SOLVED Please convince me to buy this over Assetto Corsa :D

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Motorsheep, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. Satangoss

    Satangoss Registered

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Assetto Corsa's cars have no brakes, the formulas drive like a truck, all cars are totally understeer, AI is a load of crap, you cannot drive out of your garage, there's no weather or full night-day cycle either.

    But it has good GFX...:rolleyes:
  2. Motorsheep

    Motorsheep Registered

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Ahahaha, love that ;) Yeah, I'm very strongly leaning towards rF2. I enjoy the driving more, and what use are lots of multiplayer servers if I don't enjoy the cars?
  3. jer190

    jer190 Registered

    May 13, 2012
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    Bonjour à tous !
    Je viens de voir ce fil de discussion concernant la comparaison entre les jeux Assetto corsa et Rfactor2. Tout d'abord je tiens à préciser que je suis jamais monté dans une vraie voiture de course mais cependant je roule depuis plus de 20 ans des voitures de route et que je peux imaginer les sensations d'une propulsion et surtout le grip des pneus sur une route.

    Donc a mon avis les 2 jeux sont géniaux , actuels et sans doute valables quelques années , Ac est très graphique et certaines voitures sont joliments simulés, le plus qui saute aux yeux : le monde connecté dans le multi +++ ! je cependant chez moi le ffb et la sensation du grip sont largements inférieur à rfactor2 c'est flagrant , en général je joue pour le fun et le cruising Ac mais je décroche assez vite pour jouer à rfactor 2 qui est je dirais en terme de sensations de conduite est tout simplement inégalé. ( testez le Ac cobra , mettez le gaz avec du feeling et en douceur , on sent littéralement la voiture dans les courbes et le ffb est hyper réactif pour gérer les contres braquages nécessaires en cas d'abus de la pédale de gaz !!! lol
    Le graphisme est vraiment très beau dans les deux jeux , peut- être plus bling bling dans Assetto corsa et plus réaliste dans Rfactor2 .

    Pour finir je dirais que les 2 jeux ont leurs points forts et si j'avais des suggestions à faire à Tim, je conseillerai pour améliorer le jeu de mettre à disposition des serveurs de courses simples sur le multi ( une piste , une voiture pour courses rapides , on se connecte et on joue de suite !!)
    Pour le moment très peu de gens sont connectés sur le multi , je ne joue pas en ligue et ça ne m'intéresse pas !! ( je dois pas être le seul ) .
    L'autre souci souvent évoqué sont justement les serveurs qui sont libres d'accès , donc on essaie de se connecter mais il y a toujours une piste , une voiture qui manque ou un bogue de chargement donc au final on abandonne et se connecte en solo .

    Au final actuellement on a un jeu terrible qui devrait être en haut du pavé , mais il manque très clairement de joueurs en multi !!!! ( il faut certainement simplifier le multi , c'est impératif .

    Ceci n'est que mon modeste point de vue de joueur , espérant aider la communauté rfactor2 dans l'amélioration constructive de ce superbe jeu !!! ( désolé c'est du français )
  4. Maug

    Maug Registered

    Mar 16, 2012
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    Quick translation:

    Y a pas grand chose à faire pour cela malheureusement a part si les proprios de serveurs configurent leurs serveurs correctement, ISI ne peux pas envoyer un de leurs employés configurer les serveurs de chacun à domicile. :)
  5. Golanv

    Golanv Registered

    Nov 7, 2012
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    If only you would learn to use "I think...", cause that would be the only reason to not call you Full of Sh1t.

    If one likes rF2, I can't understand why wouldnt one like AC as well? They have more in common than separates them, both emulates the driving experience extremely realisticly, with sophisticated physics and immersion.
    This battle of titles that exists between the "fans", is just so hilarious in a genre that has its best products considered nearly underground merchandise. Now that I mentioned it, sim racing genre totally reminds me of the late 80's, early 90's when satan was still to blame for the electric guitar and only countrys that had radioplay for metal was scandinavian.
    Genre tries to grow, and with bloody good products like Assetto Corsa, rFactor2, Stock Car Extreme, iRacing, DiRT Rally etc... and when looking for a community, all you can find is fighting children.
    Considering how much these days p2p advertising does for small companys, and taking into consideration of the quality of chitchat on these forums lately, I'm not surpriced that rF2 is practically invicible around the web.
    There is so much whining that I see here with "Tim we need advertising and blahblahblah!", how about you stop being a selfrighteous douche, and do something about that.
    90% of the pCars hype was player/community based... and we all know what that did for them. In case of AC, rF2 etc... it should be hellowa lot easier too, wouldn't even have to lie.

