this track where the trees still work in 64bit? Thanks, Uwe N/M, found a backup of 0.97n, cheers!
LOL you're funny. Seriously; the AC endeavour was doomed from the get go, since it is clearly stated that what is considered an "illegal" convertions/mods, are strongly frowned upon there. Personally, I do enjoy the fact that this is the policy @ Kunos, and it couldn't be much more clearly stated, so I don't get the reasoning to even make the thread, considering that he was close to a ban from the forums. If his plan was to move to another platform to continue track making, it should have started from a scratch build, or conversion of previously scratch build track WITH permission, rather than throw the Nords from SimBin to the table and hope for the best. Didn't really thought that one through. I do hope that Pleclair comes back to rF2 and forgets this midlife crisis nonsense. Although I think that his ego might be saying "Nope" to that idea, and a little pride needs to be swallowed before that can happen. [MENTION=13540]pleclair[/MENTION]; Which ever platform you are going to be using, rF2 or AC the two go to sims for yours truly, I wish you good luck and see you around either on forums or on track.
That is correct. The New Forest and trees do not show up in 64 bit unstable version. V 1.6 and above are affected.
It is impressive how people can have such a short memory.... When pleclair was away for a long period, everyone was all about cares and he was the best.... now he went away because some people just couldn't do constructive criticism, and he became the beast.... Sorry guys.... But i think you just need to calm down and appreciate the work he did For free.... Or you might end up having more disappointments like this in the future