Can I get a picture for car in RF2? Marussia, Corvett, or other car? I have a video where the guy shows how to work with alpha channel. How does this apply to RF2 cars?
rF1 and rF2 work the same when it comes to the alpha channel. If you follow what the person in the video was talking about you will be getting high gloss in the areas you want.
Is there a reference image available that labels what part/area of the vehicle is where within the template files - the wireframe is mostly sufficient, but, there are still a few areas which I am not sure what area of the car they actually associate with. Also, I wonder if anyone has a third-party .dds skin/model viewer?
Not sure about a skin viewer, but if you wish to see where each part goes I find it best to put numbers or colors on a template and make a skin to see where they show up in the showroom. Obviously you would need to make each piece a separate color or number so there is no confusion. Numbers work better btw so that you can see if any portion of the skin is going to require that decals be mirrored instead of normal.
I recommend making a .dds that is entirely a color gradient, very broad, with a circular layout. When you view it in the game, note which parts of the car carry which odd colors, and then you can identify which area in the template pretty easily. Look at the attachment to see what I mean. View attachment 7596 Oh, and particular parts I did write words on to see what they were... you can see a little of that on the rollbar, and the bulkhead behind the driver says "WHAT IS THIS THEN" in small text, if you look closely.
The gradient is an interesting idea, but to be certain that you can easily identify the parts, I would still recommend each area on the template getting it's own color. With gradient there is a possibility that 2 parts might have the same or very similar colors so being able to identify a single part becomes more difficult.
Isn't the "Reload" button in spinner working? When I hit the Reload button, nothing happens and I have to relaunch the game to see the changes I've made.
Am I doing something wrong then? My skin is in rFactor2/USerData/player/Settings/M2009_car/M_2009_01/ I overwrite it, press reload and nothing.
It's just the first underscore character in the M_2009_01 folder name. It should be M2009_01. The name of this folder must be exactly as the .veh file name appears (minus the .veh extension) in the M2009_team.mas file.
Ok I dont think this is working in 228 as an update may of changed something so need some help please, trying to get Skins working for AI (offline), but when I get to the (bold) part at the bottom I get an error message saying "error opening mod file". In the MAS program the File area is blank above but that's because this is a fresh/new I'm a little lost, any help would be greatly appreciated thanks EDIT: ok scrap the above, clicked the File and chose a name and it saved and packaged correctly....but now when I install the rfcmp nothing shows up in game EDIT2: ok getting there (hehe!), created an RFMOD not an RFCMP and I've got it up and running in game....but I cant get it to show under All Cars All Tracks
Hey, how can I fix that in the Marrussia the old logo no longer shine through?
Have a question about the file DDS naming. When have skin named i can find it in the game, with the same named (for example) I can't find it in the game. There are a rule for naming of one's skin ? Also, if I put my own skin, for exemple, in CR6_06 folder named, if I go on a server and an other player have an another in C6R_06 folder and use it too, what's happened with the auto skin download ? Mine is overwrited ? The game don't download the other skin, or the game download and rename the second skin ? Thank
@GaetanL As far as i know you must also create a new "Altpjd1.veh" file for the new skin. This file contains the property: DefaultLivery="" This way you tell the sim to use a new livery. Just copy paste an existing .veh for the new CR6 "as a template" and just change that value. If I recall correctly: - You will not be able to select the new livery for a multiplayer race if the server does not have the livery properly installed. - In case that another player is using the same livery name in another putor then every player sees his own version of the livery for that car, since I've not tested this yet in rf2 I can't assure you that the livery will not be overwritten but in rf1 livery where not shared across multiplayer sessions, and where also excluded from checksum validation (when you join to a server and shows a msg like "file.ext mismatch"). This is also valid for sound files, everything else validates unless specified otherwise in the server .plr file.
Ok thank I will try that. If I understand, I mustg create a new file.txt with only one line contain DefaultLivery="" and after I must save as "Altpjd1.veh"
Mmm ... not quite right 1) Copy an existing .veh file (because contains several propertys and values) 2) Change DefaultLivery="" to match the name of your DDS file 3) Name the new .VEH file with the same name of the DDS file (without his extention of course) Example: ----------- C6_Livery_Folder |_ |_ Altpjd1.veh Edit 1: ------- The .veh file also has extra info that could be changed, like the Driver's name, Engine, Manufacturer, Description, etc etc... but just make sure not to edit Category or Classes.