    Wake up people!
  6. Juergen-BY

    Juergen-BY Registered

    Jun 16, 2012
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    This is the wonderfull world of choice. I like meat, but i like Fish, too. Something to wondering? Not really...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2015
  7. Satangoss

    Satangoss Registered

    Jun 2, 2011
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    I don't think any of those, I'm sure about. BTW I'm far away to be a rF2 fanboy.
  8. Motorsheep

    Motorsheep Registered

    Jun 18, 2015
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    So I just came back from 2 races around Silverstone in the M3 GT2 in Assetto... now I don't know anymore...that was huge fun. One thing I, as a setup newbie , absolutely love: the tooltips you get when hovering over the setup options. (always used to copy other people's sets in LfS). That got me driving okay lap-times within minutes.

    You know what. I think I'll stick with AC for a while. I've already bought it anyway, and I've got like 5 minutes of playtime left before the 2 hour return limit is over and I can't hand it back anymore. And I got it at 50% off anyway..

    And I don't really feel ready for league racing yet either.. I'm too inconsistent for that.

    Thank you guys SO much for your input. I'll be back and buying rF2 soon for sure. (as soon as my conscience allows me to try and hide yet another game purchase from my wife.)
  9. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    Exactly what AC and pCars are for me, fun.

    rF2 is hard work. hehehe

    I drive ETS2, it has the most basic physics imaginable but when I am bored and want a break from rF2 I can still have fun with it.

    Same for AC, pCars.

    The people with the problem is the ones that can't enjoy them all. ! ;)
  10. Guimengo

    Guimengo Guest

    That's the thing. The game can still be supreme fun and the setups are easier to work (as there are less parameters in some areas) and to drive, being gentle on tires and a stable understeer kind. Also, cars drive with factory assists as in real life, so some cars you will be inadvertently be driving with TC or ABS as per the real life counterpart.

    Anyway, if you can forgive the sounds, I highly recommend these third-party mods:
    - 1998 McLaren MP4-13:
    - 2009 and 2015 Williams, 2015 Mercedes F1:
    - 1991 Mazda 787B:
    - Donington Park:
    - Paul Ricard HTTT v.91 (Yes, I hate the track too in real life but it's so awesomely made):

    PS: Perfect time to get the DLC pack at a superb discount. The Nissan GTR is nice, the Corvette C7r, as available also for rF2 (by the same folks that made the AC version), is nice too.

    PPS: Always keep checking news and content from ISI especially on social media. Some modding groups have finally began actively "supporting" the game, and Enduracers is one of the biggest votes of confidence you can have. There's nothing to hold them back from achieving greatness with a better tire model than the rF1 works.
  11. Backmarker

    Backmarker Registered

    May 25, 2014
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    Buy both games! Every simracing enthusiast should own a copy of AC and rF2! I find AC to have better graphics and FFB. rF2 has the best AI if you are looking for offline racing. Both games are being improved as time goes by....
  12. P.S.R.

    P.S.R. Registered

    Jun 15, 2014
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    Please convince me to buy this over Assetto Corsa

    You all failed and should be ashamed :p
  13. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    I've had, by far and a way by a million miles, the best pickup-and-play online racing experience with RF2 over any sim (well besides iRacing which consistently has good racing).

    AC is full of completely crazy "gamers" who don't know anything at all about racecraft even if some of them can do some pretty good laptimes on their own. It's just a random, inconsistent mess a lot of the times. It's not too frustrating though because I never get deep enough into the driving to really care.

