SOLVED Please convince me to buy this over Assetto Corsa :D

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Motorsheep, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. Scott Beck

    Scott Beck Registered

    Jan 3, 2012
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    That's all you need to know. rF2 is the way to go.
  2. Guimengo

    Guimengo Guest

    Sorry I overlooked this from your post, but please "add" this to what I said in the last page just before Tim:

    rF2 is a higher one-time fee for full capacity. AC is a lesser fee for a large capacity but DLC will be separate, perhaps you can average DLC prices at US$10 so calculate as you wish for potential DLC in the future to the full game price. AC with 50% including DLC pack 1 was US$27.49, an excellent deal but it's not an everyday price. At that price, you could have 6 DLC packs at pre-purchase price to "equal" one lifetime rF2. Discounted lifetime rF2 was seen twice at US$68, so four paid-DLC packs from AC.

    Anyway, back to the original conclusion. Keep AC, get rF2 as well and enjoy both. When they mature you will have almost all the bases covered.
  3. metalnwood

    metalnwood Registered

    Dec 31, 2011
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    If you think rf2 is feeling better right now then I would keep both. Make sure all the settings in AC are not setup for arcade. As someone else said, if you are spining all the time and having a hard time in rf2 then something is not quite right assuming your driving is OK.

    As others have said, both games are good. If you are stretching to get both then maybe keep AC on the discount you have and get rf2 without the lifetime subscription. It can be upgraded to that later on if you want to.

    One of the reasons I say you would prefer AC is because you didnt mention AI racing but online racing. I also like to race online and practically never against ai thought I dont mind hotlapping. since I got rf2 early in the beta there has never been a really good online community outside of some of the leagues that use it. If online play is one of the deciding factors then dont drop AC until you have given it a fair go, which is hard if you are trying to keep to the 2hr refund limit. AC has much more going on for online, pickup, etc.
  4. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    WTF OMFG is this person for real ?
  5. P.S.R.

    P.S.R. Registered

    Jun 15, 2014
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    Call me paranoid, but getting a troll vibe from this thread. Regardless, the answer for you is to stick with AC because you like the feel and road cars and pickup MP. Simple. Or as someone said you need to prioritize whether possibly better physics and force feedback is more important than road cars and pickup racing. And physics and ffb you can determine at least somewhat from the demo. Now having said all that objectively I (have) own(ed) all three next gen sims (chose not to buy pCARS after having been a team member) and have less than 200 hours in AC since the very beginning of early access. It simply doesn't do it for me although I cannot prove why or whether the same reasons would apply to you.
  6. bwana

    bwana Registered

    Dec 25, 2011
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    Gui's list is quite complete but no Skippy... An awesome open wheel trainer.. In my time zone AC is no more populated than Rf2 and pickups in rf2 doesn't suffer juvenile console lunatics like the others. You won't be disappointed with rf2 except perhaps not getting anything done around home.. oh and don't forget rf2's AI. Miles ahead of AC.
  7. Mibrandt

    Mibrandt Registered

    Apr 4, 2013
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    Agree - get both. AC for the times when you just want to boot up a very good sim and get some good online action or some fun hotlapping in a wide variety of quality cars on quality laser scanned tracks. RF2 for fiddling around a bit with settings, cars and track combos and suddenly hit a sweetspot where it all just comes together. And if you like racing against AI its RF2 all the way ! Both very rewarding sims.
  8. Motorsheep

    Motorsheep Registered

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Sorry if I struck a nerve here, maybe due to an overabundance of fanboy flamewars that may have taken place in the past.
    I just couldn't make up my mind and wanted some honest input...or maybe encouragement to buy rF2 :rolleyes: I really wasn't looking to spark any discussions, let alone fights. And fortunately, it didn't happen.

    Thank you all for your replies, this thread turned out exactly like I hoped.

    In the end, I guess I'll have to get them both some day, though so far, rF2 looks to me like it has the more mature and thorough approach. So many details that AC is missing. And where AC seems to try to impress me with sleek looks, rF2 seems to rely more on what it's got under the hood. And yes, the AI in rF2 is amazing.
  9. metalnwood

    metalnwood Registered

    Dec 31, 2011
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    Nice choice, for fun you cant go wrong.
  10. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Your questions were completely legit and posed politely. I am glad you got balanced, reasoned advice from so many here. You will grow to love rF2 even more as you discover little design aspects of it, even as you get frustrated by the lack of polish in so many areas. But grab AC at half price as son as you can. It will remind you what a slick UI looks like and it will constantly remind you why we tinker endlessly with rF2...because the authentic result is worth it and just cannot be replicated (so far) in AC (or other titles).
  11. P.S.R.

    P.S.R. Registered

    Jun 15, 2014
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    Very well put, Marc.
  12. P.S.R.

    P.S.R. Registered

    Jun 15, 2014
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    Nah. All good. I was just paranoid as there have been some doozies recently. Welcome aboard and don't hesitate to holler with any questions. The rF2 community is very helpful.
  13. Motorsheep

    Motorsheep Registered

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I can see that. This alone is a good reason to get the game. Thanks again!
  14. Guimengo

    Guimengo Guest

    Don't be shocked, fanboyism is strong with all games and it's always a vocal minority. Here it's always the usual brigade.

    Anyway, you should always be able to find help at some point.The only single-player experience rF2 is missing is the ability to run championship seasons vs the AI like in rFactor 1/Game Stock Car Extreme.
  15. Juergen-BY

    Juergen-BY Registered

    Jun 16, 2012
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  16. Guimengo

    Guimengo Guest

  17. MikeeCZ

    MikeeCZ Registered

    Sep 29, 2012
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    For me its rF2 only, just today i tried AC again, and was disapointed again, simply that simulator is good and bad at the same time at everything it does, it just gets frustrating. Even made "unrecommended" review on steam, i just dont like AC at all. rF2 only for me
  18. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Motorsheep i just see big differences in both sims i own both you didnt upset me in any way. The features rf2 has and will have make it so much more realistic i have troubles playing other sims. Eye candy is not at top of my list but is for many just buy what you think you will enjoy and support sim racing that is the most important thing of all. :cool:

    Laser scanned tracks they are only as good as the person using the info iracing bathurst crap to pcars bathurst, so i do think ppl can make great tracks without having to use laser scan.
  19. tedwards

    tedwards Registered

    Jun 20, 2015
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    do you know anywhere to get reliable setups... the terrible defaults are making it hard for me to progress at all.
  20. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    try race department there site has some good 1's

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