    I've spent the last month or so almost only playing Stock Car Extreme. There are some servers that attract quite a bit of competitive and seemingly serious drivers (almost all Brazilian drivers except me and maybe another driver or two); I've never been purposely hit out of a race so many times in my life. It's like quite a few of them think they're Senna and have a god-given right to not be passed by anyone or something. It's extremely frustrating because it can get quite competitive and close - until someone purposely destroys your car and your race that is. Way too many good drivers who are bi-polar and turn into complete psychos. Not to mention, many of them ("them" being SCE players) have absolutely no racecraft when it comes to the first corner. We had to restart a race 3 or 4 times because ppl kept steamrolling into the first corner like desperate maniacs. Of course, on the 3rd or 4th one no more restates were allowed and quite a few ppl were out or damaged. I just feel the potential is there but too many ppl seem like self-absorbed maniacs.

    One time I rubbed another car a bit and made him spin, so out of respect I slowed down, lost like 5 places while waiting for him to catch up. What does he do? Smashes the **** out of me at like triple my speed. Then even has the nerve to start talking about how I'm a dirty driver. Wow!

    RFactor 2, on the other hand, often seems to have hard but good close racing with hardly any psychos. I've never had such a consistent mix of competitive and close racing without any dirty psychos like I've had with RF2. Even the "heated" moments are just about always kept mature and respectful.

    MP experience aside though, the overall driving experience of rFactor 2 has that "X-Factor" that no other sim has. That unexplainable thing that just puts it in another league from the rest. There's something - or rather, a bunch of things - really special in the RF2 driving; it becomes even more apparent when you spend about 2 months or so almost exclusively driving other games. The hour or so I spent driving RF2 a couple days ago (first time w/ RF2 in about 2 months) really hit home with me at just how much it's engine's physics are generally on another level from the rest in the industry.

    P.S. If, apart from RF2, you're going to get or considering AC, you should seriously consider getting SCE.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2015
  14. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    I think it's the age group of players that play RF2 or the mentality they have that keeps me staying here and not going back to AC or other sims. You cannot beat good clean racing.
  15. FuzzyFassbender

    FuzzyFassbender Registered

    Apr 26, 2015
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    Easy for me... rFactor 2. Actually, of all the more current racing games I own (rFactor 2, Project CARS, SCE, R3E, Dirt Rally, AC - not counting Race07, GTR2, GTL, etc.) I race rFactor 2 the most and AC the least. I don't know what it is but I get bored with AC.
  16. marvelharvey

    marvelharvey Registered

    Apr 25, 2013
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    With AC, I feel that I'm having to make fewer driving-input-decisions per second compared to rFactor2/GSCE and thus, not as interesting to drive. However, the slightly detached handling of AC is nothing compared to the abomination they call AI, which is the worst of ALL current sims, meaning the actual 'racing' element is awful. The next-next update should have some AI tweaks though, so fingers crossed.
  17. Motorsheep

    Motorsheep Registered

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I don't care too much about AI, which is a shame because I'm aware how great it is in rF2.

    Anyway, as P.S.R. pointed out, I decided to stick with AC for the moment - not because I'm not interested in rF2 anymore, but because I had already bought AC at 50% off in order to make use of the Steam "trial period" of 2 hours, and those 2 hours were so much fun that I simply didn't return the game but kept playing. Also, rF2 seemed like more hard work indeed. So I figured AC would be a good lower-level entry into "serious" racing (I only ever did hotlaps and series of sprint races without qualifying in LfS).

    The last few posts have almost made me regret my decision, but one thing is clear anyway:

    If I stick with sim-racing for more than a few weeks this time around (usually I play my games in short bouts before my attention wanders off to a different genre), I'll buy rF2 very soon.
    If not, I'll do it when I've come full circle and get back into sim racing the next time - or if there's a sale in the meantime.

    Again, thank you all for posting so many replies. It's quite obvious that this community is closer to my age group than AC's clientele - yet another good reason to start playing rF2 soon.
  18. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Good stuff, man. Have fun!
  19. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    omg is he trying to compare GTR surface with rF2 !! lol

    See with opinions like that from a intelligent, talented and experienced P'nG modder ( says he tried a demo ) ..........

    How can you believe anything he says about AC ?

    How can I believe or be "convinced" by anyone ? lool p
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2015
  20. AndyG

    AndyG Registered

    May 3, 2014
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    Regarding online racing. Check out 'Race2Play'. No demolition derby's there, rules to go racing, histories kept, great community. rF2 races (amongst many other Sims) held regularly during the whole week at various times. Forget the public servers, haven't been on one for....years.

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